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[i习作temp] Issue114 请指点,谢谢! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-1-7 18:06:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue114: “Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.”

Can technology completely change the condition of humanity? I cannot give out an absolutely positive answer or a negative one, for the condition of humanity involves diverse aspects of society and the whole world. Although technological innovations have taken place, depending on mere technology, we should not solve all problems of humanity, such as war, violence and poverty. However, we also should not overlook the contributions that have been made to the condition of humanity by technology. I will try to demonstrate my view on this issue as follows.

In the first place, technology has improved the condition of humanity in the social area. Let us see the agricultural technology, using advanced agricultural machines and technologies enable a given farm land to yield much more food than before, in this way, more people can survive with the extra food, and thus decrease part of famine in the world. Moreover, medical technology has made greatly development, and public sanitation and curing of illness have been advanced significantly, and health-care in large part ensures the stability of society. Furthermore, with the development of information technology, globalization is increasingly growing up, and then the whole world is more like “an earth village” now. An example is the recent tsunami happened in the southern Asia, people all over the world know this catastrophe immediately by the means of the modern media, such as radios, televisions and the Internet, which are supported by the technological innovations. And as a reaction, many people take part in the activity to help disastrous peoples. In my view, from discussed above everyone can see the advancement of condition of humanity.

In the second place, technological innovations also have improved human daily lives, and help people get rid of hard work in many aspects. For example, agriculture machinery helps farmers get out of the strenuous agricultural works, and it is possible for farmers to have more leisure time. In addition, with the inventions of household electrical appliances, such as washing machines, dish-washing machines, vacuum cleaners and so forth, housewives can extricate out of the onerous housework, and then can take part in social affairs and hence they should have their occupations and careers. Thus technology enables women to change their social status and meanwhile get more human rights. Moreover, assembly-lines replace manufacturers’ workers, and then machines directed by computers do more dangerous work instead of human beings. From the changes made by technology just listed, we can see that human beings' condition has been improved.

Admittedly, there are war, violence and poverty, which exist along with the history of human beings for a long time. Only depending on technology, we cannot eliminate all of these things, what is more, they require more care of human being, understanding between nations, and the power of all people in the world to mitigate.

In sum, based on discussed above, I would like to put forward my point of view on this issue: technology has indeed improved the condition of humanity, but to improve the condition of humanity only depending on technology is not enough, rather, it requires the united power of people all over the world.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-1-7 19:05:35 |只看该作者
Issue114: “Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.”

Can technology completely change the condition of humanity? I cannot give out an absolutely positive answer or a negative one, for the condition of humanity involves diverse aspects of society and the whole world. Although technological innovations have taken place, depending on mere technology技术革命仅仅依靠技术,怀疑中。。。, we should not solve all problems of humanity, such as war, violence and poverty. However, we also should not overlook the contributions that have been made to the condition of humanity by technology. I will try to demonstrate my view on this issue as follows.同时给出正反两方的意见,不太好分析,看看你的下文哈;)

In the first place, technology has improved the condition of humanity in the social area. Let us see the agricultural technology, using advanced agricultural machines and technologies enable a given farm land to yield much more food than before, in this way, more people can survive with the extra food, and thus decrease part of famine in the world. Moreover, medical technology has made greatly development, and public sanitation and curing of illness have been advancedcuring of illness用advance谓语不太合适吧? significantly, and health-care in large part ensures the stability of society. Furthermore, with the development of information technology, globalization is increasingly growing up, and then the whole world is more like “an earth village” now. An example is the recent tsunami happened in the southern Asia, people all over the world know this catastrophe immediately by the means of the modern media, such as radios, televisions and the Internet, which are supported by the technological innovations. And as a reaction, many people take part in the activity to help disastrous peoples.这个例子非常好,这真是我的不足之处,向你学习!! In my view, from discussed above everyone can see the advancement of condition of humanity.

In the second place, technological innovations also have improved human daily lives, and help people get rid of hard work in many aspects. For example, agriculture machinery helps farmers get out of the strenuous agricultural works, and it is possible for farmers to have more leisure time. In addition, with the inventions of household electrical appliances, such as washing machines, dish-washing machines, vacuum cleaners and so forth, housewives can extricate out of the onerous housework, and then can take part in social affairs and hence they should have their occupations and careers. Thus technology enables women to change their social status and meanwhile get more human rights.说得女性天生要做家务状。。。 Moreover, assembly-lines replace manufacturers’ workers, and then machines directed by computers do more dangerous work instead of human beings. From the changes made by technology just listed, we can see that human beings' condition has been improved.但是并不完全是humanity的progress

Admittedly, there are war, violence and poverty, which exist along with the history of human beings for a long time. Only depending on technology, we cannot eliminate all of these things, what is more, they require more care of human being, understanding between nations, and the power of all people in the world to mitigate.

In sum, based on discussed above, I would like to put forward my point of view on this issue: technology has indeed improved the condition of humanity, but to improve the condition of humanity only depending on technology is not enough, rather, it requires the united power of people all over the world.
我理解你的意思是认为humanity can be improved by the tech innovation.题目并没强调completely,so 我认为你的开头既可以表明这种态度,没有必要给自己制造麻烦吧?
;) SHIFT for future

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-1-7 20:52:33 |只看该作者


Issue114: “Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.”

