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[i习作temp] ISSUE 43...我想好例子的...没用上 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-2-5 21:03:27 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 594          TIME: 00:57:51          DATE: 2/5/2011 7:21:30 PM

In the river of history, people helped themselves and join hands together to overcome any obstacles so that we have today's brilliant lives and society. There is an increasing awareness of importance to have a excellent teamwork and a outstanding leader, no matter in the society, the companies, the factories, or the schools. However, some people consider the maintaining of the highest ethical and moral standards should be one requirement to a leader who wants to be effective. When we consider it again, we might be suspicious of it for it is too extreme.

Admittedly, high ethical and moral standards would certainly lead a leader to a correct attitude towards his people, including the colleagues and the people they serve. The society has shows too many cases that leader do something that would hurt the people for their individual selfish, such as the pay freezes and wage cuts. These cases lead people into the distrust and the being not able to trust the leader. The society gives people too many disappointed so that they don't want to expect anything from the society or the leaders. And the most immediate effect is that the workers getting no enthusiasm to work. But thanks to the people's common knowledge, people have high ethical and moral standards would never do something betray them. People would believe that their works would have a rightly estimate and the achievement would be used into somewhere needed. Thus, the enthusiasm of people would be raise up and the work could become effective. That's why there are many leaders but few can be successful.

But when we noticed that the author used the words “the highest ", some questions had came to my mind. How can the highest ethical and moral standards be? What is the evaluation of the ethical and moral standards? People would do some stupid things such as drug taking, fight fighting, etc. Are these people who have done such things no longer being a high ethical and moral standard leader? Or, are the layers represented the Scales of Justice maintain the highest ethical and moral standards? Another Example, ever if there is the highest ethical and moral standards, could a person who maintain it have done something unforgivable still be the in the standards? If the answer is yes, I'm afraid there are no one could maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. If the answer is no, what about twice, three time, or it is a lifelong standard to people? Therefore, the saying “the highest ethical and moral standards " could not be fair and could not exist anytime.

So, here comes a question, how can tell a leader if he is effective or not? The answer should be the responsibility and the caring about his people. If a leader is conscientious, he would think about any situations before he made a decision and his people would never suffer from the panic of being in a loss. He would always consider the people's needs and demands and showing the caring to them. People under the warm caring could certainly work harder and the policies could be carried out effectively.

To sum up, an effective leader would put his people to be the first before anything and anyone, he cares about his people, he can devote him whole life in the career, he is so responsible that his people would never worried about the team. It is the caring makes a leader effective but not, and would never be, the ethical and moral standards that make a effective leader.
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