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[i习作temp] issue43【7\8\9\10】 7.30(第十次作业) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2008-7-30 23:14:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
"To be aneffective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moralstandards."
         用时:00:45:00         日期:2008/7/29 16:50:38

No matter in business or political realm, to succeed, aneffective leader is indispensable. what should a effective leader maintain? Tobe an effective leader, a public official should possess, in my view, both thecompetition to success and the ethical and moral standard.

To begin with, without the ethical and moral standards,the leaders might threaten the society - let along to be effective. After all,without the ethnics and mores, a official might do whatever he think right andto be beneficial to him or her. For example, look no further than what happenedto a former chairman of national department of medicine in china, who hadalready been executed because of corruption in this year. This high-levelofficial's illegal activity-- license the nixing medicine for receiving enormoussubornation-  have killed hundred of innocentpeople in this nation. A more well known example is to be what happened in SecondWorld War. Holocaust and crucial war had taken away millions of people. we cansee that without any the ethical and moral standard that Hitler launched the deterioratewar and brutal slaughter to Jews, despite his so-called ideal desire and hope. Historyhas been replete of these examples of these official leader- who betray thecountry, jeopardize the society, and do harm to individuals for the personalinterest.

Next turn to the business realm. Without the ethical andmoral leadership, a firm might continue, for the sake of profits maximization,to pollute the natural environment to threaten the specie’s survival, providethe counterfeit commodity to jeopardize the safe of consumer, and infract thelaw of nation to mar the economy of country, instead of contributing tocommunity, broaden economy, and the society as a whole. Had a company onlythese means to pursue the profits to shareholders of a firm, the company wouldnever make a lasting and meaningful contribution to the society it survives.Consider the Bill Gate, the chairman of largest software company. As one of mostwealthy in the world, the chairman have donate most of his personal asset tothe charity foundation which dedicates to resolve the severe society problem inthe world. We can see that it’s with the highest moral and ethical standardthat these richest people have made such an action that would make a lastingcontribution to society.   

Nevertheless, to be an effective leader does acquire farmore than mere ethical and moral standards. Consider the intensely Americanpresidential election once in four years. Only had these presidents, ifall,  the ethical and moralstandards-that is self discipline, none of scandals, and altruism, I am afraid thatthey would never to be elected to be president. After all, the lessons andexperience both tell us it is the uncommon competition to success, wonderful lectureto public, and careful strategy of election that make them to be president ofAmerica. In business, what a effective leader posses are, in general, prominentbusiness means to compete the daily schedule, excellent competition to resolveproblem, and rapid ability to deal with business crisis in company.

In conclusion, without a ethical and moral standards, anofficial might disregard the national law and even jeopardize the society.However, without the these competition and means, which could enable themobtain and maintain their power, people could never be a leader-let alone aneffective one. In modern society, we should call for balance for a publicoffice to be an effective one to make a lasting and meaningful contribution tothe society.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-31 22:37:38 |只看该作者
No matter in business or political realm, to succeed, aneffective (uneffective)  leader is indispensable. what should a effective leader maintain? Tobe an effective leader, a public official should possess, in my view, both thecompetition to success and the ethical and moral standard.

To begin with, without the ethical and moral standards,the leaders might threaten the society - let along to be effective. After all,without the ethnics and mores, a official might do whatever he think right andto be beneficial to him or her. For example, look no further than what happenedto a former chairman of national department of medicine in china, who hadalready been executed because of corruption in this year. This high-levelofficial's illegal activity-- license the nixing medicine for receiving enormoussubornation-  have killed hundred of innocentpeople in this nation. A more well known example is to be(是不是可以删 to be) what happened in SecondWorld War. Holocaust and crucial war had taken away millions of people( 's lives). we cansee that without any the ethical and moral standard that Hitler launched the deterioratewar and brutal slaughter to Jews, despite his so-called ideal desire and hope. Historyhas been replete of these examples of these official leader- who betray thecountry, jeopardize the society, and do harm to individuals for the personalinterest.

Next turn to the business realm. Without the ethical andmoral leadership, a firm might continue, for the sake of profits maximization,to pollute the natural environment to threaten the specie’s survival, providethe counterfeit commodity to jeopardize the safe of consumer, and infract thelaw of nation to mar the economy of country, instead of contributing tocommunity, broaden economy, and the society as a whole. Had a company onlythese means to pursue the profits to shareholders of a firm, the company wouldnever make a lasting and meaningful contribution to the society it survives.Consider the Bill Gate, the chairman of largest software company. As one of mostwealthy in the world, the chairman have donate most of his personal asset tothe charity foundation which dedicates to resolve the severe society problem inthe world. We can see that it’s with the highest moral and ethical standardthat these richest people have made such an action that would make a lastingcontribution to society.   

Nevertheless, to be an effective leader does acquire farmore than mere ethical and moral standards. Consider the intensely Americanpresidential election once in four years. Only had these presidents, ifall,  the ethical and moralstandards-that is self discipline, none of scandals, and altruism, I am afraid thatthey would never to be elected to be president. After all, the lessons andexperience both tell us it is the uncommon competition to success, wonderful lectureto public, and careful strategy of election that make them to be president ofAmerica. In business, what a effective leader posses are, in general, prominentbusiness means to compete the daily schedule, excellent competition to resolveproblem, and rapid ability to deal with business crisis in company.

In conclusion, without a ethical and moral standards, anofficial might disregard the national law and even jeopardize the society.However, without the these competition and means, which could enable themobtain and maintain their power, people could never be a leader-let alone aneffective one. In modern society, we should call for balance for a publicoffice to be an effective one to make a lasting and meaningful contribution tothe society.


但是能在这么短的时间里完成字数达标,思想, 语言都不错的文章已属不易。:)

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