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[a习作temp] ARGUMENT38[Coursework-01]-Coffee Team Of Latte@Hunson [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-21 18:20:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
38.The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public
Health Council. (考频:28)
"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to
significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study
reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high,
people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of
colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds.
Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school
and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement
derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower
A有这样的结果,不一定是这个事情造成的。(1、其它原因 2、因果倒置 3、原因的真实性)吃鱼不一定能导致感冒减少,也许是East Meria当地的气候问题或者居民打了预防针什么的,或者跟其他饮食因素有关,或者当地人注重锻炼,从而吃鱼和减少少感冒之间没有必然的因果联系
不能简单的拿East Meria和本地类比,也许本地人根本就不喜欢吃鱼或者根本没有足够的鱼可吃,或者是沙漠缺水地区产鱼量少鱼的价格很贵,一般本人根本吃不起,或者因为习惯根本不吃鱼。
In this argument, the arguer assumes that take fish oil product, Ichthaid by name , could reduce the frequency of getting cold by a study of East Meria ,that eat a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds, and thus could reduce the absenteeism in schools and workplaces at West Meria. At first glance, the conclusion seems to be plausible, but by a thorough examination of this argument would find it fails to some critical fallacies.

  First of all, the cold and the absenteeism bear none of associated cause and effect relationship.
It is possible that the habitants of West Meria sometimes suffer form bad climate such Tornado or downfall, so as to be unwilling to take the job, or that the low Salary according to the payout make the citizens must find another part-time job by utilizing the absent time to make up. Therefore ,the viewpoint that cold induce absenteeism is groundless or unfounded.

Secondly, even the cold is the main reason of absent form workplaces or schools, the arguer also make a false conclusion that, at West Meria, people catch few cold only by reason of taking fish as daily food. Maybe ,the environment of East Meria in a more warm climate is better than that of West Meria ,or the dwellers of East Meria are conditioned to do exercise regularly, or even epidemic prevention had just been done in a full range . Under these circumstances, consuming adequate fish would not effectively bear the function of preventing cold any more.

In a addition, on the assumption for sure that taking fish is in effect, but no evidence could be convinced it would be applicable in West Meria. In fact, Many factors may baffle the fish-eating consideration, such as scanty of lake or fishpond to yield fish ,and thereby price here is high more than inhabitants could afford, or in the extreme the West Meria's residents have a disrelish for fish. therefore, the arguer commits the false belief in establishing a causal relationship between eating fish and lowering colds.

Final but not he last, the arguer hurriedly amplify on that the daily use of the Ichthaid as a substitute for fish would prevent cold. Even if taking Ichthaid as a good way to prevent colds and consequently being capable of lowering absenteeism, it seems that it is not the only panacea. As we know, the fish contains a lot of nutrition which are all beneficial to people's health, so we can't oversimplify the curative effect of other component and merely aggrandize the ingredients of abstracted fish oil product, the Ichthaid. Moreover, on the account of the fact that the memo appeared in a newsletter by a profitable Health Council with suspicious propensity, the argument suffers from the veracious assessment of the Ichthaid.

  All in all, the conclusion reached in this memo is not subjective and maybe misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should have to provide the inevitable connection between eating fish, lowering colds, reducing absenteeism, and necessity of taking Ichthaid as substitute for fish. hence, the arguer must rule out the aforementioned possibility that may weaken the arguer’s conclusion.

[ Last edited by hunson on 2005-12-23 at 08:04 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-21 22:43:26 |只看该作者

"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to
significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study
reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high,
people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of
colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds.
Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school
and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement
derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower
A有这样的结果,不一定是这个事情造成的。(1、其它原因 2、因果倒置 3、原因的真实性)吃鱼不一定能导致感冒减少,也许是East Meria当地的气候问题或者居民打了预防针什么的,或者跟其他饮食因素有关,或者当地人注重锻炼,从而吃鱼和减少少感冒之间没有必然的因果联系
不能简单的拿East Meria和本地类比,也许本地人根本就不喜欢吃鱼或者根本没有足够的鱼可吃,或者是沙漠缺水地区产鱼量少鱼的价格很贵,一般本人根本吃不起,或者因为习惯根本不吃鱼。
In this argument, the arguer assumes that take fish oil product, Ichthaid by name , could reduce the frequency of getting cold by a study of East Meria ,that eat a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds, and thus could reduce the absenteeism in schools and workplaces at West Meria. At first glance, the conclusion seems to be plausible, but by a thorough examination of this argument would find it fails to some critical fallacies.

