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[i习作temp] issue112 这样写可以吗 快考了,帮忙看看,互改啊 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-31 01:09:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 112 some educational systems emphasize the development of students’ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.

Nowadays, no social proposal is as controversial, yet overheated as the one put forward by the speaker, that is,  our educational systems should as well taught students emotions skill in addition to reasoning and logical thinking.  Reasonable explanations in respect to this suggestion state that with increasing life complexity and psychological displacement leaded by this era’s rapid social and technological change, we should cultivate our student to be a whole human being standing on a balanced development of intelligence and emotion to overcome emotional perplexity as well to gain success in their career.

No elements affect contemporary society profoundly as emotion does for they are essential for citizen to conform social moral regulation. Imaging a world without human sentiment, what would happen to us in our daily life? There would be no love, no warm between human beings.  The society will be in a chaos, crimes would come up here and there. Even now, in many great universities, committing suicides between students are reported every year with a surprising number that we can hardly believe. Today’s students bearing pressure from family, society, and companions could barely find a place to release this stress or breathe a fresh air.  Although many schools have set up psychological consulting institutions, their effect is not obvious as we expect.  Last year, a student in one of Chinese universities was punished to death for he killed three of his classmates on campus in means every sensitive people would find too horrible to suppose. This incidence had caused an intensive conversation concerning students’ moral situation throughout the world.  We all should come to a consensus that it is urgent to explore students’ emotion to prepare them for a society full of competitions and uncertainty.

No one can deny the fact that people succeed in their career are excelled others both in intelligence and emotion.  As we all known, everyone pursuing achievement have to strike on the ways paved with hazards as well as troubles.  One need courage, persistence as well as insight to struggle to climax.  Without persistence, Edison could never invent light bulb after 1800 trials on finding proper material. Nobel must possessed tolerance to bear the stress put on him for he killed his brother in accident when doing experiment on bomb. Leaders in enterprises must love their employees. Sensitivity to employee needs, wants, and concerns is at the top of their priorities.  These are all emotional skills for being a accomplished man.  Moreover, what distinguish human beings from wild animals is that human hold sense and affection.  Love is the most wonderful thing in the world.  “You can not touch the cloud, but you can feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day, you can not touch love either, but you can feel the sweetness that it pours into everything.”  This is what Francis Bacon once described about love.  Students being taught to explore their emotion would be more sensitive to love or other kinds of affection which make him a much sensitive people helpful to communicate with others and easy to receive recognition in society.

Considering we should possess capacity for reasoning and logical thinking to make judgment, we should also explore our emotion to prevent our behaviors from being too rude and to perceive the beautiful things (such as love) in the world. We become a whole and successful human being for both the ability of intelligence and emotion.


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