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Argument9 taotaoQ作业(COFFEE组) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-27 17:04:01 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
argument 9.高频 15次
The following appeared in a memorandum from a dean at Omega University.

"Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have risen by thirty percent. Potential employers apparently believe the grades at Omega are inflated; this would explain why Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should now terminate student evaluation of professors."

1 并没有充分的证据可以证明成绩总平均上升了30%,数据本身的可信度
2 EVEN IF 分数上升了30%,可能是由其他的原因造成的(教授因为会被评分,所以更加认真备课、授课,提高了教学水平,促进学生学习更认真学习,引起成绩上升)
3 没有证据表明雇主认为OMEGA的分数贬值(有对雇主进行调查吗?)
4 OMEGA的毕业生没有ALPHA好找工作可能有其他原因(例如,经济萧条,失业率上升,工作当然不好找;ALPHA设置的专业更适合社会需求;原本ALPHA的教学条件水平就比OMEGA强;ALPHA的学生原本就比OMEGA素质好;ALPHA是知名大学,声誉较好,OMEGA是一般大学)
5 这篇文章出自这个DEAN的MEMORANDOM,不是正式权威的报告,而且施行15年了,现在才提出异议,可能因为他最近不受好评,就写写以泄愤

In this argument, the author concludes that Omega University should forbid the evaluation of teaching effectiveness of professors by students. To justify this conclusion, the author cites data that suggesting the averages score of overall student have risen by 30 percent. The author also points out that students graduate from Omega University are less successful in finding job than who graduate from nearby Alpha University in the reason of the measurement. However, I find this argument is flawed in several critical respects.  

To begin with, the argument depends on the statistic the author claims, but we are not informed whether this is the case, how the 30% increasing come out, whether the samples which the author selected for statistic are in complete? No evidence to show the data results from meticulous research. Hence, it can not convince me this is the case.

Even if the 30% rising of average grades of overall students is true, it can not manifest professors give higher scores in their class than ever before. It is entirely possible that, some students’ grades become higher, and the other students’ marks get lower, although the average grades of total students might be higher than before. Thence, lacking sufficient illustration could not substantiate the higher grades result in giving by professors who are under the pressure of evaluation. Given another assumption that, the procedure brings positive effect--- professors prepare lessons more carefully and teach more earnestly according to appraising by students, meanwhile, students work harder than ever before, therefore overall student grade averages get rising. Without ruling out these possibilities, the author can not reasonably rely on these statistics to support the claim that Omega University should suspend the estimation of professors.

In addition, the author assumes that latent employers regard the grades at Omega are devaluated. Nevertheless, the author provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. Does the author investigate these employers? If not, how could he or she draw this conclusion? In all likelihood, difficulties of seeking job by Omega students do not only come from grades performance but also from other factors. For instance, the majors of Alpha University graduates are more accommodated to the need of society than Omega University graduates. Perhaps the reputation of Alpha is much better than Omega, because Alpha is a big, famous university, whereas, Omega is just a cow college. For that matter, if other complications can not be excluded, I simply cannot take the memo’s recommendation seriously.

Finally, the argument appeared in a memorandum from a dean. And it is not a formal statement, so the argument itself is incredible. Most perhaps the author claims so by reason of he or she does not receive good evaluation.

To sum up, the conclusion drawn by the author that it is a must to terminate student evaluation of professors is not as convinced as it stands. To better evaluate the recommendation, I would need more information about what lead average grades to rise, why Omega graduates do not secure job as successful as Alpha graduates, and clear circumstances about Alpha University.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-27 18:00:18 |只看该作者
In this argument, the author concludes that Omega University should forbid the evaluation of teaching effectiveness of professors by students. To justify this conclusion, the author cites data that suggesting the averages score of overall student have risen by 30 percent. The author also points out that students graduate from Omega University are less successful in finding job than who graduate from nearby Alpha University in the reason of the measurement. However, I find this argument is flawed in several critical respects.  

To begin with, the argument depends on the statistic(s) the author claims, but we are not informed whether this is the case, how the 30% increasing come out, whether the samples which the author selected for statistic are in complete(有点口语话,)? No evidence to show the data results from meticulous research. Hence, it can not convince me(us) this is the case.

Even if the 30% rising of average grades of overall students is true, it can not manifest professors give higher scores in their class than ever before(这样表达是不是有点前后矛盾~~). It is entirely possible that, some students’ grades become higher, and the other students’ marks get lower, although the average grades of total students might be higher than before. Thence(?), lacking sufficient illustration could not substantiate the higher grades result in giving by professors who are under the pressure of evaluation(感觉句子不通~~lacking sufficient illustration做主语???). Given another assumption that, the procedure brings positive effect--- professors prepare lessons more carefully and teach more earnestly according to (pressure of being appraised) appraising by students, meanwhile, students work harder than ever before(去掉before或ever), therefore overall student grade averages(the average of overall students' grade) get rising. Without ruling(可以这样用吗?) out these possibilities, the author can not reasonably rely on these statistics to support the claim that Omega University should suspend the estimation of professors.

