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[i习作temp] issue157 快考试了,紧张啊,大家互拍,一定回拍:) [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-28 20:54:46 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
"There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires."
Is our observation purely objective? Different people hold various opinions on this issue. There is no doubt that people's observation is a feedback of natural things in some degree. However, based on critical analysis and reasonable examples I agree the standpoint that all the observation which seems to be objective is always guided by the observer's desires or expectation inevitably.
Firstly, in the fields of literature and arts, our observation to those famous and great artworks is usually mixed by our personal experience and our own emotions at that moment. Take a famous history story in Chinese picture for example, the great painter, Tingjian Huang, once drew a Chinese picture named "Looking at the Farm" in his youth. Looking at this work, one of his friend, Dongpo Su, who was arranged to a faraway place with drawer, the because of their flaws in managing his department by Emperor of Song Dynasty and wanted to go back capital as soon as possible, claimed that person who was looking at the farm expected to run to it, while another friend whose situation was just opposite to them suggested that the author wanted to show the hesitated mood of the person in this picture. What makes different observation of persons on a same picture? It is the observer's own expectations or spirit. Dongpo Su's subjective expectation on returning influenced his observation on the picture, and another person's observation was also mixed by his own desire. This story illustrated that purely objective observation does not exist in arts.
Secondly, even in the scientific field, which is always viewed extraordinary objective, the observation on the phenomena in the process of scientific study is also induced by the researchers' own desirability and so on. Kaier Hass, the forerunner of Electron, once proclaimed to the science field that he had discovered the discipline on how the electron moved on metal.  However, carefully examined his thesis presented to the No.4 Electronic Conference in Paris, the experts found that on this phenomenon, his experiment and observation written in his paper was only considered on the condition of his theory, neglecting the other situation which was unfit for his theory but did really existed. After twenty six years, in his memoirist, Kaier Hass admitted that in that time he observed the phenomena following on his considering process "consciously or unconsciously". Actually, in the study of science, facing on the unknown and mysterious world, in order to explore the world more quickly and effectively, scientists always followed the mistakes like Mr. Hass once made, although they always try to avoid these subjective observations. Mr. Hass's story proves that observation in scientific field can not get rid of subjective influence because of the observer's own factor.
Consequently, upon on the examples and reasoning advocated above, we can arrive at the conclusion that neither in the arts field nor in the scientific field, no matter how people try to achieve, the purely objective observation did not exist, it is always inducted by the outer elements, such as observer's expectations or desires.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2005-7-28 21:15:02 |只看该作者
Is our observation purely objective? Different people hold various opinions on this issue. There is no doubt that people's observation is a feedback of natural things in好象用to的哦 some degree. However, based on critical analysis and reasonable examples, I agree with ?the standpoint that all the observation which seems (to be)不要也可以? objective is always guided by the observer's desires or expectation inevitably.
Firstly, in the fields of literature and arts, our observation to those famous and great artworks is usually mixed by our personal experience and our own emotions at that moment这里有点怪. Take a famous history story in Chinese picture for example, the great painter, Tingjian Huang, once drew a Chinese picture named "Looking at the Farm" in his youth. Looking at this work, one of his friend, Dongpo Su, who was arranged to/at a faraway place with/from the drawer, the because of their flaws in managing his department by Emperor of Song Dynasty and wanted to go back capital as soon as possible, claimed that person who was looking at the farm expected to run to it, while another friend whose situation was just opposite to them suggested that the author wanted to show the hesitated mood of the person in this picture. What makes different observation of persons on a same picture? It is the observer's own expectations or spirit. Dongpo Su's subjective expectation on returning influenced his observation on the picture, and another person's observation was also mixed by his own desire. This story illustrated that purely objective observation does not exist in arts.这个例子倒是有点关联,可是描写似乎有点问题,不太懂,而且议论的比重也太少了些吧?:-)

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issue157 快考试了,紧张啊,大家互拍,一定回拍:)
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