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2025 Invitation to SubmitExpressions of Interest (EOI) for CSC-Funded PhD and Postdoc Positions at the TU Graz Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
TU Graz物理与理论化学研究所诚挚邀请中国硕士和博士毕业生,通过中国国家留学基金委(CSC)申请博士及博士后(Postdoc)项目。我们热烈欢迎对本研究所感兴趣的申请者提交研究兴趣说明(Expression ofInterest, EOI),以便加入我们在纳米多孔材料、复合材料、人工智能与化学以及氢键有机框架(HOFs)等领域的研究团队。同时,基于TU Graz与全球多所顶尖大学(如同济大学、德国达姆施塔特工业大学、德国慕尼黑工业大学、英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学等)的战略合作伙伴关系,我们也为具有相关科研背景的候选人提供了丰富的国际合作与职业发展机会。 我们将对所收到的EOI进行滚动式评估,并在收到合适的申请后,于几天内安排线上或电话面试。CSC正式申请通常在三月前后提交,具体日期请咨询您的国内院校。获得CSC资助后的博士生一般可于2025年秋冬学期(或在获得签证和入学手续后尽快)开始博士研究;博士后的到岗时间则可根据双方协商灵活安排。请于2025年2月10日之前提交意向邮件。 The Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at TU Graz cordially invites Chinese master’s graduates to apply for PhD and postdoctoral positions via the China Scholarship Council(CSC). We welcome Expressions of Interest (EOI) from candidates interested in joining our research teams in nanoporous materials, composites, applied AI in chemistry, and hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs). Given TU Graz’sstrategic partnerships with leading universities worldwide (including Tongji University in China, TU Darmstadt and TU Munich in Germany, and the University of Strathclyde in the UK), successful applicants will also benefit from a global network for collaboration and career development. We review EOIs on a rolling basis, and strong candidates will be invited to an online or phone interview within a few days of submission. The official CSC application is typically due around March(please confirm the exact dates with your home university). Successful CSC-funded doctoral applicants can usually start in the fall/winter semester of 2025 or as soon as visa and enrollment procedures are completed, while postdoc start dates can be arranged flexibly. Please submit your EOI by February 10, 2025.
本研究所由Paolo Falcaro教授领导,他在纳米多孔材料、复合材料、纳米粒子、涂层与图案化技术等领域开展卓越研究,并在Advanced Materials, Nature Materials, JACS, Angewandte Chemie等顶级期刊发表学术成果。此外,两位助理教授(均具备卓越学术背景)分别从事化学中的人工智能应用(Aleksandar Kondinski)和氢键有机框架(HOFs)及其复合材料的开发(Francesco Carraro)研究,也在相关领域的权威期刊上发表了高水平论文。
The institute is led by Prof. Paolo Falcaro, who conducts outstanding research in nanoporous materials, composites, nanoparticles, coatings, and pattern fabrication, publishing in top-tier journals such as AdvancedMaterials, Nature Materials, JACS, Angewandte Chemie, etc. Additionally, two assistant professors with excellent academic track records contribute cutting-edge research in applied AI to chemistry (AleksandarKondinski) and the development of hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs)(Francesco Carraro), with high-impact publications in their respective fields.
