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[i习作temp] Issue85 random 求拍! 还有一天考试,模考练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-6 15:10:06 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE85 - "Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."
WORDS: 587          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-6 14:57:43

Although I can understand the great concern of the speaker that the integrity of the arts will be ruined if supported by the government, I have to point out it is not always the case when the government is involved.

To begin with, the art is still a luxury comparing to the practical things as necessities in our daily life. They need to be cared and protected as they are easy to be damaged. If the arts can not supported by the government or the rich charities, I am afraid I have doubt on its viability in such commercialized society. If the artists just stands there selling his painting on the street as in the old days, there will be a great loss of their great works. Their works will be devalued and less protected. And the government support for the young brilliant artists to open an exhibition, things will be different. Not only many peers but the collectors and critics will be attracted and gather in the gallery reassessing the paintings. And the great works can have a better market value, and even the best of them can be collected by the national museum for the appreciation of the later generations.

Furthermore, in my observation, the integrity of the arts is not only involved with the art creation period. Just as I mentioned, the artists are usually only involved in the first period, that is, the art creation period. They even have no idea about how to make it publicized. If an artist can not let the world meet his great works, can we call this the integrity of the arts because only the artist is involved in it? Of course not. We even do not know there is any artistic works. Therefore, the integrity of arts should be involved the other two periods, that is the circulation period and the appreciation period.

Now let us deal with the circulation period, that is the period in which a artistic work will be publicized to its audience. The artists can not deal with this on his own, if there is no interfere of the government, there must be the participation of the business management. Then any companies involved with this activity must want something in return such as more profit or more fame. They can not just support the arts for nothing. And the more they intervene the arts circulation, the more the arts will be ruined. While, to this extent, I guess maybe the support of the government might be beneficial to help the arts with its integrity since the government's decision are usually not determined by any interests group.

Moreover, when it comes to the last period of an artistic work, the critics, the collector, the audience will get engaged. The judgment of the critics and the investment potential in the eyes of the collector will definitely affect the value of an artistic work. Suppose a painting which is believed to be Da Vinci's for many years turns out to be someone's imitation according to the latest discovery of the critics, its market value will be decreased sharply and lost its appreciation from the audience. Thus, an artistic work might experience ups and downs in the market due to the different judgment in different times.

Therefore, the arts' integrity can be influenced by a multitude of the factors, such as the critics, the investment of the arts, the business. And among all these possibilities, the government funding is the least to threaten the integrity of the arts.

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Issue85 random 求拍! 还有一天考试,模考练习
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