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[i习作temp] Issue11 有拍必回 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-1 18:50:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue11 All nations should help support thedevelopment of a global university designed to engage students in the processof solving the world's most persistent social problems.
1. 必要性:我们面对的问题时全球性的,需要国家间的合作。
2. 有效性:全球性大学在解决这些凭一己之力难以搞定的顽固问题方面有优势:1. 集思广益(优秀老师云集,学生得到相关的教育,全球合作的项目,以及宽容的学术环境等等)2.集中财力等资源
3. 建立全球性大学应该注意的问题

Education is often viewed as a tool for solving social problems. And universities, which are the leading edge and key part of the education system, are thought to be an ideal place to draw on the wisdom of the masses for any issue. Hence, people hope to establish a global university which can enhance global cooperation and mutual understanding to solve persistent social problems.

Firstly, during the process of globalization, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, and information has reached an unheard-of level, some persistent social problems such as drug abuse, the greenhouse effect, and energy crisis turn out a worldwide feature, which call for cooperation among all countries. Take the Asia Economic Crisis in 1998 for example. The crisis was initially a financial one as speculationcaused funds to drain out of Thai currencies and stock markets in Thailand. It quickly spread to countries that have a close financial association with Thailand. So Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Laos and the Philippines were hit by the slump. Then stock markets in the United States and Europe were shocked by the crisis too, and eventually the world economy has entered a slowdown. The Asia Economic Crisis demonstrates that events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village almost instantaneously. Thus, global collaboration is necessary to solve such collective social problems, and to establish a global university to discuss and research effective solutions for such problems is meaningful.

On the other hand, a global university has its advantages to solve world’s persistent social problems which cannot be solved by any single nation. Firstly, a global University would effectively gather worldwide outstanding scientists and scholars who represent different cultures and values so can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problems, educate students, it is said, the future of world, to prepare for solving various kinds of problems in an interconnected world, and offer collaborative research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity, as well as provide a relatively free atmosphere to cooperate. In such universities, feasible methods to solve world’s persistent social problems are more likely to produce. Secondly, with pulling many nations together, the global university can pool financial resources from countries all over the world to deal with many persistent problems.Take the global warm trend for example, no country has so huge account of money to reduce and finally eliminate such a trend, and only through all nations’ together effort can human beings control such trend and eventually avoid suffering such a potentially terrible disaster. Finally, in a global university, different nations have more chances to communicate with each other and then achieve a deeper mutual understanding; consequently, less conflict might occur and more cooperative effort could be made.

Despite its appealing effect on solving persistent socialproblems, some issues, however, have to take into account before the global university comes into operation. One problem is that every nation is driven by its own interests, so to precipitate coordination and collaboration as well as harmonize conflicts between nations might  not be so easy. The second problem is that a common method is nota panacea when applying to specific situations in different countries in that each nation has its own special cultural background, and consequently totally different codes for ethics, value and conditions. The third problem worth considering is that for those who are suffering famine or cataclysm, the most pressing thing is to save their people in disaster and reduce loss as possible as they can, while investment in a global university might be putting the cart before the horse.

In sum, a global university to study the world’s persistent social problems is alluring since from it we can get a deep insight of social problems in different nations, obtain complex intrinsic essences of such social problems, and find an effective way to solve them. However, we should pay attention to possible problems when developing such a university. Only through this, can we make the best of the global university to improve the world we live in.


[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-2 00:45 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-1 22:29:58 |只看该作者
Issue11 All nations should help support thedevelopment of a global university designed to engage students in the processof solving the world's most persistent social problems.
1. 必要性:我们面对的问题时全球性的,需要国家间的合作。
2. 有效性:全球性大学在解决这些凭一己之力难以搞定的顽固问题方面有优势:1. 集思广益(优秀老师云集,学生得到相关的教育,全球合作的项目,以及宽容的学术环境等等)2.集中财力等资源
3. 建立全球性大学应该注意的问题

Education is often viewed as a tool for solving social problems. And universities, which are the leading edge and key part of the education system, are thought to be an ideal place to draw on the wisdom of the masses for any issue. Hence, people hope to establish a global university which can enhance global cooperation and mutual understanding to solve persistent social problems(你第一段的思路很值得借鉴啊,避免异议哦,最后一句顺带着把自己的观点也说了吧).

Firstly, during the process of globalization, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, and information has reached an unheard-of level, some persistent social problems such as drug abuse, the greenhouse effect, and energy crisis turn out a worldwide feature, which call for cooperation among all countries. Take the Asia Economic Crisis in 1998 for example. The crisis was initially a financial one as speculationcaused funds to drain out of Thai currencies and stock markets in Thailand. It quickly spread to countries that have a close financial association with Thailand. So Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Laos and the Philippines were hit by the slump. Then stock markets in the United States and Europe were shocked by the crisis too, and eventually the world economy has entered a slowdown. The Asia Economic Crisis demonstrates that events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village almost instantaneously. Thus, global collaboration is necessary to solve such collective social problems, and to establish a global university to discuss and research effective solutions for such problems is meaningful.(这段写的太好了,尤其是亚洲金融危机,很专业哦。但是我觉得你这一段和下一段的关系如果只表示成Firstly和on the other hand的关系,这一段就给读者感觉得有点孤立,你的思路本来就是是这一段说明必要性为后面作铺垫,最好更明确些,在下个段落里表示出来两段是继承的关系)

On the other hand, a global university has its advantages to solve world’s persistent social problems which cannot be solved by any single nation. Firstly, a global University would effectively gather worldwide outstanding scientists and scholars who represent different cultures and values so can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problems, educate students, it is said, the future of world, to prepare for solving various kinds of problems in an interconnected world, and offer collaborative research programs to advancescience for the benefit of all humanity, as well as provide a relatively free atmosphere to cooperate. In such universities, feasible methods to solve world’s persistent social problems are more likely to produce. Secondly, with pulling many nations together, the global university can pool financial resources from countries all over the world to deal with many persistent problems.Take the global warm trend for example, no country has so huge account of money to reduce and finally eliminate such a trend, and only through all nations’ together effort can human beings control such trend and eventually avoid suffering such a potentially terrible disaster. Finally, in a global university, different nations have more chances to communicate with each other and then achieve a deeper mutual understanding; consequently, less conflict might occur and more cooperative effort could be made.(perfect~好多可以学的东西)

Despite its appealing effect on solving persistent socialproblems, some issues, however, have to take into account before the global university comes into operation. One problem is that every nation is driven by its own interests, so to precipitate coordination and collaboration as well as harmonize conflicts between nations might  not be so easy. The second problem is that a common method is nota panacea when applying to specific situations in different countries in that each nation has its own special cultural background, and consequently totally different codes for ethics, value and conductions. The third problem worth considering is that for those who are suffering famine or cataclysm, the most pressing thing is to save their people in disaster and reduce loss as possible as they can, while investment in a global university might be putting the cart before the horse(好生动,笔记了).

In sum, a global university to study the world’s persistent social problems is alluring since from it we can get a deep insight of social problems in different nations, obtain complex intrinsic essences of such social problems, and find an effective way to solve them. However, we should pay attention to possible problems when developing such a university. Only through this, can we make the best of the global university to improve the world we live in.



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