研究方向 / Research AreasCSC博士生和博士后将与研究所的助理教授和教授紧密合作,在理论和应用化学前沿领域展开研究。所有CSC资助的研究人员也会由研究所所长Falcaro教授(联合)指导,以确保其科研进展和学术发展。
1. 纳米多孔材料、复合材料及纳米粒子
Nanoporous Materials,Composites & Nanoparticles
本研究方向由Paolo Falcaro教授指导,主要涉及纳米多孔金属-有机框架(MOF)的设计、合成及功能化,以及基于MOF和复合材料的功能涂层及图案化技术的开发,广泛应用于传感、催化和生物医学领域。理想的候选人应具备材料化学、合成化学或相关领域的扎实背景,熟练掌握XRD、SEM、TEM等表征技术,并具备数据分析能力。化学、生物化学、化学工程或材料工程等相关领域的相关背景是申请的优势。 Supervised by Prof. PaoloFalcaro, this research direction focuses on the design, synthesis, and functionalization of nanoporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and the development of MOF-based functional coatings and patterning techniques for applications in sensing, catalysis, and biomedical fields. Ideal candidates should have a solid background in materials chemistry, synthetic chemistry, or related disciplines, proficiency in characterization techniques (XRD, SEM, TEM), and strong data analysis skills. Applicants with backgrounds in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or materials engineering are particularly encouraged to apply. 2. 应用AI(人工智能)于化学领域及数字化学
Applied AI in Chemistry &Digital Chemistry
本研究方向由Aleksandar Kondinski副教授指导,重点探索化学数据的算法设计与智能化分析,以及数字化学平台的开发与高通量计算的整合。理想的候选人应具备编程或算法开发背景(如Python),对化学数据处理与人工智能方法充满兴趣,并有化学或材料建模经验者优先。化学、化学工程、材料工程或信息学等相关领域的正式背景将使候选人在研究中更具优势。 Supervised by Assistant Prof. Aleksandar Kondinski, this research direction focuses on algorithm development, intelligent analysis of chemical data, and the development of digital chemistry platforms integrated with high-throughput computing. Ideal candidates should have a background in programming or algorithm development (e.g., Python), a strong interest in chemical data processing and AI methodologies, and preferably experience in chemical or materials modelling. Applicants with formal backgrounds in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials engineering, or informatics are particularly encouraged to apply.3. 氢键有机框架(HOFs)
Hydrogen-Bonded OrganicFrameworks (HOFs)
本研究方向由Francesco Carraro副教授指导,主要涉及新型HOF材料的分子设计、合成及表征,基于HOF的复合材料开发及其在药物输运或气体分离中的潜在应用,并通过原位表征技术研究HOF材料的结构与功能关系。理想的候选人应具备有机与材料合成经验,对功能材料的应用与表征充满兴趣,并拥有化学、生物化学、化学工程或材料工程等领域的正式背景。 Supervised by Assistant Prof. Francesco Carraro, this research direction focuses on the molecular design, synthesis, and characterization of novel hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs), the development of HOF-based composite materials for potential applications in drug delivery or gas separation, and the investigation of the structure-function relationships using in situ characterization. Ideal candidates should have experience in organic and materials synthesis, a strong interest in functional materials applications, and formal backgrounds in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or materials engineering.
提交方式 / How to Submit YourEOI请通过电子邮件提交您的研究兴趣表达(Expression of Interest, EOI)。邮件正文应简要说明您的学术背景、研究兴趣,并明确您拟研究的具体方向和课题领域。请同时附上以下材料:- 个人简历(CV)
- 研究计划或研究思路(若有)
- 成绩单(在读学生可提供中期成绩单)
- 英语水平证明(雅思或托福成绩)
Please submit your expression of Interest (EOI) via email. In the email body, briefly describe your academic background and research interests, and specify your proposed area and direction of research. Along with your email, attach the following documents:- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Draft research proposal or ideas (if available)
- Academic transcripts (mid-term transcripts are acceptable for current students)
- Proof of English proficiency (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL scores)
Applicants must have an English proficiency level equivalent to an overall IELTS score of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0) or a TOEFL score of 90 to ensure effective communication and academic success. Applications will be reviewed regularly, and suitable candidates will be invited for interviews. Providing a clear proposed area and research direction in your EOI will assist in evaluating your fit for the program.