  First of all, the cold and the absenteeism bear none of associated cause and effect relationship.
It is possible that the habitants of West Meria sometimes suffer form(from) bad climate such (as)Tornado or downfall, so as to be unwilling to take the job, or that the low Salary according to the payout make the citizens must find another part-time job by utilizing the absent time to make up. Therefore ,the viewpoint that cold induce absenteeism is groundless or unfounded.

Secondly, even the cold is the main reason of absent form(from) workplaces or schools, the arguer also make(makes) a false conclusion that, at West Meria, people catch few cold only by reason of taking fish as daily food. Maybe ,the environment of East Meria in a more warm climate is better than that of West Meria ,or the dwellers of East Meria are conditioned to do exercise regularly, or even epidemic prevention had just been done in a full range . Under these circumstances, consuming adequate fish would not effectively bear the function of preventing cold any more.

In a(an) addition, on the assumption for sure that taking fish is in effect, but no evidence could be convinced it would be applicable in West Meria. In fact, Many factors may baffle the fish-eating consideration, such as scanty of lake or fishpond to yield fish ,and thereby price here is high more than inhabitants could afford, or in the extreme the West Meria's residents have a disrelish for fish. therefore, the arguer commits the false belief in establishing a causal relationship between eating fish and lowering colds.

Final but not he(the) last, the arguer hurriedly amplify on that the daily use of the Ichthaid as a substitute for fish would prevent cold. Even if taking Ichthaid as a good way to prevent colds and consequently being capable of lowering absenteeism, it seems that it is not the only panacea. As we know, the fish contains a lot of nutrition which all beneficial to people's health, so we can't oversimplify the curative effect of other component and merely aggrandize the ingredients of abstracted fish oil product, the Ichthaid. Moreover, on the account of the fact that the memo appeared in a newsletter by a profitable Health Council with suspicious propensity, the argument suffers from the veracious assessment of the Ichthaid.

  All in all, the conclusion reached in this memo is not subjective and maybe misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should have to provide the inevitable connection between eating fish, lowering colds, reducing absenteeism, and necessity of taking Ichthaid as substitute for fish. hence, the arguer must rule out the aforementioned possibility that may weaken the arguer’s conclusion

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-21 23:02:49 |只看该作者


In this argument, the arguer assumes that take (taking)fish oil product, Ichthaid by name , could reduce the frequency of getting cold by (according to) a study of East Meria that eat (eating) a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds, and thus could reduce the absenteeism in schools and workplaces at West Meria. At first glance, the conclusion seems to be plausible, but by a thorough examination of this argument would find it fails to (suffers from) some critical fallacies.

  First of all, the cold and the absenteeism bear none of associated cause and effect relationship.
It is possible that the habitants of West Meria sometimes suffer form bad climate such as Tornado or downfall, so as to be unwilling to take the job. or (Or) that the low salary according to the payout makes the citizens must find another part-time job by utilizing the absent time to make up (taking up extra time, which may lead to absenteeism). Therefore ,the viewpoint that cold induces absenteeism is groundless or (and) unfounded.

Secondly, even the cold is the main reason of absent (being absent) from workplaces or schools, the arguer also makes a false conclusion that, at West Meria, people catch few cold only by reason of taking fish as daily food. Maybe ,the environment of East Meria in a more warm climate is better than that of West Meria ,or the dwellers of East Meria are conditioned to do exercise regularly, or even epidemic prevention had (have) just been done in a full range . Under these circumstances, consuming adequate fish would not effectively bear the function of preventing cold any more.

