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I disagree with this claim because the idealism and realism are not mutually exclusive. (前后两句之间有点脱节,前面说不是相互排斥后面说了不能总是占优.) Although pragmatism sometimes dominates our survival, but it does not indicate that it always supersede idealism for success. (总地来说还是很清楚的)
Pragmatism is essential for our survival because we can not live without some basic material---including clothes, food and housing. (选的层次不是很好.太实用基本了) If we discard pragmatism and just accentuate the significance of ideas, there is no way for human beings to work through lives. (只是将前面的观念反过来重复了一遍,虽然是论证,但读起来枯燥无味) For instance, when a student who born in a poor family, he or she will probably choose a major which is more practical to guarantee a job opportunity, such as engineering, even if he or she loves arts a lot. If the student only chooses a major to satisfy his ideal to be a painter, it will be more difficult to find a job to survive after graduation unless he is quite talented and can easily gain success, no mention to support his poor family. From this point of view, pragmatism should be set priority upon idealism for our basic requirement as a human being----survival. (整段结构没什么问题,不过论证也没有太多出彩的地方.最关键的问题觉得你的切入点选择有点窄了,读起来觉得偏,说服力不强) (原来下面才将社会,那么前面这个段落最好就要点明本段讲的是个人问题)
Not only does pragmatism serves the individual survival, but also the benefits of the society as a whole. Pragmatism or realism is critical to maintain the stability and prosperity of a nation. (ts清楚) Take the politics as an example. We all know politicians often have their ideas or opinions they want to realize. However, in reality, they often have to compromise and step back for pragmatic reasons. For instance, during the negotiation between China and the UK about the return of Hong Kong, Chinese government want to keep the Hong Kong as communistic society while the British government want to keep their capitalistic system. To break through the dilemma, Chairman Deng abandon his old idea and suggest the policy of 'one country, two systems' which established a foundation for both sides to reach an agreement on this issue, which finally ascertain the unification of Hong Kong and its motherland and the prosperity of Hong Kong. (例子本身相当不错,不过写得太冗长了,突出表现两边都没有完全理想化而是为了现实妥协就够了.最多只能用你现在篇幅的一半) In contrast, in Cambodia where the idea of pure communism was strictly maintained, the country went into chaos and millions of civilians were murdered as a result. In fact, pragmatism is so important for a politician that it can never be overemphasized. (两个例子都局限在社会意识形态上,面太窄了.而且这段都是例子堆彻,虽然例子本身相当不错,不过结尾还是应该有点睛的,最好把个人和社会都要总结一下)
However, the importance of idealism can not be neglected because the emphasis of pragmatism. (奇怪的观念,看你下面怎么论述) (觉得你的论点没有能引导下面的论述,结果下面内容虽然不错但是看得我很累,因为要猜你的观念主题到底是什么.这个是考场上的大忌) The ideal world reflects a better future for us to chase, to struggle to realize. By keeping the idea of building a more advanced and civilized society, we developed modern science, abolished slavery and despotism and created more wealth. Without the insistence of Copernicus and Bruno on the idea of heliocentricism, we may still regard the earth as the centre of the universe. Without Lincoln and Martin Luther King, there would be no equal human rights of the minority and the white people in the US. Without Roosevelt's new deal of interfering with the economy by the government, we may still suffer the economic depression occasionally. (罗斯福那个不能算严格的理想主义吧,有点偏) If these people only acted as a pragmatist, such as keeping their lives from the penalty form Catholic Church, maintaining the country as unified to appeal the Southern states, or not changing the idea of economic liberalism which has governed the economy for thousands of years, (问题严重,这些和实用主义似乎不是很一致,所以你要人为把它们往实用主义上面靠) our society will at least retrogressed for decades or even centuries. Idealism, especially some principles such as equality, human rights and freedom, is no less critical than pragmatism for our human beings. Therefore we should never stopping pursuing ideas like these, even against pragmatism sometimes. (你的例子很充分,这个要赞.不过事实上例子和ts完全符合的情况确实不多,这个时候就需要我们人为把例子和ts的关系拉近,这一点你做得还不够熟练.还有,正面的论证稍微少了一点)
To sum up, the claim overstates the importance of pragmatism while underrate the essence of idealism. In modern society, it is the best for us to keep a balance between them in order to gain more benefits and to progress towards a more ideal society as well.
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