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[i习作temp] Issue184 【challenge yourself小组】第一次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-24 10:52:11 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue184 It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

Data play a crucial role in history which is full of ancient information and actions of our ancestors. Historian's only way to study history is to do work on data which preserved for a long extended period of time, these data contain the implements by which ancestors used to hunt and produce, experiences that ancient people suffered, either pain events or the pleased one. some of the data which reserved these factors completely reveal the ancient life vividly.

It's true that many realms based on the quantities of calculates and formulas, such as physics and chymistry. we can hardly imagine these thoeries without data. If any of us tend to study phisics or chymistry, there must be abundant formulas in our sight after we open the books, each formula associates with another one, each aftermath is resulted from another speculate, and a total result reveals that this crucial figure is computed step by step. All these ingredients attribute to data. For example, Fourier and Newton, two leaders of their research field, have settled a lot problems by their lifetime data. Inadditional, data represent in experiment weightily, different experimenters have several different results due to their distinct data during the experiment, even these experiments have been done in the same laboratory circumstance and condition, so data is crucial for our conclusions. Generally, there is only one correct answer in a research, we can use this method to check up whether the result is true or

However, not all of the theories rely on data. For example, art is the subject about innovation and notion, theory belongs to this subject do not need any calculate, art master doing his work just by his brain, they would not list a great deal of numbers with pen, but close their eyes, have a deep breath, then the idea may arisen, people just call it inspiration, it is far away from data, isn't it? but it is really a theory. Nature science is another realm which never need data to research. As far as i know it is possible for nature science educated guesses before one has data. Further experimention and evaluation of existing data will eventually prove or disprove the hypotheses.

We have to see both sides of the data, one is promotion, data attribute effectiveness and precision to some theories, including history and physics; The other is arrestment, sometime data couldn't help research more effective, but complex, such as nature science, art. If we are going to collect information before we will start to do something, we should consider whether the information is necessary or effective, after aborative thought, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

[ 本帖最后由 xomae 于 2008-7-24 19:46 编辑 ]

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发表于 2008-7-27 16:43:58 |只看该作者

回复 #4 springelf 的帖子


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-7-26 12:53:54 |只看该作者
Issue184 It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

Data play a crucial role in history which is full of ancient information and actions of our ancestors. Historian's only way to study history is to do work on data which preserved for a long extended period of time, these data contain the implements by which ancestors used to hunt and produce, experiences that ancient people suffered, either pain events or the pleased one. some of the data which reserved these factors completely reveal the ancient life vividly.
(这个开头写的很漂亮,不过貌似跟题目没有关系啊~我们分析一下题目哈:他说的是,it is a grave mistake,这个不管它,后面是 to theorize.这个theorize 用中文解释是建立理论, 理论化,英文解释是①To formulate theories or a theory; speculate.②To propose a theory about.从这个看来我想他应该是特指如果一个人没有数据就去建立理论或者提出某种理论是一个极大错误吧。但是你开头通篇说的都是历史上的数据的重要作用,似乎有点不对~你觉得呢?)

It's true that many realms based on the quantities of calculates and formulas, such as physics and chemistry. we can hardly imagine these theories without data. If any of us tend to study physics or chemistry, there must be abundant formulas in our sight after we open the books, each formula associates with another one, each aftermath is resulted from another speculate, and a total result reveals that this crucial figure is computed step by step. All these ingredients attribute to data.(后面的例子没有问题,但是前面这些都没有在说theorize,而是说学习理论) For example, Fourier and Newton, two leaders of their research field, have settled a lot problems by their lifetime data. In additional, data represent in experiment weightily, different experimenters have several different results due to their distinct data during the experiment, even these experiments have been done in the same laboratory circumstance and condition, so data is crucial for our conclusions. Generally, there is only one correct answer in a research, we can use this method to check up whether the result is true or fault.  

However, not all of the theories rely on data. For example, art is the subject about innovation and notion, theory belongs to this subject do not need any calculate, art master doing his work just by his brain, they would not list a great deal of numbers with pen, but close their eyes, have a deep breath, then the idea may arisen, people just call it inspiration, it is far away from data, isn't it? but it is really a theory. Nature science is another realm which never need data to research. As far as I know it is possible for nature science educated guesses before one has data. Further experimentation and evaluation of existing data will eventually prove or disprove the hypotheses.
(这段写的不错,不过感觉有点不平衡。你可以试着把Nature science提出来写,然后再扩充一下,就又可以成一段了。)

We have to see both sides of the data, one is promotion, data attribute effectiveness and precision to some theories, including history and physics; the other is arrestment, sometime data couldn't help research more effective, but complex, such as nature science, art.(好像也不是更复杂吧~) If we are going to collect information before we will start to do something, we should consider whether the information is necessary or effective, after abortive thought, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

the pursuit of my happiness

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-25 09:23:08 |只看该作者
谢谢linyunf·~这么快改好了,句子语法确实存在很大的问题,下次写要多多检查 ;)  
还有说些我了解的哈~Data 我查词典,上面说是 datum的复数~在口语中经常当它为单数
Nature science 这个是想说~自然科学
很搞的那句话。我也觉得很搞,当时字数不够想啥就写啥了 还是要多练多多纠正~;d:

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-24 23:29:40 |只看该作者
Data plays a crucial role in history which is full of ancient information and actions of our ancestors.
Historian's only way to study history is to do work on data which (was) preserved for a long extended period of time, these data contain the implements by which ancestors used to hunt and produce (???), experiences that ancient people suffered (from), either pain events or the(不要the) pleased one. some of the data which reserved these factors completely reveal the ancient life vividly(这句话我看不懂啊).

It's true that many realms based on the quantities of calculates and formulas, such as physics and chymistry. we can hardly imagine these thoeries without data. If any of us tend to study phisics or chymistry, there must be abundant formulas in our sight after we open the books, each formula associates with another one, each aftermath is resulted from another speculate, and a total result reveals that this crucial figure is computed step by step. All these ingredients attribute to data. For example, Fourier and Newton, two leaders of their research field, have settled a lot problems by their lifetime data. Inadditional, data represent in experiment weightily, different experimenters have several different results due to their distinct data during the experiment, even these experiments have been done in the same laboratory circumstance and condition, so data is crucial for our conclusions. Generally, there is only one correct answer in a research, we can use this method to check up whether the result is true or

However, not all of the theories rely on data. For example, art is the subject about innovation and notion, theory belongs to this subject do not need any calculate, art master doing
(语法) his work just by his brain, they would not list a great deal of numbers with pen, but close their eyes, have a deep breath, then the idea may arisen(这句话很搞,不过不适合gre写作), people just call it inspiration, it is far away from data, isn't it? but it is really a theory. Nature science(你是想说social science吧) is another realm which never need data to research. As far as i know it is possible for nature science educated guesses before one has data(举例). Further experimention and evaluation of existing data will eventually prove or disprove the hypotheses.

We have to see both sides of the data, one is promotion, data attribute effectiveness and precision to some theories, including history and physics; The other is arrestment, sometime data couldn't help research more effective, but complex, such as nature science, art. If we are going to collect information before we will start to do something
(语法), we should consider whether the information is necessary or effective, after aborative thought, we will get twice the result with half the effort.


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