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[未归类] issue143 [0710G 戴三个表冲刺小组] 第6次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-31 11:51:31 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
143 提纲:
     2.Admittedly, 艺术家的思想是一般unique to average people inlude critics,艺术是创造性的工作,需要灵感
       1>novels, 最好的效果是能是反映人们的生活,feelings,如果reader能感受到自己就是其中的一个charactor的话,
     4.In sum,要保持自己的思考,同时参考大众和评论家的意见,调整自己作品的方向和内容,接近大众。
     TOPIC: ISSUE143 - "Artists should pay little attention to their critics.* Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity."
*those who evaluate works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

WORDS: 608          TIME: 00:45:03          DATE: 2007-7-31 11:36:51

I strongly disgree with author's assertion that it is right for artists to pay little attention to their critics because of the negative influence of criticism. Though in some circumstance criticism may undermine and constrain the artist's creativity, mostly, I still believe artists can benefit from these criticism.

Admitted, the works of the artists fall into the category of creative work, thus it is highly unlikely every one can understand their works and can appriciate them. History replete with such examples, Beethoven's eary listeners, accustomed to the traditional harmonies and melodic, regard his music hurting their ears. And Van Gogh, to of whose live paintings have broken all records in selling for $50 million, but he sold only one of his paintings in entire career. The artists usually have the unique perspective upon the world, and descript the world in the art language which we cannot understand without the specified training or the simlar experiences. The critics always serve as a bridge between the artists and the common people, who help intepret the meanings of arts which are hard to comprehend, and feed back the suggestion of audence and their own  to the artists as criticism. For some reasons, these criticisms do not always serve as helpful function. Fist , the background of critics still diffent from the artists', may be close to the background to the common people because they are from the common people. Second, the jealcy which may prevent the critics presenting the truely useful suggestions rather than the complaint. Thus, the critism from critism will sometimes undermine and contrain the artist's crativeity, serve as negative influence , as the author claimed.

Howere, perhaps the oldes defination of the function of arts is that they provide pleasure, they present pleasure to the people in the sociaty. Art has an effect on the individual and on a particular culture in a society. Psychologically, art enhances life by adding beauty to our surroundings. It is a source of pleasure and relaxation  from the stresses of life. Socially, art plays a number of different roles  by virtue of its capacity to embody symbolic significance to its audience. If the artists  igore the voices from the critics, ignore the suggestions from the audience, it is highly impossible that the arts will fulful their this function well.

Concider novel, which the artists tell the stories of the world, the people, the feelings of people in his papers. The most attractive novel are always those can most closely touch the feelings in the deep heart. The reader may find themselves one character of the story and their mood and feeling will go up and down according to the character's. Suppose a nove is just a fiction from the author's imagination, and disjoint with the real life, it will be hard to accepted by the readers.

And then concider film, which is the most popular form of arts thanks to the great development in technology. The film can provide the aundence a more sensitive, visusl way to learn a story. The same as novel, the audence can always put themselves in the story. Some classic dialog, or even a smile in the film can be impressed in our brain for a long time. A boring film which only tell the story of the artist's and make from vacuum can hardly has this effect.

To sum up, the artists should do their work creatively and not make any compromise blindly to satisfy the need of  the critics if they think it is right and mostly reflect the life of people, and be able to disinguish which critisms are helpful and which are not.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-1 19:19:01 |只看该作者

I strongly disagree with author's assertion that it is right for artists to pay little attention to their critics because of the negative influence of criticism. Though in some circumstance criticism may undermine and constrain the artist's creativity, mostly, I still (still 应该去掉)believe artists can benefit from these criticisms.

Admitted, the works of the artists fall into the category of creative work, thus it is highly unlikely every one can understand their works and can appreciate them. History is replete with such examples, Beethoven's early listeners, accustomed to the traditional harmonies and melodies, regard his music (dismissed his symphony as literally) hurting their ears. And Van Gogh, two of whose live paintings have broken all records in selling for $50 million, but he sold only one of his paintings in entire career. The artists usually have the unique perspective upon the world, and descript the world in the art language which we cannot understand without the specified training or the similar experiences. The critics always serve as a bridge between the artists and the common people, who help interpret the meanings of arts which are hard to comprehend, and feed back the suggestions of audience and their own to the artists as criticism. For some reasons, these criticisms do not always serve as helpful function. Fist, the background of critics still different from the artists', may be close to the background to the common people (audience) because they are from the common people (audience). Second, It is the self tendency which may prevent the critics presenting the truly useful suggestions rather than the complaints. Thus, the criticism from critics will sometimes undermine and constrain the artist's creativity, serve as negative influence , as the author claimed.

