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[i习作temp] issue83 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-18 20:12:01 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

Should the wilderness areas be protected? What about the one extremely remote? From my point of view, the preservation of the wilderness areas is indispensable, for the reason the areas posses a high diversity of plants and animals which directly or indirectly influence the environment largely. No matter the location or situation of the areas, they deserve well protection.

Someone may arguer that the remoteness of the wilderness is a natural umbrella keeping the areas from disaster. Then what about Tibet, one of the places closest to the sky, lacking enough oxygen and  fresh vegetables and fruits, easily turning a small cold to a deadly one? Is it a safe heaven for some precious animals? The answer is no. The remote location and the awful living condition for human beings are never the impedients on the way of people pursuing interests. Tibet antelope, for example, is near extinction because of their beautiful fur. The hunting never stops, which calling our attention to take stronger action to protect the remote places.

Regardless of the location of the wilderness areas, they need preservation in order to avoid extinction of some precious plants and animals. Common sense tell us, it is difficult for most animals to live with human beings. The advance of technology seems is always based on the price of sacrificing other animals lives even the whole species. With the decrease of the proper living environment and unpolluted water and food, animals die out at 100 species one single day, according to the leading biological professor. The rest live in some wilderness areas not touched by human beings. It is our responsibility and desire to keep the last clean home for them.

On the other side, the destruction to the wilderness areas would harm the climate and the environment finally through the natural cycle of different ways. Wet land is a good example to demonstrate the point. Used to consider the source of mosquito, bad odors and diseases, wet lands declined the number by the destruction of the human beings. Then the following of the higher acidity in the atmosphere and other effect reveal the importance of west land in the environment as a effective decomposer in the food chain. Other consequence of the destruction to the wilderness such as the sand storm by deforestation and disorder weather resulting from cutting in the Amazon rainforest give a good lesson on the ecology system essentiality.

Then, as necessary and urgent as the protection is, government should play a main role in the activity. The environment is the thing that may threaten the human beings that the cooperative action should be applied which seems impossible for individual. The government should collect the power of the whole society to improve the progress of preservation, through positive means as passing wilderness act laws and build protective areas. Meanwhile the effort from individual is indispensable by announcing the importance of wilderness areas and further the boycott on clothes made by animal furs. Only effort from the respect the whole world, can save the life of the dangerous livings.

To sum, protection is necessary no matter where the wilderness is and actions take should be taken to defend the last home for the animals near extinction, and also to save the environment of human' s home which would definitely destroyed following the wilderness.


1.The vast ability of human of destruction. 距离遥远条件恶劣也不会阻挡人们谋求利益的脚步。Example: Tibet antelope


第二,野生自然地区的状况对于环境、气候影响也有影响;Wet lands, animal life is highly diverse, biological productive, food chain, Amazon, sand storm by deforestation

3.政府是有效的保护手段,如通过法律,很多国家都有相关的规定来保护;如:the 1964 Wilderness Act,自然保护区的建立;除此以外,人类自身也要通过宣传、教育自觉地进行保护preservation of the areas require two distinct form: avoidance of natural disaster and man-made damages, prevent human use it for economics interest

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