82.”Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit.”
Word: 506
Time: 46min
According to the speaker’s view, government do not have the right to filter the works of arts and historical displays exhibiting in museums. Honestly, art and history should not be interfered too much to remain its integrality. If art is modified regardless of artists’ wishes, they will lose the attraction of originality. But on the other hand, to make such a assertion is also imprudent. It can be foreseen that there may come uncontrolled or even disastrous results without any restraints on art. So in my personal opinion, government should bridle those artistic works and historical displays in certain level.
In many cases, art can be regarded as an independent part of the society so that it cannot involved too much outside interferences. Art works are pieces of imagination and enthusiasm created by artists. They may contain a deluge of internal emotions which couldn’t be recognized in our daily life such as the fierce love or abhorrence to some specific events. For example, during World War Two, there emerged a famous and striking work by Picasso called “Guernica”, which described the massacre in Guernica, Spain. In this painting, the author strongly expressed his abomination and condemnation to the invaders. This kind of emotion can be hardly explicated through words or any other oral expressions but only by art. Imagine if government of Spain censored this work and prohibited, or even garbled it, the work will no longer be the work itself. As a result, emotions of people will be suppressed which will do harm to the society’s spirit.
However, while we respect the art and history from the bottom of our hearts, we must acknowledge that government need to put restriction on these two items not for impart but for harmony. There are two principles that government has to stick to: neither too radical works nor harmful or anti-humanity thoughts.
As we can see in our everyday life, many countries hold a system or a policy called “Archive Secret”, which conveys that certain data need to be closed to the public until experts estimated that comments of those documents will not cause commotions in society now. It can be easily found that most people in a temporary social circumstances cannot understand some policies or inner meaning of some works. Because of that, people may fight against governments or even destroy them.
Another aspect is to forbid the anti-world thoughts of works. It can be seen clearly that the spread of anti-world thoughts will cause great disasters and bring chaos to the people all over the world. What German government do to Nazism is a good instance. In order to prevent Nazism from resurrection, spreading and destructing again, the government of Germany abolishes all events that promote Nazism, including arts, parties, advertisements and television programs. It is a must to protect human beings from radical and furious thoughts.
In summary, whether to censor artistic works and historical displays is based on particular conditions. It is always right to take specific action to specific matter in solving problems.