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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-6-29 18:24:13 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the thing that they've done well

    To address the question of whether successful people are more likely to take risks and new things than to do things which they have done well, we should first define the group of people--so-called successful people. In most cases, a man has been labelled as "successful man" because of their certain achievement in some field. In my view, the real successful man not only has great achievements but also has a great influence which leads to the advancement of his field. Therefore, the criteria of success require a man to possess the courage to take risks that may bring changes to others.

    Why a man is viewed as successful person is definitely because he has done something that seems impossible to others. We gave warm applause to Steve Jobs not only because he has accumulated a big amount of personal wealth but also because he has made a business fairy tale come true, and it is the inspiration power of the fairy tale that has revolutionised the market trend and changed almost everyone's way of entertainment. No one would expect that Jobs could go this far when he was fired by the company he founded years ago. Instead of doing a traditional compyter manufacturer, after leaving Apple Jobs bought Pixer to focus his attention on the entertainment business. He is the man with vision, and thanks to the experience in entertainment business his return to Apple has brought a great success to the company. It is because of Jobs's innovative idea and courage to change that Apple finds its new growing point and that we, common people, can experience the extraordinary excitement when we have ipod and iphone.

    It is true that to take new things brings risks with it and that to maintain the well-being of present state seems relatively safe. Those emperors of Qing dynasty in China may have the same thought that to have an affluent empire requires them to make little change and avoid taking risks, so they all together endorse the Closed-door policy. Then, We know the following story of the falling great empire. How can we call those rulers successful men? They ignored a truth that this is a everyday-changing world, and the man who choose to keep the pace with the change succeeds, even sometimes it takes certain risks. In a word, as Darwin says in Origin Species, the fittest survives the selectiion of nature. We can call successful man great “fitter”.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-9 16:42:40 |只看该作者
Students would receive a better, effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year. ! k2 v2 k% d( T) C9 {* n
     It seems that the above topic has been widely discussed for a couple of years on the society. Some argue that the length of 11 months’study a year will highly ensure the effect of education because the intensive study schedule helps students learn as much囧many knowledge as possible. Some contend the opposite point that without an appropriate arrangement of holidays and rest timestudents’ efficiency of absorbing the knowledge will gradually decrease while they are reqiured to by sticking to the long time study schedule every year. Based on personal experience, I prefer to accept the latter side's view point. Besides the reasons mentioned above, there are certain crucial factors that make my point sound.   
     Firstly, just as the arguments is stated above, when a student keeps a time span of continous study for eleven months he or she, as a common person, would feel boring to only learn the knowledge only from in the contextbooks and have a feeling to be a study mashine啊? all year long. Once the students are tired of the learning, there would be no way to realiaze the highly effective education purpose. To take my previous experience in high school as an example, I, like every common Chinese high student at that time, have to pass the Entrance Examination to further my study in university. With an intensive study plan to prepare for the exam, I had no summer and winter vacation and other holidays that are all spent in various classes of exam preparation.有点乱 in At the last year of my high school, I almost consumed the ten or eleven of the twelve months on study. I was toally bored of the whole thing, and everyday I feel felt sleepy. It is turly a black days of my life, and it is just a common tragic story of mine that can almost reflects the history of tears and pains of all Chinese students. Therefore, according to my example, I really can not agree with the point that elevens months of study a year means a better education module. In my opinion, the effect of education has nothing to do with the exact time totally spent in school. 最后一句很好,自己的例子也很好
    Therefore, the standpoint of the topic, which conveniently connects the education quality with time spent in school, oversimplified the issues related with education. According to the beliefs of many well-known educators in world history, there is a common conlusion that can be drwan that the knowledge learned from the books should always be brought to the real world to withstand the chanllenges of the reality. In other words, the knowledge in the books are dead, and it is thee learner that give it a life. Thus, students should be offered a certain amount of time to do some practical works to make let the things learned really serves them. There is a famous Chinese saying that goes like this, “Reading thousands of books and taking a million miles of journey make a good learner”. But how can students be good learners when they are allowed to have a month of class-free time for a whole year? 
    In a word, deliverately connecting the education quality with the length of time spent in classroom fails to make itself a sound point after a careful analysis of this issue.拼写你自己检查吧~

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-9 15:03:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 zmselfnature 于 2010-7-9 15:05 编辑

It is more important toreserve land for human beings than for endangered animals.

