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[i习作temp] issue38第一篇拙作,力求猛拍! [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-15 19:53:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
38. In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.:)

According to the speaker, books are not as important as they used to be and the emergence of television has made it possible for people to learn as much as by reading books. However, the speaker overstates the importance of television upon people’s learning style. Although I agree that television has exerted remarkable influence on the way of learning, it does not necessarily draw the conclusion that it can completely replace books.

Admittedly, television is such a good way of disseminating and receiving information that people can learn a lot via it. Firstly, television can record events in a more accurate and convincing way in the first time. To evaluate this point, one can just turn on TV, there are Real-time broadcast of FIFA World Cup, the current development of social disorder in Iraq, George W. Bush’s journey to Japan and so on. Secondly, television delivers information with both vivid audio and video signals which makes it more favorable and attractive to impart knowledge and thus draw people’s attention to those programs. Thirdly, there are all kinds of information in almost every area, such as art, politics, science, entertainment, etc. on TV everyday. Besides, with the extensive television coverage, it is available for most people to get information that attracts them and learn something.

However, books are still of vital importance in imparting knowledge because of their inherent advantages over television that their functions cannot be absolutely replaced by television. On the one hand, the knowledge in books are much more systematically organized than any other means, including television, which makes them are more appropriate and convenient for learning something specifically. Take history study for example, without gradual learning process of certain amount of teaching materials, monographs and textual records about history, one cannot expects learning it effectively and efficiently by watching TV. On the other hand, knowledge concerning certain field that is recorded in books is usually even more specific and deeply analyzed. For example, the students majoring in economics will do not know Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” theory thoroughly just by watching financial programs. In short, books are inherently superior to television as a medium for learning for the knowledge in them are usually more systematic and specific.

Concerning the foregoing two points/Based on the above points, it would be the best way of learning by mainly reading books and treating watching TV and other medium as a supplement. Take the study of international politics for example, for international political situation always keeps on changing, it would be unreasonable for a student majoring in international politics to engage in the outdated textbooks to analysis the current changing tendency of political situation. In contrast, the latest international political news is of much more value for a student to enhance his study. By watching the debating or the analysis about the latest political issues between the current affairs commentators, the student can not only catch the latest developments of those issues, but also learn the unique and even inspiring ideas and opinions of the political experts, thus, it will ultimately benefit his/her study and may even exert long-term influence on his/her career. Thus, it would be favorable to combine the ways--reading books and watching TV-- to enhance the process of learning.

In sum, the speaker overemphasizes the influence of television and underestimates the function of books in preserving and transmitting knowledge. Though the effects of television in assisting people in learning cannot be neglected, it will not replace the vital role played by books completely. Reading books for learning will continue to be a major way as for the majority nowadays and in the foreseeable future.

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