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[问题求助] scandal issue 求批 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-29 18:35:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
2.Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

As it is considered in the issue that ,the author think scandals can focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker of reformer ever could.For me ,in some aspects , scandals do help us to reveal some intangible materials or news that are not accessible in normal ways.However,if we want to strike a chord among people with revolutionary methods or some deeply thoughts ,scandals might not be stronger enough to hold the seriousness rather than the speakers or reformers.
First of all, since its flexible ,easy-penetrated and entertained features ,scandal are very easily to spread out in the crowds.No matter it is the story about underhand affairs of Mr. neighbor or an incredible hearsay about an illegal industry it could always be the superstar topic for people to communicate in their leisure time ,and it’s the best reflection of people’s inquisitive humanity .So if there is a scandal which mentions some behaviour that has violated substantial numbers of people’s life or surpass the their ethical and moral standards, it will strongly stimulate the public’s emotion ,and educe great influence on the society.Like the scandal about Prime Minister Berlusconi and Prime Minister Gordon Brown,its content had already violated the American’s law and deviated citizens’ ethical and moral standards, the public’s curiousness boosted the spread of scandal and finally the president was peach. Apparently, this kind of government’s secret is hardly for us to gain from neither the official ways nor the speeches ,so the scandals do help us to gain information as a more comprehensive method.
However, scandals are not omnipotent, in reality ,it have a lot of restrictions.Firstly, yet due to its informal and flexible features ,skeptics are easily to keep doubt and rejected attitude to these gratuitous information. In fact ,their alertness is necessary,as a latest news reports, a teenager in a small city called Macedonia can earn more than 20,000 pound per month by making the fake scandals and putting them onto the Facebook to win attraction. With this great prospect of profit, we can undoubtedly anticipate that more and more people would get involved in the fake scandals making , but none of us will like to pay more attention to the fakes rather than the truth .What’s more ,though we can guarantee the authenticity of the scandals sources ,we can’t make sure that they won’t get changed after long time of dissemination ,so the scandals are more probably to present the major elements of their sources.Especially in some great movements like American Civil Rights movement, since there were scanty of people in that era could actually understand the iconoclastic methods, if the citizens didn’t listen to the Martin Luther King;’s great speech ,they would never face the cruelty of temporal society, they would never be influenced by the energy of “Let freedom ring”,and they would never arouse the resonance about fighting for the equal rights of each citizens. Speakers and reformers can easily transfer the power of literature which seems impossible for the scandals.
Admittedly, scandals are very useful sometimes because they can rise our curiosity and focus our attention on something that we seldom or never get access to ,but their authentic and candidly literary problems still restrict their functions.For my perspectives, the scandals and the speaker or reformer are complementary ,and the whole information system is like the water system in a mountain ecosystem, scandals are analogous to the creek and underground water, they are deep-penetrated and everywhere;the speeches of speakers or reformers are similar to the waterfall and the onrush which is powerful and high- effective.Without the onrush of the speeches ,we can’t fulfill the lakes and rivers of ethical and moral nom or the revolutionary methods.Without the creek of scandals,we can’t  guarantee that each sparse of undiscovered problems can be irrigated.
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scandal issue 求批


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