Can technology completely change the condition of humanity? I cannot give out[out多余的吧] an absolutely positive answer or a negative one, for the condition of humanity involves diverse aspects of society and the whole world. Although technological innovations have taken place, depending on mere technology,we should not solve all problems of humanity, such as war, violence and poverty. However, we also should not overlook the contributions that have been made to the condition of humanity by technology. I will try to demonstrate my view on this issue as follows.[感觉不够精练和深入]

In the first place, technology has improved the condition of humanity in the social area. Let us see the agricultural technology, using advanced agricultural machines and technologies enable a given farm land to yield much more food than before, in this way,[改成in which case?] more people can survive with the extra food, and thus decrease part of famine in the world. Moreover, medical technology has made greatly development[主动结构,错], and public sanitation and (curing of illness)[people's healthy conditions] have been advanced  significantly, and health-care in large part ensures the stability of society. Furthermore, with the development of information technology, globalization is increasingly growing up, and then the whole world is more like “an earth village” now. An example is the recent tsunami happened in the southern Asia, people all over the world know this catastrophe immediately by the means of the modern media, such as radios, televisions and the Internet, which are supported by the technological innovations. And as a reaction, many people take part in the activity to help disastrous peoples.[这个例子非常好,但是还没有利用到顶。潜在价值没有挖掘够,还有很大发展空间]In my view, from discussed above everyone can see the advancement of condition of humanity.

In the second place, technological innovations also have improved human daily lives, and help people get rid of hard work in many aspects. For example, agriculture machinery helps farmers get out of the strenuous agricultural works, and it is possible for farmers to have more leisure time. In addition, with the inventions of household electrical appliances, such as washing machines, dish-washing machines, vacuum cleaners and so forth, housewives can extricate out of the onerous housework, and then can take part in social affairs and hence they should have their occupations and careers. Thus technology enables women to change their social status and meanwhile get more human rights. Moreover, assembly-lines replace manufacturers’ workers, and then machines directed by computers do more dangerous work instead of human beings. From the changes made by technology just listed, we can see that human beings' condition has been improved.

Admittedly, there are war, violence and poverty, which exist along with the history of human beings for a long time. Only depending on technology, we cannot eliminate all of these things, what is more, they require more care of human being, understanding between nations, and the power of all people in the world to mitigate.

In sum, based on discussed above, I would like to put forward my point of view on this issue[这种话,好硬啊,一点起承转合的味道都没有]: technology has indeed improved the condition of humanity, (but to improve the condition of humanity only depending on technology is not enough,)[不地道。倒过来好点,but depending only on technology is not enough to improve the condition of humanity.感觉仍不够好,但是读起来似乎顺了些。 ] rather, it requires the united power of people all over the world.


1        Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so.所谓人类没有取得进步是什么?哪方面?人类在某些方面可能确实没有进展,但是很明显在某些方面取得了巨大进展。作者的的第一句宽泛而且绝对而且没有根据,也不客观。这句话问题很大。要展多开可展多开(但是针对这个Issue,由于很有话可说,所以就不必囿于这句话了。如果在其他不好写Issue里,这第一句话就很有论证价值了)

2          整个issue 忽略了技术带来的巨大好处。其实好处大大outweigh坏处

3        issue里的严重逻辑错误。人们 的条件没有得到改善,一些严重的问题出现或仍未消失,不是技术本身的问题,而是可能是人们对技术的滥用。无论是原子弹还是生物技术,从技术本身来说都是值得肯定的。该否定的是人们对待技术的态度和方式,比如蒋生物技术用来做生化武器

4        War, violence, and poverty are still with us不是技术的fault。仅就这三个方面来说,技术的对其也有贡献,相对以前,技术已经大大改善他们了。另外,正因为这些东西还存在,我们更需要继续大力发展技术来解决这些问题。很多condition 的改变和提高还要依靠技术
5        Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.”是完全错误的无端的结论。不管是正面的或是负面的,技术必然会影响我们,从而我们的条件也会变,无论变好变坏。人类的历史,尤其是近代史体现了技术的巨大威力和对人类深刻的影响。技术的影响如今已无处不再,这是总所周之的

感觉这篇比较好写,所以想拿来做限时练习。今天有点晚了,精神状态也不太好。明天大早打算来限时炼一下,争取明早贴出来和你叫板   ;)  :D
呵呵,考完了,感觉还可以,一切都还顺利,没有浪费一分钟,时间全部利用上了,感觉时间还是很紧哦。虽有好的思想但是来不及全部表达。不过基本上达到ETS要求了吧,觉得要拿个够用的4分还是有希望的。自己感觉考场上写的时候比前几天的限时作文还顺手些。我平时限时作文总是思维卡壳,今天还好,由于题目对胃口,没有停顿下来思考过,所以字数感觉应该上了400 的了。可是我练习时有次只有394字啊。题目我已经帖到机经那个主题下了,大家参考一下。






使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-1-8 14:12:48 |只看该作者


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-1-8 15:20:29 |只看该作者


啊,你只比我晚四天啊  同病相怜啊


表达还有救吗?兄弟 ,你问我我问谁啊。我还是热国上的蚂蚁啊


不管怎么样,加油!一起add oil  !!!
呵呵,考完了,感觉还可以,一切都还顺利,没有浪费一分钟,时间全部利用上了,感觉时间还是很紧哦。虽有好的思想但是来不及全部表达。不过基本上达到ETS要求了吧,觉得要拿个够用的4分还是有希望的。自己感觉考场上写的时候比前几天的限时作文还顺手些。我平时限时作文总是思维卡壳,今天还好,由于题目对胃口,没有停顿下来思考过,所以字数感觉应该上了400 的了。可是我练习时有次只有394字啊。题目我已经帖到机经那个主题下了,大家参考一下。






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