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[i习作temp] issue56 0906G 永不言弃互改小组 by MYcolting 2# [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-2-10 13:02:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."
TS 1
不同意speaker的观点 两个方面并不能单一的过分强调
   2 当务之急的问题的确需要政府集中力量去解决 如

   3  然而有些immediate problem还是没有好的解决方案的比如现今金融危机下的大量失业人口问题
   4 对于预期的问题如果提前关注 会减少未来很多不必要的损失 以免问题发生的时候措手不及 如全球 变暖引起的海平面上升
另外这些预期问题的研究往往会有很大的潜在社会价值 外太空探索

   5 总之 对于选择解决当务之急与百年大计问题时 我们应该依据的是这个问题解决的可行性和它的潜在价值

governments concentrate more on making up the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future as the speaker asserts? However, I agree with the speaker incompletely for the social problems are always so complicated that we cannotemphasize single aspect. The election between the immediate problem and the future problems is determined on a case-by-case situation.
   Admittedly, I concede that under some circumstances the immediate problem indeed needs more attention of government. These immediate problems share several features that the appropriate approach has been found or the connection to thousands of lives. Considering, for example, Hurricane Catrina, which is called the tsunami of America, is a case in point to illustrate my position to immediate problems. Landing at the Louisiana and Missisippi, Hurricane Catrina destroyed hundreds of houses and caused serious failure of electric power, which make thousands of people homeless. In the process of struggle with natural bale, human have concluded many effective approaches to help and aid the victims and the hurricane threaten the survival of endemic residents. From the reasons above, we can assert that American government's action of focusing more on solving the Hurricane Catrina is an advisable election.
   However, there are some immediate problems which we have not found good and effective measures to be made up. The unemployment due to the financial crisis is a good example. We all share a brief that unemployment can cause conflicts in the society, nevertheless, , American government is not able to provide many job chances to reduce the population of unemployment for the basic reason of the phenomenon is a financial crisis, in other words, the only time the problem of unemployment can be solved is that when the American government successfully settled the financial crisis. That is to say, some immediate problems which are led by other reasons should not be paid more attention for we cannot solve it directly. Hence, when facing the similar problems, our government maybe focuses more on the solution of the real causation of the phenomenon.
   On the other hand, under some circumstances focusing more on the anticipated problem , by the greatest extent, can reduce the cost we may have paid in the future or eschew the unprepared situation. For instance, the rise of sea level causing by the global warming, though it may occur and aggravated in the decades, many experts have begun to carry out researches and several effective approaches or inventions have been come out. These investments for anticipate problems is necessary that one day they can generate great social benefits. Turn our attention to another case--the exploration of cosmos, whatever else may be said, most people would bolster the plan of exploring cosmos, the ration is obvious that exploring cosmos make the immigration to other planets possible when the earth cannot hold on more human and take advantage of resources in other planets for the potential energy crisis. Simple put, the anticipated problems still need more our government's attention sometimes.
  To sum up, it is presumptuous to judge that immediate problems of today are more important that the anticipated problems according to the speaker's assertion. In my view, the address to the two elections should be determined on the fact that if not we have to find effective approach or if not the problems are related to the secure of endemic residents, only weight the benefits of the election can we focus more on one of the two aspects.   


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