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[i习作temp] Issue185 ugw战队第七次作业 狠狠的拍吧~! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-7-23 22:58:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

1 尽管丑闻在很多领域具有重要作用,但是它分散了我们的注意力
2 丑闻在政治领域的作用,水门事件和克林顿事件
3 丑闻在学术界的作用,某教授芯片造假事件
4 丑闻有些时候是不值得这么重视的
5 总结

As the progress of mass media, even the insignificant news can be broadcasted to everyone in the world through the television, radio, or the most powerful internet. Consequently, the scandals can be easily known by the citizens, and therefore plays a crucial role in politics, academia, or some other areas. They, however, distracts our attention from the most pressing problems.

In politics, the fear of scandals can urge the politician to have a good performance and be faithful to his citizens. Perhaps the most familiar and a case in point example is the Watergate Scandal, during which the president Richard Nixon ordered some people to steal his opponent's information. At first, he tried his best to conceal the truth, but finally, under the pressure of the environments, he give up to the court, who urge him to resign from the Oval office. The aftermath of the scandal was the transparent competition in the president election, and who want to conceal the truth before all the citizens will finally be punished. Another illustrative example is the sex scandal between the president Bill Clinton and his secretary Monica Lewinsky. Although Clinton has not resigned, he also suffered greatly from the scandal. Obviously, after the incident, he has been more frank and faithful when dealing with the national affairs.

In academia, scandals also play a role as important as in the politics. Although the truthful is essential when we perform the scientific research, there are also some professors who plagiarize the others' results. The scandal will make the scientists to keep away from it, otherwise, once is discovered, they will be condemned, and their scientific life will end forever. For example, there is a professor, who returned from the USA, in a famous university in our country. He directly brought some microchip from Motorola, one of the biggest companies in the world, and then erased the trade marks. After doing that, he claim that the microchip was invented by him and deluded many specialists. No lies, however, will last forever. At the end, he was fired off by the university. Any scientist who wants to plagiarize perhaps will be hindered by the power of scandals.

Indeed, the scandals are crucial in many areas, but do they really deserve so much attention? Are they actually more important than the endless wars which still carry on in the world, the global warming problem which is more and more severe day by day, and the ever-spreading HIV which threatens more and more people in the world? Absolutely not. Motivating by the natural curiosity, the common people are prone to get interested in the scandals; however, it is the mass media's responsibility to place more emphasis on the pressing societal problems.

In conclusion, the scandals can drastically focus our attention on problems and then lead to effective improvements; however, sometimes they may not deserve so much attention. We need to focus on the urging problems, not merely scandals.

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Issue185 ugw战队第七次作业 狠狠的拍吧~!
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