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[a习作temp] argument2 [0710G突击先锋小组]第14次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-5 14:13:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The argument that homeowners should accept a set of restrictions is well-presented, but not thoroughly well-reasoned. By making a comparison of the homeowners in nearby Brookville community, whose average property values have tripled during the past seven years, with the committee of homeowners from Deerhaven Acres, who are thirst to raise their property values, the argument for accepting a series of confines on the landscape of yards and exteriors of homes seems logical.
However, the committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres is failing to consider other possible alternatives to the increasing property values in Deerhaven Acres. The factor influencing property values is such complex that committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres claimed it relates to some action of confine only is not reasonable enough. The population of Brookville maybe increased at a rapid speed during the past seven years, which lead to a short of land resource and raise property values there. Another factor should be economic development, which could also cause the level of consume and also the property values raise there. In addition, the government of Brookville may put forward some economic tactics to raise property values. In a word, assuming that adopted a set of restrictions, isolating the economic and societal factor, would raise property values in the area is not well-reasoned.
Assuming the restrictions resulted in average property values have tripled in Brookville is reasonable; the arguer unfairly assumes that Deerhaven Acres could raise its property values by simply coping the confine of Brookville. There must be much difference between these two areas: the constituent of population, the history of the city, the culture and the economy situation, which call for different characterize of policy to raise property values. The landscaping and housepainting in Brookville may match with its theme of culture and history that attract people to travel there or even purchase a villa for holiday, so that the property values would be rise. By contraries, Deerhaven Acres maybe did not own such culture or history as Brookville have that a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting would decorate the area to increase the property values. Again, homeowners in Deerhaven Acres will not be willing to accept the restrictions set by committee which intervene the freedom of decide the pattern of their own home. In conclusion, setting the same confine to raise property values in Deerhaven Acres will be not practical.
Overall, assuming that the reasoning behind increasing property values in Brookville due to the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting and Deerhaven Acres citizen should copy the policy of Brookville is not thoroughly well-reasoned. However, before any final decisions are made about the increase in property values, the committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres should evaluate all possible alternatives and causes for rise of property values in Deerhaven Acres during the past seven years.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-6 20:33:38 |只看该作者
The argument that homeowners should accept a set of restrictions is well-presented, but not thoroughly well-reasoned. By making a comparison of the homeowners in nearby Brookville community, whose average property values have tripled during the past seven years, with the committee of homeowners from Deerhaven Acres, who are thirsty to raise their property values, the argument for accepting a series of confines on the landscape of yards and exteriors of homes seems logical.

However, the committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres is failing to consider other possible alternatives to the increasing property values in Deerhaven Acres. The factor influencing property values is so complex that committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres claimed it relates to some action of confine only is not reasonable enough. The population of Brookville maybe increased at a rapid speed during the past seven years, which lead to a shortage of land resource and raise property values there. Another factor should be economic development, which could also cause the level of consuming and also the property values raise there. In addition, the government of Brookville may put forward some economic tactics to raise property values. In a word, assuming that [缺主语] adopted a set of restrictions, isolating the economic and societal factor, would raise property values in the area is not well-reasoned.

Assuming the restrictions resulted in average property values have tripled in Brookville is reasonable; the arguer unfairly assumes that Deerhaven Acres could raise its property values by simply copying the confine of Brookville. There must[这个词太绝对了,最好换一个] be much difference[difference是可数名词吧。。] between these two areas: the constitution of population, the history of the city, the culture and the[] economy situation, which call for different characterize of policy to raise property values. The landscaping and housepainting in Brookville may match with its theme of culture and history that attract people to travel there or even purchase a villa for holiday, so that the property values would be rise. By contraries, Deerhaven Acres maybe did not own such culture or history as Brookville have that a set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting would decorate the area to increase the property values. Again, homeowners in Deerhaven Acres will not be willing to accept the restrictions set by committee which intervene the freedom of decide the pattern of their own home. In conclusion, setting the same confine to raise property values in Deerhaven Acres will be not practical.

Overall, assuming that the reasoning behind increasing property values in Brookville due to the restrictions on landscaping and housepainting and Deerhaven Acres citizen should copy the policy of Brookville is not thoroughly well-reasoned. However, before any final decisions are made about the increase in property values, the committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres should evaluate all possible alternatives and causes for rise of property values in Deerhaven Acres during the past seven years.


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RE: argument2 [0710G突击先锋小组]第14次作业 [修改]
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