To respond to the statement of the topic, there are numerousreasons to refute any justification of it. Apparently in front of facts facingthe eco-system, no intend to make the above argument reasonable is going tosucceed. After centuries’ over-development that caused wide range of man-madediaster (disaster= dis+aster) to the nature, such as global warming and extinctions of animalsspecies, now it is the right time for human to reverse the old way ofdeveloping. Therefore, the claim to reserve more land for human than forendangerd (endangered) animals is truly a selfish and even brutal way of thinking. Iwould explore my argument in a few parts as follows.

Unquestionably, sincethe Stone Age, the achivement (achievement) of the human civilization is ever done at a great sacrifice ofother species. We with “superior intellegence (intelligence)” coldly rob thesurving (surviving) space from the animals with “inferior intellegence”, taking theland and resourses (resources) used to be shared equally among all the living creatures. It isthe human’s greed that has put so many animals at the edge of extiction (extinction) or already into theextinction hole. No need to go to the homeland of those endangered species, thetragic stories appear almost everyday on news media. For example, because ofthe global warming, the polar bear’s ice habitats have already been threatened,leading to a wide range of disappearance of those bears. In light of the polarbear’s scenario that is deteriorating every minute, any reason to argue for theidea of land reservation for human would seem totally ridiculous.
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Even the interest of other animals is not at the primarystatus of human consideration of which is more important, for the benefits ofourselves there are still plenty of reasons to reserve the land for endangeredanimals first. As it is known to all,the eco-system is a complex net of numerous chains where human may be at thetop, thus every species, including human, is closely related with others on thechains of the net and so depends on each other. The disappearance of wet landwhere various trees and birds live because of human exploitation is a perfectexample to show the results of the broken chain. After the land has beeneliminated from the local eco-system, trees which help the land hold waterwould die out, and in turn the lack of a vital resourse lead to a finallybarren area that would not be suitable for growing economic corps as is plannedpreviously by human. Contrary to the above situation, if the wet land is wellreserved for endangered animals, not only would those animals be protected, butalso precious natural resourses crucial for people’s own development would bekept from retreating.
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In a word, when thetopic of land reservation is on the desk, there should no compromising spacefor those people who only focus on the short term profits and their owninterest. Endangered species should always be at the first position to beconsidered to own their lands.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-7-9 11:56:46 |只看该作者
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-9 00:47:31 |只看该作者
Students would receive a better, effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.

     It seems that the above topic has been widely discussed for a couple of years on the society. Some argue that the length of 11 months’study a year will highly ensure the effect of education because the intensive study schedule helps students learn as many knowledge as possible. Some contend the opposite point that without an appropriate arrangement of holidays and rest time students’ efficiency of absorbing the knowledge will gradually decrease while they are reqiured to stick to the long time study schedule every year. Based on personal experience, I prefer to accept the latter side’s view point. Besides the reasons mentioned above, there are certain crucial factors that make my point sound.   
     Firstly, just as the arguments is stated above, when a student keeps a time span of continous study for eleven months he or she, as a common person, would feel bored to only learn the knowledge in the contextbooks and have a feeling to be a study mashine all year long. Once the students are tired of the learning, there would be no way to realiaze the highly effective education purpose. To take my previous experience in high school as an example, I, like every common Chinese high student at that time, have to pass the Entrance Examination to further my study in university. With an intensive study plan to prepare for the exam, I had no summer and winter vacation and other holidays that are all spent in various classes of exam preparation. At the last year of my high school, I almost consumed the ten or eleven of the twelve months on study. I was toally bored of the whole thing, and everyday I feel sleepy. It is turly a black days of my life, and it is just a common tragic story of mine that can almost reflects the history of tears and pains of all Chinese students. Therefore, according to my example, I really can not agree with the point that elevens months of study a year means a better education module. In my opinion, the effect of education has nothing to do with the exact time totally spent in school.
    Therefore, the standpoint of the topic, which conveniently connects the education quality with time spent in school, oversimplified the issues related with education. According to the beliefs of many well-known educators in world history, there is a common conlusion that can be drwan that the knowledge learned from the books should always be brought to the real world to withstand the chanllenges of the reality. In other words, the knowledge in the books are dead, and it is thee learner that give it a life. Thus, students should be offered a certain amount of time to do some practical works to let the things learned really serves them. There is a famous Chinese saying that goes like this, “Reading thousands of books and taking a million miles of journey make a good learner”. But how can students be good learners when they are allowed to have a month of class-free time for a whole year?
    In a word, deliverately connecting the education quality with the length of time spent in classroom fails to make itself a sound point after a careful analysis of this issue.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-7-7 22:14:44 |只看该作者
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Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-6 22:22:14 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lv1015 于 2010-7-6 22:27 编辑