In a addition, on the assumption for sure that taking fish is in effect, but no evidence could be convinced (convince me that) it would be applicable in West Meria as well. In fact, many factors may baffle the fish-eating consideration, such as scanty of lake or fishpond to yield fish ,and thereby price here is high more (higher) than inhabitants could afford, or in the extreme the West Meria's residents have a disrelish for fish. Therefore, the arguer commits the false belief in establishing a causal relationship between eating fish and lowering colds.

Final but not he last, the arguer hurriedly amplify on that the daily use of the Ichthaid as a substitute for fish would prevent cold. Even if taking Ichthaid as a good way to prevent colds and consequently being capable of lowering absenteeism, it seems that it is perhaps not the only panacea. As we know, the fish contains a lot of nutrition which are (is) all beneficial to people's health, so we can't oversimplify the curative effect of other component and merely aggrandize the ingredients of abstracted fish oil product, the Ichthaid. Moreover, on the account of the fact that the memo appeared in a newsletter by a profitable Health Council with suspicious propensity, the argument suffers from the veracious assessment of the Ichthaid.

  All in all, the conclusion reached in this memo is not subjective and maybe misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should have to provide the inevitable connection between eating fish, lowering colds, reducing absenteeism, and necessity of taking Ichthaid as substitute for fish. Hence, the arguer must rule out the aforementioned possibility that may weaken the arguer’s conclusion.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-22 07:47:41 |只看该作者
In this argument, the arguer assumes that take (taking)fish oil product, Ichthaid by name , could reduce the frequency of getting cold by (according to) a study of East Meria that eat (eating) a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds, and thus could reduce the absenteeism in schools and workplaces at West Meria. At first glance, the conclusion seems to be plausible, but by a thorough examination of this argument would find(主语?) it fails to (suffers from) some critical fallacies.

  First of all, the cold and the absenteeism bear none of associated cause and effect relationship.It is possible that the habitants of West Meria sometimes suffer form bad climate such as Tornado or downfall, so as to be unwilling to take the job. or (Or) that the low salary according to the payout makes the citizens must(去掉?) find another part-time job by utilizing the absent time to make up (taking up extra time, which may lead to absenteeism). Therefore ,the viewpoint that cold induces absenteeism is groundless or (and) unfounded.

Secondly, even the cold is the main reason of absent (being absent) from workplaces or schools, the arguer also makes a false conclusion that, at West Meria, people catch few cold only by reason of taking fish as daily food. Maybe ,the environment of East Meria in a more warm climate is better than that of West Meria ,or the dwellers of East Meria are conditioned to do exercise regularly, or even epidemic prevention had (have) just been done in a full range . Under these circumstances, consuming adequate fish would not effectively bear the function of preventing cold any more.

In a(去掉?) addition, on the assumption for sure that taking fish is in effect, but no evidence could be convinced (convince me that) it would be applicable in West Meria as well. In fact, many factors may baffle the fish-eating consideration, such as scanty of lake or fishpond to yield fish ,and thereby price here is high more (higher) than inhabitants could afford, or in the extreme the West Meria's residents have a disrelish for fish. Therefore, the arguer commits the false belief in establishing a causal relationship between eating fish and lowering colds.

Final but not the last(The last but not the least?), the arguer hurriedly amplify (amplifies)on that the daily use of the Ichthaid as a substitute for fish would prevent colds. Even if taking Ichthaid as a good way to prevent colds and consequently being capable of lowering absenteeism, it seems that it is perhaps not the only panacea. As we know, the fish contains a lot of nutrition which are (is) all beneficial to people's health, so we can't oversimplify the curative effect of other component and merely aggrandize the ingredients of abstracted fish oil product, the Ichthaid. Moreover, on the account of the fact that the memo appeared in a newsletter by a profitable Health Council with suspicious propensity, the argument suffers from the veracious assessment of the Ichthaid.

  All in all, the conclusion reached in this memo is not subjective and maybe misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should have to provide the inevitable connection between eating fish, lowering colds, reducing absenteeism, and necessity of taking Ichthaid as substitute for fish. Hence, the arguer must rule out the aforementioned possibility that may weaken the arguer’s conclusion.

使用道具 举报

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