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[i习作temp] issue50 [披荆斩G小组]第7次作业 欢迎大家猛拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-14 09:30:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."

It is a trend that many university professors work outside their academic world for experiences and information. However, should faculty be required to do so for a better quality of instruction? Some educational experts believe so. In my opinion, on the condition that teachers can balance their time between teaching and working, part of faculties in certain areas should be required to work outside.

Whether the faculties should take a part-time job relevant to the courses they teach is a question depending on their majors. If a professor is major in laws or management, work experience outside the academic world is necessary. The core criterion for evaluating a successful lawyer or administrator is focusing on the step from theoretical knowledge to practical application which is a determinant and crucial one; whereas, only from field work can a person exercise this. Thus, working experience is the basic demands for a competent professor. Furthermore, the law and management classes are often too tedious to attract students' attention and too abstract for students to grasp its main idea unless teachers add plenty of vivid facts and interesting cases to their speech sparking students’ interests and embodying obscure knowledge concretely—which  accentuates teachers' working experience in relevant fields. Moreover, the job experiences involved in teachers' lectures provide students with useful and up-to-date information needed in job decision and can better equip children for further development after their graduation.

With respect to engineering, the requirement also serves well. Since science is a market-oriented branch of science and places great emphasis on application, it will be beneficial for the staff to work in concert with corresponding companies for guidance on their research direction. Outside work can also help professors to ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues—which might be appropriate subjects for research. More importantly, a teacher actively engaged in their fields can always bring class fresh insights and contagious excitement by introducing the latest progress and anticipating the near future which inform students the utilization and prospect of what they are learning.

However, when it comes to certain fields such as philosophy and pure theoretical research, the requirement is unadvisable as there is no appropriate position available. These subjects are either too abstract for specific application in daily life, or too advanced to apply to industrial production. Considering this, it is unwise and unfeasible to require faculties to work outside their academic fields in professions related to their majors.

While noticing that the requirement is not suitable for all fields, one should also be aware of the counterpoise between jobs and teaching affaires. Though working experience is of great importance, as a teacher, it is incumbency to give first priority to students. Unfortunately, a few professors lost themselves outside the academic world and are distracted from teaching. To avoid this, certain regulations must be established, certain limits laid down. On the other hand, to some experts, who are busily engaged in academic activities, it is possible that they have no spare time to take another job, considering this, curtailing the length of requested part-time jobs or even canceling it is the best method based on the tradeoff between academic jobs and field jobs. In short, only by balancing two sorts of work can the goal of improving the quality of instruction at the college be attained.

Overall, on certain subjects which allow the professors an outside job in relevant fields, if the professors can balance their teaching affairs and outside jobs, the faculty enrich their careers by interspersing field work with academic work is beneficial and constructive to the quality of instructions.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-14 13:18:54 |只看该作者
It is a trend that many university professors work outside their academic world for experiences and information. However(我觉得就你的观点来看,这里并没有很强的转折语气,用then好一点;), should faculty be required to do so for a better quality of instruction? Some educational experts believe so. In my opinion, on the condition that teachers can balance their time between teaching and working, part of faculties in certain areas should be required to work outside.

Whether the faculties should take a part-time job relevant to the courses they teach is a question depending on their majors. If a professor is major in laws or management, work experience outside the academic world is necessary. The core criterion for evaluating a successful lawyer or administrator is focusing on the step from theoretical knowledge to practical application which is a determinant and crucial one; whereas(and), only from field work can a person exercise this. Thus, working experience is the basic demands(requisite) for a competent professor. Furthermore, the law and management classes are often too tedious to attract students' attention and too abstract for students to grasp its main idea unless teachers add plenty of vivid facts and interesting cases to their speech sparking students’ interests and embodying obscure knowledge concretely—which  accentuates teachers' working experience in relevant fields. (好句子)Moreover, the job experiences involved in teachers' lectures provide students with useful and up-to-date information needed in job decision and can better equip children for further development after their graduation(这个还是指law and management吗?还是泛指?).

With respect to engineering, the requirement also serves well. Since science is a market-oriented branch of science and places great emphasis on application, it will be beneficial for the staff to work in concert with corresponding companies for guidance on their research direction. Outside work can also help professors to ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues—which might be appropriate subjects for research. (好句!) More importantly, a teacher actively engaged in their fields can always bring class fresh insights and contagious excitement by introducing the latest progress and anticipating the near future which inform students the utilization and prospect of what they are learning.

However, when it comes to certain fields such as philosophy and pure theoretical research, the requirement is unadvisable as there is no appropriate position available. These subjects are either too abstract for specific application in daily life, or too advanced to apply to industrial production. Considering this, it is unwise and unfeasible to require faculties to work outside their academic fields in professions related to their majors.

While noticing that the requirement is not suitable for all fields, one should also be aware of(觉得这里用pay attention(更主动的去关注的)更好一些,个人感觉) the counterpoise between jobs and teaching affaires. Though working experience is of great importance, as a teacher, it is (his or her)incumbency to give first priority to students. Unfortunately, a few professors (have) lost themselves outside the academic world and are distracted from teaching(把distrated from teaching 和lost themselves前后顺序换一下). To avoid this, certain regulations must be established, (and)certain limits laid down. On the other hand, to some experts, who are busily engaged in academic activities, it is possible that they have no spare time to take another job, considering this, curtailing the length of requested part-time jobs or even canceling it is the best method based on the tradeoff between academic jobs and field jobs. In short, only by balancing two sorts of work can the goal of improving the quality of instruction at the college be attained.

Overall, on certain subjects which allow the professors an outside job in relevant fields, if the professors can balance their teaching affairs and outside jobs(我觉得在这里可以提一下你在前文中提到的regulations和limits), the faculty enrich their careers by interspersing field work with academic work is beneficial and constructive to the quality of instructions(这句话语法有点问题).



使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-15 21:44:02 |只看该作者

最后的关于working and teaching还有制度的论证很有特色!

使用道具 举报

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