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[i习作temp] 【kaleidoscope】小组第十次作业issue51 byAtticus [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-21 00:24:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
WORDS: 536
TIME: 00:43:22
DATE: 2009-8-20 10:03:52

The speaker asserts that education will be effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. I agree with the speaker insofar that meeting the needs and interests will help students to learn well and arouse their passion in school, but the purpose of education is not merely limited at this level.

Admittedly, people are likely to share a belief that individual interests play a very important role in students' education from primary school to college. Doubtlessly, once teachers and professors evoke the students' personal interests, they will take pains to do their favorite work passionately, and the enthusiasm is the best weapon to overcome the difficulties they meet. That is why various after-class groups is very popular, which includes piano, painting, and robot model. 'Children at a young age are engaged things they like most, 'the official leader of education department in China, Zhouji once said, ' will probably achieve great success in the field after they grow up.' On the contrary, many college students do not get the chance to choose their favorite profession, and the four years college life seems to be somewhat suffering for them, thereby the advanced education is undermined. In short, meeting the needs and interests of students can help students work hard and achieve their goals, which attribute to a more effective education.

However, the speaker extends that education should meet every individual's needs and interests, which is rather unrealistic and unreasonable, as discussed below.

As the development of technology and the industry revolution, more and more wealth begin to accumulate, and more and more people get a chance to be educated compared to the past. Students' needs and interests vary from one to another, it is very hard for the local educational organizations to satisfy all of them. For example, there are nearly 10,000,000 high students every year to go to college every year, and the enroll number of a certain college is limited. The nation require more to learn scientific technology instead of literature and art to enhance the development of economy, thereby every year there are always students forced to study majors they do not like. This is not rare in China as well as many other nations. Thereby, the goal of meeting the individual needs for all the students is hard to realize.

Moreover, let us take a look at the oriental goal of education. Education is a process to make one realize his own ignorance, as a famous philosopher once pointed out. It is aimed to enlighten students to learn how to adapt the environment, and more importantly, the ways of learning, not merely the knowledge itself. Without question, students will face all kinds of difficulties in their future life since life is not an even road, and they can seldom devote themselves to their favorites all the life time. Therefore, an effective education should be defined not merely satisfy all the needs of the students, but also to cultivate their ability of handling all kinds of undesirable issues as well.

In all, educators should think more about the effectiveness of education, which is no sufficient by satisfying all the needs and interests of each student.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-21 00:38:25 |只看该作者
TOPIC:ISSUE51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it isspecifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests ofeach student."
WORDS: 536
TIME: 00:43:22
DATE: 2009-8-20 10:03:52

The speakerasserts that education will be effective only when it is specificallydesigned to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. Iagree with the speaker insofar that meeting the needs and interestswill help students to learn well and arouse their passion in school,but the purpose of education is not merely limited at this level.

Admittedly,people are likely to share a belief that individual interests play avery important role in students' education from primary school tocollege. Doubtlessly, once teachers and professors evoke the students'personal interests, they will take pains to do their favorite workpassionately, and the enthusiasm is the best weapon to overcome thedifficulties they meet. That is why various after-class groups is verypopular, which includes piano, painting, and robot model. 'Children ata young age are engaged things they like most, 'the official leader ofeducation department in China, Zhouji once said, ' will probablyachieve great success in the field after they grow up.' On thecontrary, many college students do not get the chance to choose theirfavorite profession, and the four years college life seems to besomewhat suffering for them, thereby the advanced education isundermined. In short, meeting the needs and interests of students canhelp students work hard and achieve their goals, which attribute to amore effective education.

However, thespeaker extends that education should meet every individual's needs andinterests, which is rather unrealistic and unreasonable, as discussedbelow.

最好这里点一下题。As thedevelopment of technology and the industry revolution, more and morewealth begin to accumulate, and more and more people get a chance to beeducated compared to the past. Students' needs and interests vary fromone to another, it is very hard for the local educational organizationsto satisfy all of them. For example, there are nearly 10,000,000 highstudents every year to go to college every year, and the enroll numberof a certain college is limited. The nation require more to learnscientific technology instead of literature and art 我觉得这一观点在西方并不一定认同,如果你是陈述个人观点的话加一句让步的话to enhance thedevelopment of economy, thereby every year there are always studentsforced to study majors they do not like. This is not rare in China aswell as many other nations. Thereby, the goal of meeting the individualneeds for all the students is hard to realize.

Moreover,let us take a look at the oriental goal of education. 我觉得这里不必要强调是东方的思想,我觉得教育的本质就是你所如下说的。Education is aprocess to make one realize his own ignorance, as a famous philosopheronce pointed out. It is aimed to enlighten students to learn how toadapt the environment, and more importantly, the ways of learning, notmerely the knowledge itself. Without question, 这句话有点中式英语了,你就说without doubts students will face allkinds of difficulties in their future life since life is not an evenroad, and they can seldom devote themselves to their favorites all thelife time. Therefore, an effective education should be defined notmerely to satisfy all the needs of the students, but also to cultivatetheir ability of handling all kinds of undesirable issues as well. 好句!

In all,educators should think more about the effectiveness of education, whichis no sufficient by satisfying all the needs and interests of eachstudent.结果再丰富点即可

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