TOPIC: ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
WORDS: 375 TIME: 00:33:38 DATE: 2008-2-27 20:52:45
The author asserts that laws can be divided into two types: just and unjust. And we should obey the just laws meanwhile resistant the unjust ones. But I don't think laws can be treated in that way.
Firstly, I think laws are sacrosanct that can’t be classified by whether it is just. We make laws to guide the behaviors of people in our community, which preserve an efficient and relatively fairy society. Laws and something of that kind exited at the very beginning of mankind’s history. For example, many ancient tribes had rules made by their leaders to decide the distribution of food and other resources. And the first written law ? the Code of Hammurabi set at nearly 1750 B.C. which made sure the prosperity of Ancient Babylon . They decided the structure of a society and protect the rights of the people in it, thus they truly did a lot help in the development of mankind.
Secondly, as laws are scared, we should obey without hesitation as long as it is still in validity. Laws are made to protect the benefits of the majority in the country, which in some terms it is impossible for them to meet the needs of all its citizens. So it is certainly not right for us to define what law is just that we should obey and what we should not at our own stand. What we think is our rights though it is against the law maybe will do harm to more people around us. Strictly abid by the law is the only way to make our judicial system work. If people in different condition decided what they will do without the constraints of laws, our society will be out of control because the loosing of a standard admitted by all.
Last but not the least, if a law indeed has some flaws or it is no longer fit the current society, there are many other ways for us to revise it rather than just disobey it. As China is concerned, the National people’s congress will hold meetings from time to time to guarantee that all the laws work properly and are still meet the needs of the time. They collect information from common people. If they find a law is unjust to the majority of its people, the represents from all walks of life will discuss it and start the law amendment procedure. As long as most of the represents come to an agreement the laws will be revised, repeal and even new laws can be made. This is almost the same way in other place of the world, except some authoritarian countries.
In conclusion, I call on everybody in a society follow it own laws strictly to make a country more structured and stable. As a part of a community, it is always our duty to preserve the laws even sometimes this may has some distract with our own benefits.