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[i习作temp] Issue38 勇往直前小组第二天 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 16:29:59 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Which is more important during learning period between reading books and watching television? The speaker declaims that reading books is not as important as it once was, because people could learn the same knowledge by watching television as by reading books. However, I consider that reading books is still as important as it once was, as discussed below.

In the modern society, television has become the most common machines in almost every country all over the world. There are more and more television channels providing all kinds of programs. People could get the newest international information by watching television about wars, finance and polity. Moreover, people could learn professional knowledge about traditional science, such as math, language, physics and chemistry. In many countries, E-school is not a novelty in which teachers could teach people by making class programs. In China, about 20 million people choose learning knowledge from E-schools by watching television every year. E-school has become useful complementarities of traditional schools. Some television experts insist that almost every kinds of knowledge could be transmitted by television. Third, some illiteracy who could not reading books like children and old people could accept some knowledge by watching televisions.

However, watching television has some disadvantages. First of all, television has not spread all over the world. Televisions still are expensive machines in many poor or developing countries. People of these countries have little chances to watch televisions. Their main studying methods still are reading books. Second, during programming, some knowledge has been edited in order to make them more attracted. As a result, some information and knowledge have been fractional. Third, in order to get a whole system of knowledge, people have to watch television constantly. If people lose one class, it is difficult to make up. Finally, nowadays there are more amusing programs than learning programs. To most of people, television is the main channel to get funning. In order to get higher profit, television stations focus more on playing movies, cartoons and comedies instead of educational programs. Because of such phenomenon mentioned above, I draw a conclusion that reading books still is as important as it once was.

Moreover, watching television needs television machines and enough space. Because most schools and universities have no abilities to afford such expensive charges, students' main studying method in school is to reading books. People could read books everywhere and every time. And people could learn systemic knowledge. Books also are easier to preserve than television programs which could be read again and again. In most families people have special room to preserve lots of books. Some people even have private libraries. And there are some too abstract knowledge which are difficult to be edited as television programs, such as philosophy and astrophysics.

In summary, it is too absolute for the speaker to acclaim that reading books is not as important as it once was. In most instances, reading books still is the main learning way. And people could learn more by reading books than watching televisions. However, considered that some certain people such as children and old people who can not read, watching television is also important.


235. "Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force."

175. "It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual."
1  没有人能够否认大多数的创新中个人都扮演着决定性的作用。爱迪生、比尔盖茨
2  首先,个人创新需要有他人的劳动和创造作为前提
3  其次,在当今社会中的大部分创新来自于群体创新,个人不可能在创新中能够完成每一个工作任务。

93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-24 17:33:46 |只看该作者
Whichis more important during learning period between reading books and watchingtelevision? The speaker declaims(claims) thatreading books is not as important as it once was, because people could learnthe same knowledge by watching television as by reading books. However, Iconsider that reading books is still as important as it once was, as discussedbelow.

In themodern society, television has become the most commonmachines(虽然谈不上用错了,但是很突兀) in almost every countryall over the world. There are more and more television channels providing allkinds of programs. People could get the newest international information bywatching television about wars, finance and polity. Moreover, people couldlearn professional knowledge about traditional science, such as math, language,physics and chemistry. In many countries, E-school is not a novelty in whichteachers could teach people by making class programs. In China, about 20million people choose learning knowledge from E-schools by watching televisionevery year. E-school has become useful complementarities of traditionalschools. Some television experts insist that almost every kinds of knowledgecould be transmitted by television. ThirdFinally, some illiteracy who could not reading books like children and oldpeople could accept some knowledge by watching televisions.单从电视来说,这三点都合理,但根据题目,应与书做比较。否则,显得有点泛,不扣题的感觉。
However, compared with reading books,)watching television has some disadvantages.First of all, television has not spread all over the world. Televisions stillare expensive machines in many poor or developing countries. People of thesecountries have little chances to watch televisions. Their main studying methodsstill are reading books. Second(Secondly),during programming, some knowledge has been edited in order to make them moreattracted. As a result, some information and knowledge have been fractional. Third(Thirdly), in order to get a whole system ofknowledge, people have to watch television constantly. If people lose oneclass, it is difficult to make up. Finally, nowadays there are more amusingprograms than learning programs. To most of people, television is the mainchannel to get funning. In order to get higher profit, television stationsfocus more on playing movies, cartoons and comedies instead of educationalprograms. Because of such phenomenon mentioned above, I draw a conclusion thatreading books still is as important as it once was.

Moreover, watching television needs televisionmachines and enough space. Because most schools and universities have noabilities to afford such expensive charges, students' main studying method inschool is to reading books.(与上面那段第一点重复了) People could read books everywhere and every time. And people couldlearn systemic knowledge. Books also are easier to preserve than televisionprograms which could be read again and again. In most families people havespecial room to preserve lots of books. Some people even have private libraries.And there are some too abstract knowledge which are difficult to be edited astelevision programs, such as philosophy and astrophysics. 书相对电视的优处可以再展开一点

In summary, it is too absolute for the speaker to acclaim that reading books isnot as important as it once was. In most instances, reading books still is themain learning way. And people could learn more by reading books than watchingtelevisions. However, considered that some certain people such as children andold people who can not read, watching television is also important.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-22 20:36:53 |只看该作者
Which is more important during learning period between reading books and watching television? The speaker declaims that reading books is not as important as it once was, because people could learn the same knowledge by watching television as by reading books. However, I consider that reading books is still as important as it once was, as discussed below.

In the modern society, television has become the most common machines(机器一词似乎不太恰当) in almost every country all over the world. There are more and more television channels providing all kinds of programs. People could get the newest international information by watching television about wars, finance and polity. Moreover, people could learn professional knowledge about traditional science, such as math, language, physics and chemistry. In many countries, E-school is not a novelty in which teachers could teach people by making class programs. In China, about 20 million people choose learning knowledge from E-schools by watching television every year. E-school has become useful complementarities of traditional schools. Some television experts insist that almost every kinds of knowledge could be transmitted by television. Third, some illiteracy who could not reading books like children and old people could accept some knowledge by watching televisions.(感觉在有二者比较时,你写TV的好处,应该时刻不忘和书对比着来,不能孤立分析)

However, watching television has some disadvantages. First of all, television has not spread all over the world. Televisions still are expensive machines in many poor or developing countries. People of these countries have little chances to watch televisions. Their main studying methods still are reading books. Second, during programming, some knowledge has been edited in order to make them more attracted. As a result, some information and knowledge have been fractional. Third, in order to get a whole system of knowledge, people have to watch television constantly. If people lose one class, it is difficult to make up. Finally, nowadays there are more amusing programs than learning programs. To most of people, television is the main channel to get funning. In order to get higher profit, television stations focus more on playing movies, cartoons and comedies instead of educational programs. Because of such phenomenon mentioned above, I draw a conclusion that reading books still is as important as it once was.

Moreover, watching television needs television machines and enough space. Because most schools and universities have no abilities to afford such expensive charges, students' main studying method in school is to reading books. (这是现状,题中讲的是TV取代book的趋势,事实上当TV取代书成为必然时,学校自然会有TV。)People could read books everywhere and every time. And people could learn systemic knowledge. Books also are easier to preserve than television programs which could be read again and again. In most families people have special room to preserve lots of books. Some people even have private libraries. And there are some too abstract knowledge which are difficult to be edited as television programs, such as philosophy and astrophysics.

In summary, it is too absolute for the speaker to acclaim that reading books is not as important as it once was. In most instances, reading books still is the main learning way. And people could learn more by reading books than watching televisions. However, considered that some certain people such as children and old people who can not read, watching television is also important.

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