It is more important to reserve land for human beings than for endangered animals.

    To respond to the statement of the topic, there are numerous reasons to refute any justification of it. Apparently in front of facts facing the eco-system, no intend to make the above argument reasonable is going to succeed. After centuries’ over-development that caused wide range of man-made diaster to the nature, such as global warming and extinctions of animals species, now it is the right time for human to reverse the old way of developing. Therefore, the claim to reserve more land for human than for endangerd animals is truly a selfish and even brutal way of thinking. I would explore my argument in a few parts as follows.
    Unquestionably, since the Stone Age the achivement of the human civilization is ever done at a great sacrifice of other species. We with “superior intellegence” coldly rob the surving space from the animals with “inferior intellegence”, taking the land and resourses used to be shared equally among all the living creatures. It is the human’s greed that has put so many animals at the edge of extiction or already into the extinction hole. No need to go to the homeland of those endangered species, the tragic stories appear almost everyday on news media. For example, because of the global warming, the polar bear’s ice habitats have already been threatened, leading to a wide range of disappearance of those bears. In light of the polar bear’s scenario that is deteriorating every minute, any reason to argue for the idea of land reservation for human would seem totally ridiculous.
    Even the interest of other animals is not at the primary status of human consideration of which is more important, for the benefits of ourselves there are still plenty of reasons to reserve the land for endangered animals first. As it is known to all, the eco-system is a complex net of numerous chains where human may be at the top, thus every species, including human, is closely related with others on the chains of the net and so depends on each other. The disappearance of wet land where various trees and birds live because of human exploitation is a perfect example to show the results of the broken chain. After the land has been eliminated from the local eco-system, trees which help the land hold water would die out, and in turn the lack of a vital resourse lead to a finally barren area that would not be suitable for growing economic corps as is planned previously by human. Contrary to the above situation, if the wet land is well reserved for endangered animals, not only would those animals be protected, but also precious natural resourses crucial for people’s own development would be kept from retreating.
    In a word, when the topic of land reservation is on the desk, there should no compromising space for those people who only focus on the short term profits and their own interest. Endangered species should always be at the first position to be considered to own their lands.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-4 00:44:27 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lv1015 于 2010-7-4 00:54 编辑

7.3  In order to solve the problems of the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

There is an old Chinese saying that history can always be the mirror of the temporary situation. Just like what the ancient wisdom endorses, what I strongly believe is that to well understand the past and draw lessons from the history can definitely help people in the present days deal with various problems.

Firstly, the primary support of my argument is the fact that present problems are actually the replay version of the past. Two great World Wars are trully a perfect example of this point. Because of the desire to aggressively invade other countries to seek surviving space, the axis country took the same road of their predecessor, brought the war fire all over the world, and took away millions of precious lives, making common people struggle in disaster. Ironically, the second World War happened only after no more than a decade when the first one just ended. Therefore, human is really likely to make the same mistake which even has already cost a lot before. If people could really extract the wisdom of the past, I believe that they would make far less mistakes in present and future.

Even with the above fact, I can also find some examples that people learn well from history, benefit from past experience, and finally solve present problems. In western countries’ law system, the case-law is a basic law practice in which present cases will be compard with the cases that previously have been dealt with. Usually, the previous cases will have a guideline effect on the present cases, a pretty good instance of the use of past experience.

