帅哥检查完材料给了我一张号码纸,A64,跟夏姐姐的数字差不多,所以估计如果8点半到大使馆,一般能拿到60~70的号码纸。号码纸上打的时间是9:36,果然在外面就要等一个多小时。然后关掉手机,进交表窗口旁边的门,第二次搜包,这次就仔细多了(所以我都有点不明白为什么后来还是有一位女士在里面吃东西被警告,按理说搜包的时候就会把食物等没收。),手机等放左边让他们代为保管,给了一个黄色的小牌子做凭证。右边是搜包的。进了安检门之后,还有一个老印拿着一个检查棒看看身上有没有违禁物品。我钥匙放裤兜里忘拿出来了,也要先跟包放一起他再检查一次。然后是两个门,我刚想往右走,老印问了一句:“Visa or passport?”原来右边是办passport的,正对着的才是办visa的。
Me: Good morning, Madam. (ms还在看我的材料,所以刚开始没有回应)
VO: Good morning. Are you going to *** U?
Me: Yes, I am going to attend the *** Summer Institute.
VO: Will you get some degree diploma from them?
Me: No, but I will transfer the credits to my university.
VO: Good. Who will pay the fees?
Me: My department will support me to go there.(正想翻系里批钱的那份文件,但发现VO好像没有想要的意思,就算了:P)
VO: Have you traveled to other places?
Me (a little confused): ….
VO: I mean other countries.
Me: No. VO: So this is the first time you go abroad.
Me: Yes. VO: Will any one accompany you to go? Your friends? Your classmates?
Me: No, I just go by myself. (心想,这老太太好nice啊,还怕我一个人去孤单,朝她微笑了一下,她也笑了。)
VO: Which University are you in now?
Me: ****U.
VO: How long will you be here? When will you graduate?
Me: I am a year one Ph.D. student and I will graduate in 2011.
VO就不再问话了,在电脑里噼里啪啦打了一阵之后,拿出传说中的蓝纸条撕成两边,给了我一边,说:I have issued you a multiple entry student visa, valid for one year. Please take this card to counter 10. They will mail the passport and visa to you in 3 to 5 working days. By the way, I will keep your I-20 form and mail back to you with your passport. You will still have to use it when you enter USA.
Me: Thank you very much!