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[a习作temp] Argument182【0906G背水一战三月小组】第8次作业 by yunfeiyang4ever [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-16 23:15:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
【攻击】1. 调查可疑,调查了多少人、调查了多长时间?
           2. 顾客不抱怨不等于他们分辨不出或者不在乎,可能嫌麻烦,也可能不说但是下次不去了;
           3. 即使西南顾客觉得无所谓,不等于东北顾客不在乎,可能东北顾客特别在乎;


In this argument, the author recommends that the Happy Pancake House (HPH) should extend cost-saving change to its restaurant in the southeast as well as northeast in order to avert the expense of purchasing butter. To substantiate this recommendation the author cites the result of a survey that only 2 percent of customs have complaints and some of them do not complaint when they are given margarine rather than butter. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless of the recommendation is.

To begin with, the validity of the survey is doubtful. We are not informed that how many people were surveyed. If, for instance, only 10 subjects are surveyed that might constitute an insufficiently small sample, the conclusion would be highly suspect. What is more, the author fails to indicate how long the statistics were collected. It is entirely possible that the researcher only conduct this survey 5 days, during which all conditions may vary drastically. For that matter, 2 percent of customers have complaint in short several days and thus it is very likely that the number of complaint custom is increasing rapidly.

Secondly, even assuming that above survey is reliable, the author observes a correlation between indistinct the margarine from butter and little customer complaint, then concludes that the former is the cause of latter. However, perhaps customers in HPH consider communication with the manager and altering another butter as a trouble. Or perhaps despite these people have the competence to discern the margarine and butter, they express nothing and as a result people would never go to HPH due to its cheating. Without ruling out all other requisite factors it is unfair to conclude that most customers do not care either butter or margarine.

Finally, the author unfairly assumes that the regardless of butter in southeast part would ensure the similar result in northeast. Yet the argument fails to justify this assumption. Common sense informs me that any one of a myriad of other differences -- characters -- may explain why people. It is entirely possible that people in northeast are more aggressive than that in southeast that causes northeast customers are so angry that they complaint constantly. Without accounting for possible differences of these two locations, the author cannot convince me effectively.

To sum up, the author has done nothing more than states an opinion with some anecdotal information included that proves nothing. To make it logically acceptable, the author must convince me -- perhaps by way of a reliable survey about the total number of customers after turning the butter to margarine -- that indicates people actually do not consider the butter at all. In addition, without providing directly evidence that people in the northeast take the fresh view, this argument is based on nothing more than pure speculation and perhaps wishful thinking.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-17 08:28:09 |只看该作者
Inthis argument, the author recommends that the Happy Pancake House (HPH)should extend cost-saving change to its restaurant in the southeast aswell as northeast in order to avert the expense of purchasing butter.To substantiate this recommendation the author cites the result of asurvey that only 2 percent of customs have complaints and some of themdo not complaint when they are given margarine rather than(instead of) butter. Acareful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless of therecommendation is.

To begin with, the validity of the survey is doubtful. We are notinformed that how many people were surveyed. If, for instance, only 10subjects are surveyed that might constitute an insufficiently smallsample(这个反例不太好吧..10个人的话人家怎么也得不出2%的结论阿.. 嗯,只是我的看法啦), the conclusion would be highly suspect. What is more, theauthor fails to indicate how long the statistics were collected. It isentirely possible that the researcher only conduct this survey 5 days,during which all conditions may vary drastically. For that matter, 2percent of customers have complaint in short several days and thus itis very likely that the number of complaint custom is increasingrapidly.


Secondly, even assuming that above survey is reliable, the authorobserves a correlation between indistinct the margarine from butter andlittle customer complaint, (base on which the author)then concludes that the former is the causeof latter. However, perhaps customers in HPH consider communicationwith the manager and altering another butter as a trouble. Or perhapsdespite these people have the competence(这个词不适合) to discern the margarine andbutter, they express nothing and as a result people would never go toHPH due to its cheating. Without ruling out all other requisite factors,it is unfair to conclude that most customers do not care (about being given)either butteror margarine.

Finally, the author unfairly assumes that the regardless(ness) of butter insoutheast part would ensure the similar result in northeast. Yet theargument fails to justify this assumption. Common sense informs me thatany one of a myriad of other differences -- characters -- may explainwhy people(这句在下没读懂,不好意思...). It is entirely possible that people in northeast are moreaggressive(picky..  
aggressive有点过了...) than that in southeast that causes northeast customers areso angry that they complaint constantly(tend to complain more about what they are given). Without accounting forpossible differences of these two locations, the author cannot convinceme effectively.

Tosum up, the author has done nothing more than states an opinion withsome anecdotal information included that(DELETE) proves(proving) nothing. To make itlogically acceptable, the author must convince me -- perhaps by way ofa reliable survey about the total number of customers after turning thebutter to margarine -- that indicates people actually do not considerthe butter at all. In addition, without providing directly evidencethat people in the northeast take the fresh view, this argument isbased on nothing more than pure speculation and perhaps wishfulthinking.




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Argument182【0906G背水一战三月小组】第8次作业 by yunfeiyang4ever
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