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[学术讨论] GSD MAUD Urban Design Proseminar_Reading List_2010 Fall [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-11-20 16:27:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
What is Urban Design?: F3 y* x) a* Z
[Week 1, September 13]9 ~8 ~8 \; A. i  W
4 k3 T9 a5 B; r9 f/ \6 ?9 h4 x
“Urban Design Now: A Discussion,” Urban Design, Alex Krieger and William S. Saunders eds.
! {/ U) z# A$ G' C7 d8 o(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 291–326.# J5 V! c. P0 ]& o. ^8 r
0 S3 h: |1 E( ]& h5 }  L5 i  J: f2 W
Alex Krieger. “Where and How Does Urban Design Happen?” Urban Design, Krieger and Saunders
! X& {8 V. B, X( T) H9 r8 W" Aeds., 113–130.

- J, _  {! L  B-4 P4 \- A9 p8 }) B7 V) P
Michael Sorkin. “The End(s) of Urban Design.” Urban Design, Krieger and Saunders eds., 155–182.
  Q4 N: [" |7 k+ A4 O & ?' X9 L' z& ]+ |  P
% ~0 T+ Q( ^, g[Week 2, September 20]
2 [& |0 _9 F. d! Q+ T9 s; U-1 `3 L0 r7 ~/ f" E$ S2 T
Peter Carl, “Type, Field, Culture, Praxis,” AD (Architectural Design), Chris Lee and Sam Jacoby eds.,
3 Y  ?" j: s9 U& p+ R  L(London: John Wiley & Sons, Forthcoming).

1 ~/ |0 k7 ^# l" I-0 G9 A/ D9 \  J. I9 B
Aldo Rossi, The Architecture of the City (New York: Opposition Books, 1994), 13–61 (Introduction and
6 b1 L. U& `" K6 [) l: EChapter 1, “The Structure of Urban Artifacts”).
4 M/ \6 G# c( S. {# y1 [& d
8 R+ o  H7 e% L# L7 d, r
Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter, Collage City (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979), 50–85, and 86–117, (Chapter. O$ o' K# b* y
3, "Crisis of the Object: A Predicament of Texture;" Chapter 4, "Collision City and the Politics of
  t3 x6 }( x1 u- F"Bricolage").
- r! m0 X, P, o/ H$ Z
& n" g2 @8 Y( \* J
Take a look at:
7 J% l0 R% D  D! A/ j" k5 ?-
! \3 `, i3 Z3 n  c
Edmund Bacon, Design of Cities (New York: Viking Press, 1968).
$ N# _% ]% ~/ ^5 B2 {  VThe First Urban Design Conference: Extracts.” Urban Design, Krieger and Saunders eds., 3–15.
6 ~0 Z$ ]3 ]0 x: W1 r1 ~-' u& ^0 W0 ^( o7 Q) P8 H
Eric Mumford, “The Emergence of Urban Design and the Breakup of CIAM.” Urban Design, Krieger
1 D) \: [: l$ f; l" W& V. qand Saunders eds., 15–38.
1 F/ {. w( X8 N8 L" a! o5 g
-+ [( m6 X: Z$ p' Q- l6 F( [. S
James Joyce, Ulysses (any edition).
2 b+ P$ t/ o& a8 W: ^+ _ # N0 H3 D. F0 b* I6 J3 q7 Y. p3 b
Operations?( O7 q& v  S7 I1 s& B4 h. G! X
[Week 3, September 27]
) v, }4 K% W$ B- e. _-/ O- P# \2 X: z
Peter Carl, “Learning from Learning From Dubai,” Cities From Zero, Shumon Basar ed., (London: AA3 y& `8 Q1 Z* B$ N! _8 z0 Q
Publications, 2007).
' r$ D  _: s+ Y0 o' w
8 C9 b& ]4 H) o. K8 I- B  Q1 c
Rem Koolhaas, “The Generic City,” S,M,L,XL (New York: Monacelli, 1998), 1238–1267; “Whatever
" c7 B; k' U) ?Happened to Urbanism,” 958–971; and “Bigness, or the Problem of Large,” S,M,L,XL, 494–496.
# I% G4 N) O6 e) d4 E  g
-- ^9 p+ @' {8 I; d1 {
Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour, Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten! n# s' x; F* c  F1 }' W  Y* \4 l4 }) k
Symbolism of Architectural Form
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1977, 1996).
3 Z0 S$ t! r4 M9 ]5 U1 I
- l1 W% ^5 `5 U: O# B. s
Take a look at:
. j8 o' J+ s+ Z- l-( f1 J! `2 G; J
Pierre Bélanger, “Landscape as Infrastructure” Landscape Journal 28:1 (2009), 79-95.
% S- T* n1 q  K3 `2 c+ l; E* F! ?-
! U0 W- }9 T, p9 t! A. T
Stephen Holl, Urbanisms (New York: Princeton University Press, 2009).7 {( E9 ?! N7 Y- @  a( G
-" ~* \* N9 @' j4 V+ q1 B
James Holston, The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasília (Chicago: University of Chicago! x1 q+ }; ?* W. B* q
Press, 1989).

