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issue36 G-89-互助社-28日 (还有三天考试了,已做初步修改,请各位高手拍砖) [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-28 18:46:01 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue36  第52篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:fantasia     共用时间:44分35秒     658 words
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
As the trend of society and culture flows and ebbs with its specific periodicity and yet progresses at an accelerating and eternal pace, more and more aspects of development--science and technology, art, politics, business and so forth--have jumped into human eyes, waiting for people's judgment. When deciding the greatness of individuals, who can make the ultimate decision? Is it Contemporaries? Or is it Offspring? Concerning qualities in diverse fields of contribution, different answers can be given, without formulization but a case-by-case study.

Admittedly, ordinary people tend to prefer determining by history rather than getting answers from contemporaries. The reason comes like this: the impact or impacts caused by certain items may need a prolonged period to be exhibited or understood sufficiently. For example, the invention of DDT (a kind of pesticides) had been warmly welcomed by the public for its supreme effect toward pests; but after several couples of decades, situation began to turn bad as scales of animals such as butterflies in the neighboring regions died from the pesticide DDT, which later even developed into something like a biological disaster. In the end, DDT was proved to bring detrimental influence to creatures, and therefore became forbidden for usage. For another example, when Darwin proposed his Evolution Theory including natural selection, the most majority of public refuse to adopt it without hesitation for it surpassed their psychological acceptability and conflicted their beliefs. When finally the time came that the majority began to espouse this theory, tens of years had flew away. The analogous destiny was undergone by Copernicus’s heliocentric theory.

A closer examination to reality, nevertheless, may suggest that the only right to determination belonging to offspring is unfair in the cases of lots of other prodigies. When turning to the field of art, one does not have to go too far before she or he ultimately notice that the greatness of a large scale of artists is recognized almost immediately after it is exposed to the public. Instead of time, it is the artists' high skills that actually determine whether they are great or not. For example, when a ballet dancer performs on the stage, her or his competence in the job is almost instantly expressed and realized from the performance. Similarly, whether a painter or a musician fulfills a significant task can also be judged by the very public in her or his times. For another example, Bill Gates--the former CEO of Microsoft has received a mass of compliment for his achievement of Windows. Though the system Windows may later be substituted by some even more superior systems alternatively, the status of Windows would be secured, so would the status of Bill Gates.

Despite the applause of contemporaries, still many persons are inclined to insist for the decision of greatness by history, just as what happened to the inventor of DDT. However, what must be recognized and paid attention to is that the society should not begrudge compliments on behalf of both individuals and communities. A significant instance involves Chairman Mao, a former Chinese political leader well-known not only for his establishment of China but also for his charisma and political skills. His greatness had been ascertained as soon as he set up the new nation; and hardly can this fame be discredited or overturned even by the later social chaos of the Cultural Revolution launched by him and the Gang of Four. Again, though Newton's classical physics was disproved by Einstein in a larger domain at issue, Newton's greatness did not change much since he did actually discover and reveal a system of theories which though imperfect yet applicable in daily life.

Additionally, an even more cautious discerning may show a logic drawback in the statement: if only can history make the final decision, how long time should be permitted? Then it is neither sensible nor feasible to rely totally on some length of time for it may never reach a definite answer.

In the course of contemporary, evolution occurs everyday in all spheres of lives, calling for determination of individuals' greatness in order to be positive to certain persons and therefore impel further development of human community, which leaves the dilemma of who should make the ending verdict. In fact, it is a backbreaking and heartbreaking stock for examination; instead of formularization of the answer, it must be an appropriate case-by-case study. Emphatically, societies must not be too stingy with plaudit, lest deserved improvement could be missed.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-28 18:48:22 |只看该作者

[ Last edited by fantasianos on 2005-8-28 at 18:54 ]

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issue36 G-89-互助社-28日 (还有三天考试了,已做初步修改,请各位高手拍砖)
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