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[i习作temp] Issue93 616words, 写好提纲开始计时, 感觉还可以~~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-8 20:43:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue93 !
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     616 words
The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.
I agree the author's statement insofar as that our actions are indeed restricted by a lot of forces not of our making. Nonetheless, the author goes too far, by suggesting that these behaviors are largely decided by these circumstances and "individual responsibility" is a fiction. Moreover, in my opinions, it is also important to realize that individual responsibility has much to do with the whole society, therefore is quite necessary for everyone.

Admittedly, there do exist large numbers of forces which limit our choices and responsibilities. For instance, one can not decide his parentage, race and nation, which will exert considerable influence on the course of his/her life. Also, on and above these born's conditions, the society and the age could have dramatic effect on one's behaviors and responsibilities, in the sense that the society and the times often set lots of constraint on each member.

However, this is not to say that, these limitations really decide our actions and make our personal responsibilities fictions. On the one hand, albeit I concede that we have no opportunity of judging whether or not we can born with a sliver spoon in our mouth, these born's conditions is not the dominant factor in our lives. In fact, one can depend on self to attain success, no matter how unfortunate when he/she comes into world. One paradigmatic example involves Lincoln. With such humble origins and less than one year of formal education, he can still choose to become one of the greatest men in American history. In other words, people's behavior and their responsibilities are not determined by the force respecting his born.

On the other hand, although I concede the pressure from the society and the age, sometimes, is so large that people who want violent this restriction might have to pay a lot, even at the cost of their lives, I still consider such restrictions as what can be surmount and beaten. Even in the most despotic kingdom, there exist valiant who can insist their responsibilities and opt to behave as what the want. If we cast a look at the stream of history, we would dig out a multitude of illustration for this perspective. For instance, the story of heliocentricism immediately comes to mind. In order to travel the road to the city of truth, there are so many people, such as Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Newton, and the like, who decided to give a full play to their role of scientists, and bear in mind their individual responsibilities as telling the truth, even at the cost of their lives. This example is used to point out that, even in the most precarious situation, one can also make a judgement about good and evil, and determine their own actions, by themselves.

Last but not least, personal responsibility is quite necessary, in the sense that it is not separated from the society. Quite the contrary, the society is consist of individuals, thus it is the responsibility and behavior of each social member that constitute the whole properties of the group. Just as Gandhi once said, "It was wrong to say that what an isolated unit did had no wider consequences. On the contrary, it was the citizen's sense of responsibility for his own action that ultimately forms the characters of the nation.” In this sense, personal responsibility has a considerable influence on the entire group.

In last analysis, albeit people's behavior is limited by lots of forces which are not determined by individuals, we still have chance to decide our actions as well as our personal responsibilities. Further, this responsibility plays a vital role in the determining the character of the society.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-9 at 01:24 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-9 09:15:36 |只看该作者
I agree the author's statement insofar as that our actions are indeed restricted by a lot of forces not of our making. Nonetheless, the author goes too far, by suggesting that these behaviors are largely decided by these circumstances and "individual responsibility" is a fiction. Moreover, in my opinions, it is also important to realize that individual responsibility has much to do with the whole society, therefore is quite necessary for everyone.

Admittedly, there do exist large numbers of forces which limit our choices and responsibilities. For instance, one can not decide his parentage, race and nation, which will exert considerable influence on the course of his/her life. Also, on and above these born'sborn可作形容词,inborn? conditions, the society and the age could have dramatic effect on one's behaviors and responsibilities, in the sense that the society and the times often set lots of constraint on each member.

However, this is not to say that, these limitations really decide our actions and make our personal responsibilities fictions. On the one hand, albeit I concede that we have no opportunity of judging whether or not we can born with a sliver spoon in our mouth这句可能需要用虚拟, these born's conditions is not the dominant factor in our lives. In fact, one can depend on self to attain success, no matter how unfortunate when he/she comes into world. One paradigmatic example involves Lincoln. With such humble origins and less than one year of formal education, he can still choose to strive一类的词更好? become one of the greatest men in American history. In other words, people's behavior and their responsibilities are not determined by the force respecting his born.

On the other hand, although I concede the pressure from the society and the age, sometimes, is so large that people who want violent this restriction might have to pay a lot, even at the cost of their lives, I still consider such restrictions as what can be surmount and beaten. Even in the most despotic kingdom, there exist valiant who can insist their responsibilities and opt to behave as what the want. If we cast a look at the stream of history, we would dig out a multitude of illustration for this perspective. For instance, the story of heliocentricism immediately comes to mind. In order to travel the road to the city of truth, there are so many people, such as Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Newton, and the like, who decided to give a full play to their role of scientists, and bear in mind their individual responsibilities as telling the truth, even at the cost of their lives. This example is used to point out that, even in the most precarious situation, one can also make a judgement about good and evil, and determine their own actions, by themselves.

Last but not least, personal responsibility is quite necessary, in the sense that it is not separated from the society. Quite the contrary, the society is consist of individuals, thus it is the responsibility and behavior of each social member that constitute the whole properties of the group. Just as Gandhi once said, "It was wrong to say that what an isolated unit did had no wider consequences. On the contrary, it was the citizen's sense of responsibility for his own action that ultimately forms the characters of the nation.” In this sense, personal responsibility has a considerable influence on the entire group.我觉得你把上一段和这一段的笔墨平衡一下会更好 这一段的观点很好但是感觉说的不够透
前面的b1b2都是说个人责任的可能性,这一段转而说必要性 是另一个观点了 应该再详细写些

In last analysis, albeit people's behavior is limited by lots of forces which are not determined by individuals, we still have chance to decide our actions as well as our personal responsibilities. Further, this responsibility plays a vital role in the determining the character of the society.
2005 Aug 25 北京

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-9 09:16:17 |只看该作者
2005 Aug 25 北京

使用道具 举报

RE: Issue93 616words, 写好提纲开始计时, 感觉还可以~~~ [修改]
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Issue93 616words, 写好提纲开始计时, 感觉还可以~~~
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