To take my personal life as an example, when I took the sales work at start I often called my potential customer directly to catch their demands and sell the products, but the customers always finished the conversation very quickly after I just started. Later, because my sales calls mostly turned out to results of objection I tried to figure out the reason of failure and also consulted some senior sales. From a careful analysis I drew a conclusion that I should pay more attention on the process of KYC, which is Know Your Customer process requiring salesman to understand well the interest and preference of every single client. Then in a time of a month, my performance gained an impressive improvement which strongly bolsters my self-confidence. Moreover, the things learned from the past will help me a lot in the future of my careeer.

In conclusion, the lessons and wisdoms drawn from the past can really assist people not only to avoid the same mistake as before but also enhance the ability of solving obstacles at present and in future.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-3 00:28:36 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-2 09:48:06 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-2 00:09:59 |只看该作者
    To address the question of whether successful people are more likely to take risks and new things than to do things which they have done well, we should first define the group of people--so-calledso-called含有贬义。。。) successful people. In most cases, a man has been labelled as "successful man" because of their certain achievement in some field. In my view, the real successful man not only has great achievements but also has a great influence which leads to the advancement of his field. Therefore, the criteria of success require a man to possess the courage to take risks that may bring changes to others.
; D. I) b! F6 f7 ~3 j# D

    Why a man is viewed as successful person is definitely because he has done something that seems impossible to others. We gave warm applause to Steve Jobs not only because he has accumulated a big amount of personal wealth but also because he has made a business fairy tale come true, and it is the inspiration power of the fairy tale that has revolutionized the market trend and changed almost everyone's way of entertainment. No one would expect that Jobs could go thisthis 改成so far when he was fired by the company he founded years ago. Instead of doing a traditional computer manufacturer, after leaving Apple Jobs bought Pixer to focus his attention on the entertainment business. He is the man with vision, and thanks to the experience in entertainment business his return to Apple has brought a great success to the company. It is because of Jobs's innovative idea and courage to change that Apple finds its new growing point and that we, common people, can experience the extraordinary excitement when we have ipod and iphone.(例子很新也阐述地很细节)
(第二个论点处最好加点逻辑连接词,逻辑性更好)It is true that to take new things brings risks with it and that to maintain the well-being of present state seems relatively safe. Those emperors of Qing dynasty in China may have the same thought that to have an affluent empire requires them to make little change and avoid taking risks, so they all together endorse the Closed-door policy. Then, We know the following story of the falling great empire. How can we call those rulers successful men? They ignored a truth that this is a everyday-changing world, and the man who choose to keep the pace with the change succeeds, even sometimes it takes certain risks. In a word, as Darwin says in Origin Species, the fittest survives the selectiion of nature. We can call successful man great “fitter”.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-1 22:57:46 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-1 22:56:36 |只看该作者
Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.

In response to the topic, I would like to state that most people apparently tend to make decision on their own. I disagree with the argument of the topic for a couple of reason that can not be neglected easily.

First of all, people are actually the centre part of the process of decision making, and every common man is a unique one who is different from others. Therefore, human, with different background, jugement, and experience, are not likely to give away their right of making decision to others, especially the decisions for themselves. For example, when a job hunter is faced with question about which kind of job he should take, the first one he would go to for an answer is himself, because he is the one who takes the whole responsibility and bear all the results. Therefore, the decision turn out to depend mostly on his personal preference, such as whether he would like the work itself and could be qualified enough.
Due to the above demonstration, a conclusion could be easily drawn that decision making is all personal. Some may defend the opposite stand by saying that people tend to seek others’ suggestion when they are not quite sure about their decision. By arguing my above point, I am not ruling out the influence of others who kindly offer good advice. However, even with the help of others, at last people have to make the final call themselves. As one of my teachers said, no one would be responsible for your own life, and you are the one who have control over yourself.
In spite of what is discussed above, I strongly believe that there are certain groups who may at the early stage need others to make decision for themselves. For instance, the little children who have not yet owned the independent judgement may not leave the parent’s assistance in decision-making. But as long as a child grow up to have his personal stand in many aspects, the parents’ role of decision-maker may prepare for stepping down as a decision-making helper. I believe that this is a natural process for most people.

All in all, most people have to be responsible for their own life, so it would be obvious that most people make decision for themselves instead of leaving the headaching problem to others.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-1 13:54:27 |只看该作者
挺好挺好 嘿嘿

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