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[未归类] issue83 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-4 17:54:36 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
In the era of industrialization and modernization, anthropology has been never so powerful in the earth with advanced technological innovations. However, the cost of development is so experience that people's step nearly spear into every corner of the world, which leave less and less place for wild animals and plants to live. What's more, owing to the severe lost of wilderness areas, many environmental and ecological problems appear. A recent study shows that there is one kind of animal extinct every two weeks, which is the fastest rate in the history of humankind. Government should take reasonable measure to preserve the wilderness areas in their natural state instantaneously, at this moment.

Primarily, the wilderness areas which are the family of many rare animals and plants play a significant part in the balance of ecological system and environmental field. Biological knowledge tells us that every animal is firmly related to the other kind, so does with the plant; animals and plants rely on each other at the same time. Lacking of one kind of animal of plant will lead to the extinction of another animal or plant. One paradigmatic example is the Dodo bird which once lived in the wilderness areas in America. Due to overdue hunting, we could not hear the beautiful voice of Dodo any more. More seriously, a valuable kind of plant disappears immediately after Dodo because their seeds are relying on Dodo to disseminate to other places. On the other hand , wilderness areas are essential in the issue of environment. An amount of global  problems come out with human's invasion to the environment, such as global warm, ice melting and so on. That's to say, if one region is seriously contaminated, the other places in the earth can not escape the miserable fate on the account of their interlocking relationship. Meanwhile, the wilderness areas are the place which have not been exploited by human and play an important role in the global environment. We can not imagine how can we survive if the last wilderness area has been exploited and the world is full of industries which brings along toxic emitting,  poisonous water and so on. Consequently, in the light of environment and ecological balance, government should take action to preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state.

Furthermore, the publicly owned wilderness areas have permanent historical and  geological values which can not be replaced.(是不是有点太绝对化了) This area may hide a unknown history which is substantial to the development of a nation. Through these places, we can imagine what happened several centenaries ago. What's more, because wilderness areas have not been exploited by human, the archeologist may have significant discoveries. At the same time, the wilderness areas are also very important in the research of geological field. For instance, many rare ore and natural resources are concealed in this area.

(感觉这一段不是太精彩,有点平)We should so live and labor that what comes to us as seed should go to the next generation as flowers, what comes to us as flowers should go to the next  generations as fruit." As Becchler once said, protecting wilderness areas will benefit our prodigies a lot. Even if these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people, government should not abandon the obligation. We have tasted the evil of our malevolent behavior of undue exploiting our earth; now, it’s the time for us to do something to protect the world.

Wilderness areas are the common property of all humankind which should not be damaged any more. Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state no matter how remote or inaccessible these areas are. It’s the responsibility of government as well as the obligation of everybody living in the earth.

[ 本帖最后由 lisheng19881108 于 2007-8-4 19:32 编辑 ]

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