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Which problems are more significant for government, the immediate problems or the anticipated problems? In response to this issue, we need to analyze the proposition comprehensively from the dialectic perspective. The author declares that government should focus more on solving the immediate problems rather than anticipated problems. However, it oversimplifies this issue. In my point of view, although immediate problems will bring us the profit immediately, we cannot neglect the long-term problems which will take terrible result for our descendant.(首段观点是明确的,句式也不错)Admittedly, the immediate problems relate to many current problems in our society now. If they are not solved properly, they will jeopardize the stability of our society even will make society back up. The immediate problems, such as crimes, wars, drag abuse, unemployment and so on, actually need to be addressed(我觉得用强调不太好,用solved应该更切题意) by government as soon as possible since their existence extremely danger the normal living of public. Meanwhile the current problems are the stepping stone for the long-term problems.(现在的问题是以后的问题的跳板?如果有误请指正,正好学习下) For the developing countries, problem on dressing warmly and earning everyone’s fill is the foundation of the well-to-do society. Only when the economy is developed, there are(is) enough funding on the national defense. (最后这两句话我觉得可以写解决现在的问题的影响,我觉得你最后想表达什么可是可能是我没理解,总觉得和immediate problems没什么关系,如果错了望指正)However, if people neglect the long-term problems, people will definitely be affected by these problems. The harmful results impede people's further development. For example, the sex imbalance problem is ignored or even is aggravated by people nowadays. But this problem which seems inessential will produce rape, marital problems and family problems in the further and it will be hard to be solved at that time for descendent. Moreover, some bad consequence has been returned to the people because of blindly pursuing the immediate profit by sacrificing the long-term benefit in the human development. In the 1955 and 1970, Los Angeles suffered from two pollution crisis caused by the photochemistry. The former one led to 4000 people died and the later one caused 70% residents fall ill. If people do not care the balance between the current profit and long-term benefit, people will suffer such terrible disaster which is made by people themselves again.(我觉得这一段写的很好,例子充分而新,很值得我学习,论述也很充分)When promoting the plan which can benefit our offspring, people should accelerate it according to our own abilities now. It is also dangerous for people perform the long-term schedule without considering the current situation.(这句话放在第一句可能会更好一点吧) For example, during the period of cold war, the former Soviet Union and U.S.A competed on the arm race. The Star War schedule proposed by U.S. government cannot be paid according to the economical situation at that time and the difficult technology cannot be solved at that time. Such unadvised plan make the U.S.A loss 1000 billion U.S. dollar without any result. Soviet Union also disaggregated by the arm race because of improper schedule. (在这后面可以再加上自己的论述,一句话再次点名自己的观点即可)In sum up, the immediate problems can solve current problems which directly relate to our current lives but anticipate problems should also be paid attention to otherwise they will produce terrible results in the further. When we plan the long-term schedule, we should consider the current situation.(注意现在的也要注意未来的问题,当列未来计划我们也要考虑现在情形,我觉得后面少一句话,So we can safely make a conclusion that -----)
总体来说文章还是很好的, 例子充分而且很吸引人 很值得我学习
[ 本帖最后由 lisheng19881108 于 2008-7-21 08:00 编辑 ] |