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[i习作temp] issue48 [勇往直前小组] 第五次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-25 10:25:42 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
In history, we pay attention to individuals, such as heroes, who, regarded by people, contribute much to the transformation and progress of the society. However, we ignore the possibility that the power of individuals is so little that they cannot achieve such accomplishment without the others’ help and suggestions in the team. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

It is the hard work, wisdom and sacrifice of the whole group that establishes the party or reform the system. For example, as we all know, the president of the country
has the responsibility to decide the trend of economic development in future, the policy in diplomatism, etc. They will obtain the support of demos if the decisions benefit them a lot. Nevertheless the decisions need to be analyzed and discussed by various specialists. Their experiences and attainments in the fields are of consequence. In fact, some important events are handled by the government officials and experts. For instance, when the nation meets with the economic problems such as inflation, the economists and the bankers argue to regulate the balance of economics.

It is true that the strategy and decisions made by the famous few own a significant function. But without the practice and avocations by groups of people, they are only theories and imaginations. Take the law for instance, a new bill of law need to actualize in the court, which may also encounter with conflict or contradiction. Therefore, the new law not only needs to be carried into execution but also amelioration, for which the efforts of groups of people are essential. In addition, when the events happened in some places of nation such as calamity, local government holds the duty to reconstruct and according to the circumstances, though nation will provide some support.

Analysis above tells that significant events and trends are possible due to the role of groups of people. Why the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals? The records of events and trends in histories always focus on the leaders rather than the group, thus the public are likely to give one’s attention to leaders and heroes and attribute the achievement to them. In addition, they own a place in the sun; therefore it is easy to attract others. Finally, in common people’s view, decision in urgent moment is more vital than implement.

There always exists a debate that who create the history, the public or the famous few. As the argument has discussed above, though the famous is the key in a team or country, it is the groups of people who integrate wisdom and power make the decision quite concern in urgent or critical period and transform the decision into practice. Thus we should place equal emphasis on individual and groups.

1)  只有充分了解了过去,才能对现在的社会历史状况有更准确的定位。
2)  历史都有惊人的相似性,因此学习过去能增强人们对未来的预见性,也就是增强了人们在现在条件下做出正确决定的能力
3)  了解过去使得人们认识到成功和失败之处,使人们有继续进步的动力和方向

1)  当今社会科学和技术的日新月异让我们对过去的认识很难对当今生活产生指导,甚至还会产生负面影响
2)  然而,对过去和历史的了解让我们理解社会变化的内在原因和规律
3)  同时,表象上的不同实际上也不能消除不同时代间的内在联系和相似性

1)  首先,对历史的研究确实有利于某一时代的人与其他时代的人不同的幻觉
2)  然而,对历史研究的另外一个重要目标就是研究人类社会在历史进程中的变化和在不同历史环境中人们的区别。(例如现在的人和远古时代的人的想法有不同之处)
3)  另外,这种对历史的研究让我们更能清楚我们这一时代的责任,推动进步,而不是仅仅相信人本身不会变化

1)  在人们饥饿和失业的情况下,减少公共资源支持艺术是可以理解的,饥饿和失业的人们应该得到政府的帮助,同时政府也有责任这样做
2)  然而,人们不仅仅有物质需求同时也有精神需求,若只一味强调对物质需求的满足和忽略了精神需求,也是不合理的
3)  精神需求得到满足可以平静人们因物质生活匮乏的产生的紧张感。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-25 19:28:00 |只看该作者
In history, we pay attention to individuals, such as heroes, who, regarded by people, contribute much to the transformation and progress of the society. However, we ignore the possibility that the power of individuals is so little that they cannot achieve such accomplishment without the others’ help and suggestions in the team. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.