* p8 |; g5 Q6 t-
3 U8 ^2 ]! p, p7 F2 _
Alex Lehnerer, Grand Urban Rules (Rotterdam: 010, 2010).
$ U* _/ A* Y! W9 o$ a2 d4 k 3 Q8 w* M% \! }, P4 w2 w  S
Mumbai$ p6 G6 ^9 n( _( d1 ~' n( Q: _
[Week 4, October 4]
& U; d/ u. W# Y) @/ O, F-
2 }4 I- T* n+ T8 l0 {# G
Homi Bhabha, “Mumbai on My Mind: Some Thoughts on Sustainability,” Ecological Urbanism Mohsen
3 R! m0 N8 S% c# }9 nMostafavi with Gareth Doherty eds. (Baden: Lars Müller Publishers, 2010), 78–83.
: ]$ F' ?1 u; \
-9 F: ~2 w, G9 ~, f
Sharada Dwivedi and Rahul Mehrotra, Bombay: The Cities Within (Bombay: Eminence, 1995, 2001).' q+ b/ Y' R: K. l( a) G9 J. V- L
-4 c4 A, }; C3 J, i0 t6 M
Sanford Kwinter, “Notes on the Third Ecology,” Ecological Urbanism, 94–105.5 G# ?6 y* u  e) j  }. s0 {0 M9 A
-7 h  F# L1 R3 h3 l9 Z6 r
Anuradha Mathur and Dilip da Cunha, “The Sea and Monsoon Within: A Mumbai Manifesto,”: K4 ~2 z- p- @+ u$ @; h* J
Ecological Urbanism, 194–207.
' g0 j# W% [, K4 ^' h; S
-& m$ M/ C3 C' o% b1 T
Suketu Mehta, Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (New York: Alfred A. Knopf : Distributed by; ]' E+ j* Z/ c; ]6 s3 n
Random House, 2004).
3 L' L- P! q3 C3 ]% |) J; K1 F
Take a look at:  e( D2 N) H! t2 f
. |  ]8 s4 s+ E  S
Anuradha Mathur and Dilip da Cunha, Soak: Mumbai in an Estuary (New Delhi : Rupa & Co., 2009).) t% ?2 L) @/ k! Q8 ~6 b6 R1 Q1 s0 i7 ?
2 c8 m) n6 h% y! I
Rahul Mehrotra and Sharada Dwivedi, Banganga Sacred Tank (Bombay: Eminence, 1996).
7 W& X  c  E! \) f& \8 K, r-. r6 j$ c* r6 q0 b5 Y7 P
Urban Earth Mumbai. Access at: http://www.urbanearth.co.uk/mumbai/) Y5 w+ z8 o7 g* W3 _) l
9 {% X' X6 H6 E5 _+ }

6 v& L# P- s/ ~' d0 _$ H! `Lenses for looking at the city
3 ~7 K) N. c! k) t' I0 }[Week 5, October 11]4 T0 X+ I" ~( h/ `: x5 P4 B- C
-! I3 r8 b  q/ |/ T" N+ H
Joan Busquets, “Defining the Urbanistic Project: Ten Contemporary Approaches,” Urban Design,. V0 I# E: q9 D! \& M. H2 ^. d
Krieger and Saunders eds., 131–135.

