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[i习作temp] issue51 高频,第一篇,谢谢大家! [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-10 16:18:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 51
“Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual need and interests of each student.”

   Should education be specifically designed to meet the need and interests of each students and only in that case can it be regarded as effective, as the speaker asserts? In response to this contention, I would identify education as two distinct types: the general education and the vocational education. In categorizing education into these two types, I would refer to the general education as the process that we teach our young ,aiming to help them grow and get mature; while the vocational education is focusing on the preparation for a career or occupation. Concerning the different characteristics of these two types, the answer to this question would not be a unified one.
   I would be totally in favor of this assertion if it were discussing the vocational education. Such an education should be, most importantly, practical and useful, that is, to help a student to equip themselves with the specific skills he or she needs to be proficient and adequate in the fields he or she will soon step into. Since a good way of measuring effectiveness of some approach is comparing the input and output, we can resort to it in determining whether such an education is effective. As the output of the education can be set as an ultimate skilled person ready for work, we only have to look at the input, i.e. how is the education serving to prepare a person, in other words, how is the education aiming at its goal--the career that an individual student seeks to.
Put it more specifically, involving various of training within its system, for example, mechanism, cooking, computer programming, or even performing, the vocational education is trying to meet every individual’s need and interests to be effective.
   However, when it turns to the field of general education, we find it quite inappropriate to judge the effectiveness in this way. Consider the intent to meet every individual’s need first. While in the elementary schools within the general education system, which serves to deal with the innocent and childish children, the primary task is to teach them the basic skills to learn, i.e. reading, speaking, writing, as the foundation of any further development, and to instill some fundamental ethics in them, that is, make sense of the importance to love the country and the family, to respect others as well as self-esteem, to honor the justice and equity of the society as to combat against the versus. Without the accomplishment of this task, any further discussion would be meaningless, and the judgment of effectiveness should surely be placed on such areas. It is difficult to require a specific and distinguished design based on every individual’s need; or unless it can be inferred that within this period of life, all individuals’ needs are uniform in terms of being trained the basic learning skills and learning the essential values, the statement can be true.
   While in respect of meeting every individual’s interest, the statement cannot be regarded as precise or accurate given the subject is the general education. Prior to the attempt to meet the interest of everyone, we might raise such a question as what everyone’s interest is at all. The interesting thing would be that we may not find the answer. Maybe most of us have the sense in common that when we were 6 or 7 years old, we were interested in almost everything. While at this time a child wants to draw a crayon picture, but within half an hour, he would turn to the electronic piano and “composes” a song of his own. The truth is that children have even not formed their interest demonstrably out of their unlimited curiosity of the world, which is just too broad and mysterious for them. On realizing this, we would not make the blind effort to design so-called specific, individual-oriented education to achieve the vague “effectiveness”. To be more serious, we find that it is just another important part of the general education to help pupils to discern their real interest, through excavating his internal potential and advantages over others that promise a sensible devotion to the field or enterprise he will be sincerely interested in.
   In sum, to decide whether an education is effective or not one should be aware of what specific type of education is in question. The vocational education and general education are obviously different from each other in respects of the tasks, the objections, and the approaches they may adopt. However, one standard that can be assured is that, only when an education can serve to function appropriately as it fit the right niche of the society, can it be called an effective one with honor.

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