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[未归类] issue36 wish help from others... [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-12 14:00:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

Note-- Great: 1, Superior in quality or character; noble
              2, Of outstanding significance or importance


  Among the qualities of people in the long history, greatness is the most brilliant. Therefore, a interesting question arise: what or who decide their greatness? Some people tend to think that, the greatness of a person can be decided by his contemporaries, while others contended that only the people who leave after him can decide his greatness. However, as to me, such a problem concerning the origin of greatness should not be so simple.

   If we examine human history closely, we can find many people whose greatness are either overemphasized or unwarrantedly depreciated. Such a deviation from the right judgment can be traced to a lacking of adequate historical context. For example, no serious individual in our times will ignore the greatness of Galileo. Nevertheless, such a “real” great man was in his times so disparaged by numerous so-called authorities that his true greatness was completely shadowed. His invention of telescope and his discipline of free-falling objects are considered heretical by churches and even many scientists. Because his contemporaries were so deeply influenced by what is regarded as orthodox and were never able to see what great influence on future generation Galileo’s theory would have, these people certainly can’t accept Galileo’s achievement. It is thus only through putting a man into a great range of historical context can the fully appreciation of his greatness become possible.

  However, even if we succeed in putting a great man into a proper historical context, we may also can’t recognize his greatness fully. Consider our great ancestors, many of them are the most brilliant leaders. By putting them into the historical context, we are able to see their greatness. However, lacking further information about them, we can form no futher perspective about them, therefore we can only ambiguously say that they are “great man”, but we can’t answer the question about how they become great in their times. In many cases, because we can’t see the full aspects of their lives, such “greatnesses” or even the great man may be only a imagination at all. We can see no further about our legends. There are many great characters in it, and we can’t deny their greatness even we put them in a context of long history. But is their existence are true? How many of their stories is real? These problems may be easy to our ancestors, but no easy ones to us.

  Therefore, as illustrated above, present people can put their ancestors in a right historical context, but they may lost many important information about the past; their ancestor’s contemporaries hold in control many important information, but they can’t see their greatness in a large picture of historical context. In many cases, a man’s greatness can be recognize adequately either by his contemporaries or the people who lives after him. Notice that, here I use the word “recognize”, not “decide”. In fact, whether a man is great or not is decided not by human beings, but by the influence he exert on the development of human. In short, a man’s greatness is decided by the history and may even unstable. Thinking about Isaac Newton, we will easily find that his greatness was unchallenged before the theory of relative but to some extent abated after the publish of relativism. However, even such a abatement exists, we still consider Newton the most great man because his theory’s contribution to the development of human beings. In fact, many dispute about a individual’s greatness occurs because his/her contribution to human development is inconspicuous or not recognized by us.

  In conclusion, to say that a man’s greatness is decided by someone is fundamentally wrong. Greatness is indeed a historical quality of someone, therefore, it only can be decided by the history itself.

[ Last edited by 11yaoyao on 2005-12-12 at 14:42 ]
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