% O% u5 E7 |' j5 M% m-
# W! i: s2 U2 `
Michel Foucault, “Of Other Spaces” (1967), Heterotopias. Available at:$ S5 |- w$ W7 B0 U- _) I
, {  L# h" e  r-" e7 x4 M$ O' [- _
Kenneth Frampton, “Toward an Urban Landscape,” Columbia Documents of Architecture and Theory Vol. 4
) [. V& W8 I' J3 K(New York: Columbia University GSAPP, 1995), 83–93.
3 \3 s. Q% D4 Y: {( l, K, O
-: h6 Y4 T, G* m# y9 ^  u
Sébastien Marot, Sub-urbanism and the Art of Memory (London: AA Publications, 2003), 4–7 and 57–87.
* S7 W# X$ ]. u3 D( n ; k6 G$ D6 t* O& _6 Y
-& x2 e+ R& k: x  k% M' Z6 W9 N* Z
Ed Soja, “Designing the Postmetropolis,” Urban Design, Krieger and Saunders eds., 255–269.! N: E) s+ _( e( R3 L, M' J4 A
Take a look at:
. ?! N, t5 @3 T5 E" [-3 S/ n% w  m& {1 T2 E: r
Joan Busquets and Felipe Correa, Cities X Lines: A New Lens for the Urbanistic Project (Cambridge, MA:' Y+ O4 \8 G2 [- p3 P
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2006).
! j3 I: D- w9 {: a' N9 I& k7 w
( r3 G4 ^5 C' L$ K, W- u$ `7 m
New York City
0 |0 t1 Y  V: m) {[Week 6, October 18]0 [/ m6 p( f* w- y4 C4 I% u
% H+ L1 u( c* ]1 u& F; a
Jeff Byles and Olympia Kazi. The New York 2030 Notebook. (New York: Institute for Urban Design,
* s/ M+ X1 l0 B2 |, b0 H2008).

5 C3 k! E- L: x# `+ Q# y-8 K5 f9 f- V* ?5 O
Sharon Zukin, The Naked City: the death and life of authentic urban places. (New York : Oxford University
7 A4 k, p( P1 [  M- O( w2 BPress, 2010), 63–94, 219–246.
1 E! k8 |8 O* @/ l+ @9 K
Take a look at:" s% e. r+ }2 q9 s6 u0 k
" N4 Z4 j- L" o& a, I
Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, (New York: Monacelli, 1978,1997).

! L, R" a% \' b8 y-
, a: }4 g, Z! @% q( h
PLANYC, Available at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/planyc2030/html/home/home.shtml
, j( u5 v% ~8 |" `* M% t
- z/ F0 w/ B+ R7 ]9 W+ \
1 e5 x2 \$ B8 i4 eBig Projects and Smells
) F, d+ K/ y" ]* ?2 b; h: D[Week 7, October 25]
; E4 f5 N9 m4 T1 p" X# g/ E-
, p, B3 T3 Q3 ^" [+ f9 M
Andrea Branzi, “The Sensorial Revolution,” Weak and Diffuse Modernity: The World of Projects at the# e6 K* y; P, I3 ]2 \$ O: |
Beginning of the 21
st Century (Milano: Skira editore, 2006).
% V/ U* p; r) }& \+ f) b-6 Q# \- I5 `; X2 x
Alain Corbin, The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination (Cambridge, MA: Harvard/ I# N& {' z. `5 ?8 k
University Press, 1986). Access at: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebookbatch.ACLS_batch:MIU01000000000000003898720
! k! H' b9 P( A6 c7 C% g! A4 ]
, @! @+ K3 j) m- k" I7 P
Bjarke Ingels, 3 Warp-Speed Architecture Tales. TEDGlobal, 2009. Access at:
  K: u) K& z9 H3 S  f  y: @* f$ Rhttp://www.ted.com/talks/bjarke_ingels_3_warp_speed_architecture_tales.html) H  r' {2 S8 K/ {6 n
' f. S! [- f0 a' x, X0 n
Mirko Zardini, “Towards A Sensorial Urbanism” Sense of the City: An Alternate Approach to Urbanism
$ c2 Z) O+ O* x3 J( V$ ?0 i
(Baden: Lars Müller Publishers, 2005).
7 \5 ?3 C3 h3 m5 {
Take a look at:0 \" j+ f, h6 M% V: K: N# o
-" f* f" I9 u  \0 E6 [
BIG, Yes is More: An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution (Köln: Evergreen, 2010).8 I) S" x1 J7 L' k" c4 T: j

: }" v: a+ s/ v# X" LBoston
0 n* a6 X; S7 }2 U1 }[Week 8, November 1]
1 l8 x. p/ b. n9 _" T3 q-
5 {+ H- V1 }. J* V9 P
Kevin Lynch, The Image of the City (Cambridge MA: Technology Press, 1960).1 K4 X3 t1 t. E6 S6 q; v
-* O& k0 Q# A1 f, U& ?
Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, (New York: Vintage Books, 1961, 1992) 1–25,
: k  j' M* r, W; O' d89–111 (Introduction and Chapter 5).

