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[i习作temp] Issue56 有拍必回 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-12 23:08:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue56 "Governmentsshould focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than tryingto solve the anticipated problems of the future."

3. 对政府而言, 一个更加可行的解决当前社会问题的方案是综合当前社会需求及将来可能发生的问题,比如开发新的环保能源

Should governmentspay closer attention to solution of immediate problems of today than attempt todeal with anticipated problems of the future? As far as I am concerned, abalance is required for government to deal with such dilemma.

Doubtlessly, immediateproblems such as drug abuse, famine, blood, crime and so on need to be settledas soon as possible since they directly affect people's normal life. Take thepandemic disease for example. If the country is suffering a large-scalepandemic disease such as influenza, then perhaps the most pressing thing forthe government is to strengthen its public health utilities to rescue itspeople who are infected. Otherwise, the influenza may spread wider and wider,and cause more and more ill or even dead, let alone any development of thecountry. Similarly, problems that are pressing should be solved timely andproperly, otherwise they will soon aggravate and deteriorate, eventually, lead thecountry to a predicament. To secure a steadydevelopment of society, governments should treat these immediate problemswithout hesitate or procrastinate.

However, overmuch focus on immediate problems would lead to final failure in solutions,and government should also pay  much attention to the possible problems in the future. For example, too much accounting for immediate development of industry, we may mistakenly pay little attention to the resources left for our next generations. Actually, history is abundant with activities that eager for quick success and instant benefit without certain emphasis on long-term interests. In the early era of industrialization, too much focus on meeting the needs for development of industry, activities such as extensivedeforestation and overexploitation lead to not only individual species being driven to extinction or near-extinction but also the deterioration of natural environment. Nowadays, people have to pay for such activities. We have sufferedfrom crises of energy, pollution of air and water and warming weather in theworldwide. And the lesson tells us that restrain to immediate problems may cause fatal mistakes. So, despite considering the immediate problems, governments should take the strategy of sustainable development, involving the fields of population, environment, economy, and science and technology.

As discussed above, government should pay much attention to anticipated problems in future in that we own responsibility to not only ensure the normal development of oursociety during the time of our generation, but also warranty human being canenjoy prosperity ever lasting. Then rises the question--how should governmentproperly solve such conflicts between immediate and future problems? Perhaps abalance is need. The best way for government to deal with such problems is tofind a way that integrates the immediate problems with the future ones. In thisway, government can solve both the two problems effectively. One example is theexploitation of new environmental energies such as solar energy, bioenergy, tidal energy, and geothermal energy. To solve the energy crisis as well as the serious pollution, governments encourage scientists to engage in seeking new alternative energy. And the new energies that are more and more widely used today can not only meets the immediate needs but also ensure our next generations have enough energy to use.

In sum, toachieve long-standing prosperity of our society, governments should keep abalance between the solution of immediate problems and that of the anticipated problems of the future. And the effective way to solve conflicts between theimmediate problems and future ones is to find solutions that could colligatethem. After all, we prompt the society for not only contemporary generation but also the following generations.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-14 09:15 编辑 ]

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