However, perhaps the oldest definition of the function of arts is that they provide pleasure. They present pleasure to the people in the society. Art has an effect on the individual and on a particular culture in a society. Psychologically, art enhances life by adding beauty to our surroundings. It is a source of pleasure and relaxation from the stresses of life. Socially, art plays a number of different roles by virtue of its capacity to embody symbolic significance to its audience. If the artists ignore the voices from the critics, ignore the suggestions from the audience, it is highly impossible that the arts will fulfill this function well.

Consider novel, which the artists tell the stories of the world, the people, and the feelings of people in his papers. The most attractive novels are always those can most closely touch the feelings in the deep heart. The reader may find themselves one character of the story and their mood and feeling will go up and down according to those of the characters. Suppose a novel is just a fiction from the author's imagination, and disjoint with the real life, it will be hard to be accepted by the readers.

And then consider film, which is the most popular form of arts thanks to the great development in technology. The film can provide the audience a more sensitive, visual way to learn a story. The same as novel, the audience can always put themselves in the story. Some classic dialog or even a smile in the film can be impressed in our brain for a long time. A boring film which only tell the story of the artist's and make from vacuum can hardly has this effect.

To sum up, the artists should do their work creatively and not make any compromise blindly to satisfy the need of the critics if they think it is right and mostly reflect the life of people, and be able to distinguish which criticism are helpful and which are not. That is to attach enough importance to the criticism while not give up their owns ideas.


不 好意思啊,看到我该改的地方已经有人改了,本人语法具烂只能看看思路了,不一定对还请lz见量

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-31 12:37:20 |只看该作者

I strongly disagree with author's assertion that it is right for artists to pay little attention to their critics because of the negative influence of criticism. Though in some circumstance criticism may undermine and constrain the artist's creativity, mostly, I still (still 应该去掉)believe artists can benefit from these criticisms.

Admitted, the works of the artists fall into the category of creative work, thus it is highly unlikely every one can understand their works and can appreciate them. History is replete with such examples, Beethoven's early listeners, accustomed to the traditional harmonies and melodies, regard his music (dismissed his symphony as literally) hurting their ears. And Van Gogh, two of whose live paintings have broken all records in selling for $50 million, but he sold only one of his paintings in entire career. The artists usually have the unique perspective upon the world, and descript the world in the art language which we cannot understand without the specified training or the similar experiences. The critics always serve as a bridge between the artists and the common people, who help interpret the meanings of arts which are hard to comprehend, and feed back the suggestions of audience and their own to the artists as criticism. For some reasons, these criticisms do not always serve as helpful function. Fist, the background of critics still different from the artists', may be close to the background to the common people (audience) because they are from the common people (audience). Second, It is the self tendency which may prevent the critics presenting the truly useful suggestions rather than the complaints. Thus, the criticism from critics will sometimes undermine and constrain the artist's creativity, serve as negative influence , as the author claimed.

However, perhaps the oldest definition of the function of arts is that they provide pleasure. They present pleasure to the people in the society. Art has an effect on the individual and on a particular culture in a society. Psychologically, art enhances life by adding beauty to our surroundings. It is a source of pleasure and relaxation from the stresses of life. Socially, art plays a number of different roles by virtue of its capacity to embody symbolic significance to its audience. If the artists ignore the voices from the critics, ignore the suggestions from the audience, it is highly impossible that the arts will fulfill this function well.

Consider novel, which the artists tell the stories of the world, the people, and the feelings of people in his papers. The most attractive novels are always those can most closely touch the feelings in the deep heart. The reader may find themselves one character of the story and their mood and feeling will go up and down according to those of the characters. Suppose a novel is just a fiction from the author's imagination, and disjoint with the real life, it will be hard to be accepted by the readers.

And then consider film, which is the most popular form of arts thanks to the great development in technology. The film can provide the audience a more sensitive, visual way to learn a story. The same as novel, the audience can always put themselves in the story. Some classic dialog or even a smile in the film can be impressed in our brain for a long time. A boring film which only tell the story of the artist's and make from vacuum can hardly has this effect.

To sum up, the artists should do their work creatively and not make any compromise blindly to satisfy the need of the critics if they think it is right and mostly reflect the life of people, and be able to distinguish which criticism are helpful and which are not. That is to attach enough importance to the criticism while not give up their owns ideas.

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RE: issue143 [0710G 戴三个表冲刺小组] 第6次作业 [修改]
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