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[i习作temp] ISSUE 一篇习作 欢迎光临 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-8-13 11:13:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten." WORDS: 672 TIME: N/A
In the issue, the speaker asserts that instead of individuals, the study of history should also put equal and even more emphasis on the groups of people. Although the author’s assertion may strike a chord in the hearts of most readers, I have my reservations. Despite the fact that common people is the motivity to push the wheel of history forward, we should realize that study of the famous ones is the most effective way to know the period of the history.
First and foremost, there is no denying the fact that the outstanding accomplishment made by the groups of people can not be neglected. Because history is amalgamation of different of events and trends, no matter what they are kind of, science or society, the common people always play a role holding the balance in the event. For example, the French evolution was instigated by groups of people who resisted the control of the bureaucracy and aristocracy. No one will argue that this is spontaneous sociopolitical revolt carried out by the numerous people who opened a door to a more democratic society and they armed themselves with the belief in equal rights. Thus, different from the leader making orders, idealist preaching utopia and prophet charting course, only depending on the common people can make our society become what is like today.
However, although the importance of the masses is undeniable in the process of history, it doesn’t mean that study of the famous few is unjustifiable. During the process of study of history, the study of the distinguished people can more clearly demonstrating the history than the research of the masses in virtue of factors in two respects.
On one hand, if we exorbitantly emphasize the vitality of studying the masses, we will be bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of endless information. Even a small event, there could include numerous people who are influenced by their tutor’s idea. As for the historians, it is impossible to have a comprehensive understanding of this event. However, the study of the leaders, the most representative, can not only help the historian have a bird-view of the progress of the activity and provide them with the cause and trend of the activity by having a profound study of the philosophy of the leader. Thus instead of considering the identities whatever they are a heroes or cowards, it is most direct way to study their brain to comprehend the events and to perceive the trends.
On the other hand, in this well-established legal environment, it is the some great individuals who own the abilities and take action to change the society. An apt illustration of this point involves in Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of United States, was a Progressive reformer who disturbed many wealthy businessmen and monopolistic corporations as “trust buster”. After carrying out the policy “Sherman Anti-Trust Act”, he become the hero in the eye of the toiling people with onerous workload and low-pay. Although there were a lot of people supporting, it was Theodore Roosevelt who was standing on the brink of a cliff taking the risk of assassination. I believe not everyone has the courage and dignity to take this kind of responsibility.
Finally, whether we put emphasis on the general people or the great individuals, our main job is to understand the piece of the history. History is a sage, like a flawing rivulet, who keeps whispering many vivid stories to hone the sense of courage and dignity while promoting the thoughts. In my view, the genuine purpose of the studying history is rooted not in the reconstructing the past or sifting the evidence of every individual to restore the true face of the history, but rather delivering the human values we cherished forever.

In conclusion, although The contribution made by the general people when seen as a whole. The credits made by a great individual is much more significant than any one of the general and that’s the reason why the grants him the honor and his name remembered forever.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-13 13:05:55 |只看该作者
题目的格式不对哦 应该是ISSUE 48
8.28 GRE
10.4 笔试
10. 18 TOFEL 征战友

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