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[i习作temp] issue17 大家猛批吧!能得几分? [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-3 16:12:37 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
issue17 There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
The statement given by the speaker thatevery individual should obey just laws and disobey unjust laws seems to be veryconvincing. However, this is based on that there are really only two types oflaws: just and unjust. Are there only two types of laws? Moreover, what's theexact definition of just and unjust? In my opinion, what we can do, towards thelaw problem, is only to design more perfect laws to make the society moreharmonious not regarding whether it is just or not for law can not bedistinguished from just or unjust at most cases.

First of all, it's a naive work todistinguish laws from just and unjust. If so, then let us take a look at theclone person problem which is controversial to all over the world. Somescientists claim that it's a meaningful work to research clone person in thatit can bring benefits which can be regarded as a breakthrough to human medicalcareer. But many countries definitely asserted that researching clone person isillegal for it may terminally end with some destructive and disastrous problemsrelevant to humanity and morality. Whether this law is just or unjust stillremains an intricate topic which told us that sometimes it's really hard todistinguish laws from just and unjust.

And also the conception of just will changewith some other factors such as the traditional value system. For example, somereligious organizations consider abortion to be an illegal work for it reallykilled a new life. But generally we concede that abortion sometimes can relievethe mental pain of some girls who got pregnant involuntary, furthermore, makinga abortion choice is just human’s freedom.

The conception of unjust also changed withsome other elements such as time. In 1927, the Chinese Community Party began anaction to resist the contemporary government which was leaded by the ChineseDemocrat Party in NanChang and such action finally leads to an inside war inChina, at that time such action is considered unjust by the government, but asthe Chinese Community Party wan the final war, now such action is changed to bea just landmark in Chinese history as the time going.

And simply obey or disobey some laws alsohas no good for the society to develop. If we simply define one lawsubjectively to be unjust and disobey it or even resist it, this may end withsome big disasters such as some wars or conflicts, at the same time, if wesimply define one law to be just and obey it thoroughly and permanently, itwill in some sense impede the process of the democracy in the nation.

According to the above facts, thedefinition of just and unjust is exactly complicated and hard to describeclearly, so the first statement given by the speaker may have some problems andif assuming that there are exactly two kinds of laws: just and unjust, it'sstill harmful for us to simply obey or disobey it. So laws, as a very importantelement of a society, should be designed objectively and improved to be moreperfect in every aspect so as to make a harmonious society.

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