It is the hard work, wisdom and sacrifice of the whole group that establishes the party or reform the system. For example, as we all know, the president of the country
has the responsibility to decide the trend of economic development in future, the policy in diplomatism, etc. They will obtain the support of demos if the decisions benefit them a lot. Nevertheless the decisions need to be analyzed and discussed by various specialists. Their experiences and attainments in the fields are of consequence. In fact, some important events are handled by the government officials and experts. For instance, when the nation meets with the economic problems such as inflation, the economists and the bankers argue to regulate the balance of economics. (感觉这个对比不太舒服,因为觉得做决定的人都很重要啊)

It is true that the strategy and decisions made by the famous few own a significant function. But without the practice and avocations by groups of people, they are only theories and imaginations. Take the law for instance, a new bill of law need to actualize in the court, which may also encounter with conflict or contradiction. Therefore, the new law not only needs to be carried into execution but also amelioration, for which the efforts of groups of people are essential. In addition, when the events happened in some places of nation such as calamity, local government holds the duty to reconstruct and according to the circumstances, though nation will provide some support.

Analysis above tells that significant events and trends are possible due to the role of groups of people. Why the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals? The records of events and trends in histories always focus on the leaders rather than the group, thus the public are likely to give one’s attention to leaders and heroes and attribute the achievement to them. In addition, they own a place in the sun; therefore it is easy to attract others. Finally, in common people’s view, decision in urgent moment is more vital than implement.(最后一句话感觉没根据啊。)

There always exists a debate that who create the history, the public or the famous few. As the argument has discussed above, though the famous is the key in a team or country, it is the groups of people who integrate wisdom and power make the decision quite concern in urgent or critical period and transform the decision into practice. Thus we should place equal emphasis on individual and groups.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-25 16:20:44 |只看该作者
In history, we pay attention to individuals, such as heroes, who, regarded by people, contribute much to the transformation and progress of the society. However, we ignore the possibility that the power of individuals is so little that they cannot achieve such accomplishment without the others’ help and suggestions in the team. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
It is the hard work, wisdom and sacrifice of the whole group that establishes the party or reform the system. For example, as we all know, the president of the country has the responsibility to decide the trend of economic development in future, the policy in diplomatism, etc. They will obtain the support of demos if the decisions benefit them a lot. Nevertheless the decisions need to be analyzed and discussed by various specialists. Their experiences and attainments in the fields are of consequence. In fact, some important events are handled by the government officials and experts.这句话有问题,其实officials and experts are also individuals,真正的groups of people是那些normal people,是他们才是most significant events and trends的主体 For instance, when the nation meets with the economic problems such as inflation, the economists and the bankers argue to regulate the balance of economics. (这段论述有点偏离了,题目说的是in history的伟人和民众的关系问题,举例最好是most significant events and trends)
It is true that the strategy and decisions made by the famous few own a significant function. But without the practice and avocations by groups of people, they are only theories and imaginations.
Take the law for instance, a new bill of law need to actualize in the court, which may also encounter with conflict or contradiction.(例子最好具体一点,举一些great to support your viewpointTherefore, the new law not only needs to be carried into execution but also amelioration, for which the efforts of groups of people are essential. In addition, when the events happened in some places of nation such as calamity, local government holds the duty to reconstruct and according to the circumstances, though nation will provide some support. (这个例子不好,local government and nation都是groups of people啊,不是individuals)

Analysis above tells that significant events and trends are possible due to the role of groups of people. Why the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals? The records of events and trends in histories always focus on the leaders rather than the group, thus the public are likely to give one’s attention to leaders and heroes and attribute the achievement to them. In addition, they own a place in the sun;(这句话生动) therefore it is easy to attract others. Finally, in common people’s view, decision in urgent moment is more vital than implement.
There always exists a debate that who create the history, the public or the famous few. As the argument has discussed above, though the famous is the key in a team or country, it is the groups of people who integrate wisdom and power make the decision quite concern in urgent or critical period and transform the decision into practice. Thus we should place equal emphasis on individual and groups.

总的来说,全文结构很好,语言很流畅,只是例子举的不好,没有significant events and trends,显得没有说服力。

[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-25 16:28 编辑 ]

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