: E0 H1 @) c1 [' v! `-
7 S( c+ Z8 D) l" D9 l8 t
Charles Waldheim, “The Other ’56,” Urban Design, Krieger and Saunders eds., 227–236.
4 w& Q4 d" v  N; t( E
Take a look at:
: `* q% d+ a3 @* H-
) d2 E' c# G/ C% U0 A
J. Meejin Yoon with Meredith Miller, Public Works: Unsolicited Small Projects for the Big Dig (Hong Kong:. o+ G9 _" w1 _* h
MAP Book Publishers, 2008).

  P3 r1 z! R+ b2 t-
6 _# Y' r' m2 z, P6 E, ~
4 F: T9 f+ ]; I- c1 ^1 ~  E. n
" V- @2 \5 r- c  Q[Week 9, November 8]
4 l5 B" Z* M/ T-0 b5 \3 D- v: h  x
Andrea Branzi, “For a Post-Environmentalism: Seven Suggestions for a New Athens Charter” and
4 M- C9 Y4 P# ]: _( t' @2 S“The Weak Metropolis,” Ecological Urbanism, 110–113.
& D$ E( j) H* F$ o$ R- J3 }
& p# s- \, j% M- G# _+ t
Robert Bruegmann, Sprawl: A Compact History. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005).% P8 @3 u# S( e
" b- d" b# A! I; y) m
Richard Ingersoll, Sprawltown: Looking for the City on its Edges (New York: Princeton Architectural
- l6 F/ g5 D* W6 }, APress, 2006).
5 v0 w% d/ J- C. X. m, b3 _5 n
-' k+ t0 z& N7 _5 a6 R
William J. Mitchell, City of Bits: Space, Place and the Infobahn (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995)./ h5 j( w+ v# X
Take a look at:
( t! [! @/ N( ]) B+ n-1 K1 [' E( v6 d, f$ i9 A
Alex MacLean, Over: the American Landscape at the Tipping Point (New York : Abrams, 2008).
$ N; }/ ~& |8 l- m, h-! O$ R" Z1 c. V
Dolores Hayden, A Field Guide to Sprawl (New York: W.W. Norton, 2004).
" {8 Q& V% q$ k% s-1 _, {- N' B! Q! W
Julie Campoli and Alex MacLean, Visualizing Density (Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
/ B! [% \& ^2 V3 y  e$ U* g" A2 m2007).
# d! Y3 \; V' k" ^1 }
, k/ q. A+ e. T0 z% Y' ?* i
Balkanisation: Distinct Urbanisms
' L+ H5 ^9 o5 i* K7 R8 _[Week 10, November 15]/ Z& e, p$ j5 i
; i- w$ w2 v# _+ m" `" g7 p" N
Eve Blau and Ivan Rupnik, Project Zagreb: Transition as Condition, Strategy, Practice (Barcelona; New York:* `: m: C2 e  {, O4 r4 l0 Q( l
Actar D, 2007).
' {# |0 c: I0 [2 C! Z, ^! K  C
-# R4 \4 z1 T) q6 _. [+ A/ r
Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (London: Routledge, 1979) 248–257.
4 ~) G& B8 ^" A& b6 u! w
2 P  P9 i! b4 t" s-
8 ]$ u! l' r% s8 h; v! R/ W7 AAndrew Herscher, Violence Taking Place: The Architecture of the Kosovo Conflict (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010).
) ?5 h8 w' i  n$ T" t
' r: O7 w' L( y: R4 m- f7 w
$ g7 E- S6 x# V9 cSrdjan Jovanovic Weiss, Almost Architecture (Stuttgart: Academie Schloss Solitude, 2006).
, D: x! m) D# ~1 F0 p$ C
Take a look at:) _" ]& x1 W2 A1 R" {+ h8 W8 X- q
- u" M# X' L; ]- [( Y; gChantal Mouffe, “Agonistic Public Spaces, Democratic Politics, and the Dynamic of Passions,” in Thinking Worlds: The Moscow Conference on Philosophy Politics and Art, edited by Joseph Backstein, Daniel Birnbaum, and Sven-Olov Wallenstein (Berlin and Moscow: Sternberg Press and Interros Publishing,