学术与发展平台 / Academic & Career Development录取并获得CSC资助的学生和博士后将加入**TUGraz 先进材料(FoE Advanced Materials)**等跨学科研究网络。
TU Graz’s FoE Advanced Materials (Field of Expertise) fosters cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research, bridging fundamental sciences and engineering。研究人员将享有最先进的实验室和学术资源支持,并参与跨学科科研培训和学术交流活动。对于表现优异的成员,我们会推荐至国际一流高校或研究机构,与顶尖科研团队开展联合课题或短期访学,并积极引荐至学术与工业合作网络。毕业或项目完成后,我们将继续支持研究人员的职业发展,助力他们在学术或行业领域取得长远成就。
Successful CSC-funded PhD students and postdocs will become part of TU Graz’s FoE Advanced Materials interdisciplinary research network, which fosters cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research and bridges fundamental sciences and engineering. They will have access to state-of-the-art laboratories, academic resources, and interdisciplinary seminars and training. Outstanding candidates may be recommended to top-tier universities and research institutes for joint projects or short-term research visits and introduced to our broader academic and industrial network. After completing their PhD or postdoctoral project, we will continue to support researchers’ career development to ensure their long-term success in academia or industry.
项目时长与资助 / Program Duration& FundingTUGraz的博士项目标准时长通常为3年。详情请参见
https://www.tugraz.at/en/studying-and-teaching/degree-and-certificate-programmes/doctoral-programmes/overview-doctoral-programmes 。
The standard duration of a doctoral program at TU Graz is typically 3 years. For more details, please see
For Chinese nationals, the CSC scholarship generally covers living expenses, and the hosting research group pays tuition fees for non-EU PhD students.
The duration of postdoctoral appointments can be negotiated based on the research scope and funding source. For CSC-funded postdocs, CSC typically provides living allowances for visiting researchers. Please refer to the CSC official website and your home institution’s guidelines for specific amounts and application requirements.
后续步骤 / Next Steps完成研究兴趣表达(EOI)并获得初步接受后,您需要通过CSC官网提交正式申请(通常在次年三月左右,具体时间请咨询国内院校)。获得CSC资助后,TU Graz将协助您完成注册,并为您的研究提供全面支持,包括实验室使用、科研指导以及相关学术资源的获取。此外,我们将为您提供办理欧盟(奥地利)签证的必要指导,确保您顺利开启在TU Graz的学术之旅。我们致力于帮助研究人员在TU Graz的学术环境中取得高水平科研成果,并为未来的职业发展奠定坚实基础。
After completing your expression of interest (EOI) and receiving preliminary acceptance, you must submit a formal application via the CSC official website, typically in March (please confirm exact dates with your home institution). Once CSC funding is secured, TU Graz will assist with your enrollment, providing comprehensive support, including laboratory access, research supervision, and academic resources. Additionally, we will offer guidance on obtaining an EU (Austrian) visa to ensure a smooth start to your academic journey at TU Graz. We aim to help researchers achieve high-impact outcomes in TU Graz’s academic environment and to lay a solid foundation for their future career development.
截止日期与联系信息 / Important Deadline & Contact Information如需进一步帮助,请通过邮件与我们联系,我们将竭诚为您解答。请于2025年2月10日前提交您的研究兴趣说明(EOI)。我们期待与您在TU Graz携手,共同探索化学与材料科学的更多可能性!若对研究方向或申请流程有疑问,请直接联系相关导师:If you have further questions or need assistance, please email us. Submit your EOI by February 10, 2025. We look forward to collaborating with you at TU Graz to explore new chemistry and materials science frontiers! For inquiries about research topics or the application process, please contact the supervisors directly:TU Graz位于奥地利第二大城市格拉茨,地处中欧核心地带,以其科研实力和文化底蕴而闻名。格拉茨以浓厚的学生氛围、高效的公共交通系统以及优质的生活质量而著称,其市中心的中世纪老城更被列为世界文化遗产。格拉茨拥有多元化的国际学生和研究人员社区,为跨文化交流与科研合作提供了理想的平台。 TU Graz is located in Graz, Austria’s second-largest city, at the heart of Central Europe, and is renowned for its excellence in research and rich cultural heritage. Graz boasts a vibrant student community, efficient public transport, and a high quality of life. Its medieval old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Furthermore, Graz hosts a diverse international community of students and researchers, making it an ideal hub for cross-cultural exchange and scientific collaboration.