In addition, the author assumes that latent employers regard the grades at Omega are devaluated. Nevertheless, the author provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. Does the author investigate(这个词用在这里有点不妥~~改成interview吧~~) these employers? If not, how could he or she draw this conclusion? In all likelihood, difficulties of seeking job by(for) Omega students do not only come from grades performance but also from other factors. For instance, the majors of Alpha University graduates are more accommodated to the need of society than Omega University graduates. Perhaps the reputation of Alpha is much better than Omega, because Alpha is a big, famous university, whereas, Omega is just a cow college. For that matter, if other complications can not be excluded, I simply cannot take the memo’s recommendation seriously.(这段的论证显得太主观了一点,其实我觉得argument应该以题目本身为中心来分析~~讨论一下啊)

Finally, the argument appeared in a memorandum from a dean. And it is not a formal statement, so the argument itself is incredible. Most perhaps the author claims so by reason of he or she does not receive good evaluation.(太简单了~~北美范文上略写的观点都还是有几句的)

To sum up, the conclusion drawn by the author that it is a must to terminate student evaluation of professors is not as convinced as it stands. To better evaluate the recommendation, I would need more information about what lead average grades to rise, why Omega graduates do not secure job as successful as Alpha graduates, and clear circumstances about Alpha University.

[ Last edited by Cappuccino☆ on 2005-12-27 at 19:03 ]
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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-27 17:30:36 |只看该作者
The following appeared in a memorandum from a dean at Omega University.

"Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have risen by thirty percent. Potential employers apparently believe the grades at Omega are inflated; this would explain why Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should now terminate student evaluation of professors."

1 并没有充分的证据可以证明成绩总平均上升了30%,数据本身的可信度
2 EVEN IF 分数上升了30%,可能是由其他的原因造成的(教授因为会被评分,所以更加认真备课、授课,提高了教学水平,促进学生学习更认真学习,引起成绩上升)
3 没有证据表明雇主认为OMEGA的分数贬值(有对雇主进行调查吗?)
4 OMEGA的毕业生没有ALPHA好找工作可能有其他原因(例如,经济萧条,失业率上升,工作当然不好找;ALPHA设置的专业更适合社会需求;原本ALPHA的教学条件水平就比OMEGA强;ALPHA的学生原本就比OMEGA素质好;ALPHA是知名大学,声誉较好,OMEGA是一般大学)
5 这篇文章出自这个DEAN的MEMORANDOM,不是正式权威的报告,而且施行15年了,现在才提出异议,可能因为他最近不受好评,就写写以泄愤  (--呵呵,狠!)

In this argument, the author concludes that Omega University should forbid the evaluation of teaching effectiveness of professors by students. To justify this conclusion, the author cites data that suggesting the averages score (可以这样表达吗? 我不确定)of overall student have risen by 30 percent. The author also points out that students graduate from Omega University are less successful in finding job than who graduate from nearby Alpha University in the reason of the measurement. However, I find this argument is flawed in several critical respects.  

To begin with, the argument depends on the statistic (statistics) the author claims, but we are not informed whether this is the case, how the 30% increasing come out, whether the samples which the author selected for statistic are in complete? No evidence to show the data results from meticulous research. Hence, it can not convince me this is the case.

Even if the 30% rising of average grades of overall students is true, it can not manifest professors give higher scores in their class than ever before. It is entirely possible that, some students’ grades become higher, and the other students’ marks get lower, although the average grades of total students might be higher than before. Thence, lacking sufficient illustration could not substantiate the higher grades result in giving by professors who are under the pressure of evaluation. Given another assumption that, the procedure brings positive effect--- professors prepare lessons more carefully and teach more earnestly according to appraising by students (??), meanwhile, students work harder than ever before, therefore overall student grade averages get rising. Without ruling out these possibilities, the author can not reasonably rely on these statistics to support the claim that Omega University should suspend the estimation of professors.

In addition, the author assumes that latent employers regard the grades at Omega are devaluated. Nevertheless, the author provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. Does the author investigate these employers? If not, how could he or she draw this conclusion? In all likelihood, difficulties of seeking job by Omega students do not only come from grades performance but also from other factors. For instance, the majors of Alpha University graduates are more accommodated to the need of society than Omega University graduates. Perhaps the reputation of Alpha is much better than Omega, because Alpha is a big, famous university, whereas, Omega is just a cow college. For that matter, if other complications can not be excluded, I simply cannot take the memo’s recommendation seriously.

Finally, the argument appeared in a memorandum from a dean. And it is not a formal statement, so the argument itself is incredible. Most perhaps the author claims so by reason of he or she does not receive good evaluation.

To sum up, the conclusion drawn by the author that it is a must to terminate student evaluation of professors is not as convinced as it stands. To better evaluate the recommendation, I would need more information about what lead average grades to rise, why Omega graduates do not secure job as successful as Alpha graduates, and clear circumstances about Alpha University.

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