0 C5 C- s7 l/ f# P2008).
' z4 g2 s! G, a5 |( D( K" `-
7 s- T* U2 |) C9 i, oKatherine Carl and Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss, eds. Lost Highway Expedition : 30/7/-25/8/2006: Photobook,(Slovenia: Co-published by Centrala Foundation for Future Cities, School of Missing Studies and Škuc
2 K* }+ r4 Z/ Q) X1 o- [4 t  EGallery, 2007).

! e( b" m5 _% s, C-5 Y6 _; }7 B6 _9 m
Maria Todorova, Imagining the Balkans, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), 3–20, 21–38

& A! f5 c2 e0 x" L; Q(Introduction: Balkanism and Orientalism: Are They Different Categories, Chapter 1: The Balkans/ C# i. U/ j% r$ A, o3 ]$ K! }
4 Z8 e1 _1 {7 |+ k8 G-* ^7 [6 V1 O5 s) ], S4 c, [
Milica Bakic-Hayden, “Nesting Orientalism,” in Dusan Bjelic and Obrad Savic, eds., Balkan as Metaphor:Between Globalization and Fragmentation (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002), 209–234.

5 j4 U' }3 }3 U# v+ {+ q  G + }  d  h$ M( a  b  r1 u& t
. k6 A0 L1 M5 C6 v- {# F[Week 11, November 22]
" G, j$ X& W0 d& S+ o, J0 W  ?2 y- p-
% v: X3 ^; M; dRosalyn Deutsche, Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics (Chicago, Ill.: Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996).
; J9 c" V% t( ~  k
-% C. m$ k) ^+ m8 `
Henri Lefebvre, The Urban Revolution (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003), 45–103.

6 r& b7 z1 M" f/ u3 ^-. [9 i4 q" d2 y/ @8 U- ]
Krzysztof Wodiczko, City of Refuge: a 9/11 Memorial (London: Black Dog, 2009).

% s) [  x2 V, sCritical Vehicles: Writings, Projects, Interviews (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999).* D/ Y! A4 u5 p% O
Take a look at:
1 }8 B3 q7 ]$ h' C2 j2 L-
) f5 O* n  H$ T; }! Z+ b9 r  SSvetlana Boym, Another Freedom: The Alternative History of an Idea (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2010).

3 p$ R5 A4 j8 p8 [1 B-
3 F8 x6 M3 N! c1 ]- _, LTom McDonough, ed. Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents (Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 2002).
1 |, ^# b4 J# D2 }- ]  |% m
* C+ C2 l( S. P  \- i
Action!2 W3 k- i  P5 e
[Week 12, November 29]
$ F& P( N5 Z0 H% [6 d* e+ ?-
9 K8 M, n* D8 A7 J
Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford, Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism (New York: Metropolis Books,2008).
: d/ |2 u- t; u: i
-" e" m2 x$ c8 t' B! D) ?9 k$ R" X
Susan Fainstein, The Just City (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010).

2 w% a' {+ ?5 Z6 rInterboro, “Community: The American Way of Living” Places 7 September 2009. Access at:
- N' B/ Q+ n; P4 o& h5 xhttp://places.designobserver.com/entry.html?entry=10647

4 y5 V: E9 Q) i/ Q- lTake a look at:
: @9 v" d2 N) P9 h8 r- K% y8 }+ h-9 h! E5 E4 F8 T5 \$ [
Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée. Urban Act: Practices, groups, networks, workspaces, organisations, tools,methods, projects, data & text. A handbook for alternative practice (Paris: aaa-PEPRAV, 2007).
# d$ q( q* i0 O  Z! M-
# B( ~  y( v* r; t" ~4 l
Teresa Caldeira, City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo (Berkeley: University of
, H& Q* J" ]& S) n4 a: ^California Press, 2000).

3 H* o8 L# ]) S) w- [1 g3 Y-
* u9 v. M; C; X# k6 C* QRodolfo Machado
, ed., The Favela-Bairro Project: Jorge Marion Jauregui Architects. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard# P- e: f, }$ R% r9 {2 C
Design School, 2003).

GSD Urban Design Proseminar_Reading List_2010 Fall.doc

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