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[i习作temp] issue51 永不言弃小组by 花生peanut 1号 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-2-2 23:36:29 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 花生peanut 于 2009-2-2 23:38 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
WORDS: 630
TIME: 03:19:17
DATE: 2009-2-1 16:59:35

对个人,兴趣的力量是强大的。爱因斯坦有句至理名言:兴趣是最好的老师 Rem koolhass在34岁进入大学学建筑时感叹到,他用了整整14年的时间去发现自己喜欢什么。他付出比别人多的多得努力因为他不像其他学生,有的是子承父业,有的是无从选择,有的是追求时髦,他是自己的选择,所以兴趣力量强大
2. 尽管兴趣很重要,但是如果很细节化,很具体话按照每一个学生的兴趣去制定教育计划以及设置教学资源,这既无意义也不现实;一方面因为和庞大的学生数量相比,教学资源是有限的,甚至是匮乏的,无法完全根据每个人的兴趣去进行。另一方面,学生没有足够的判断力来决定自己该学什么,比如数学,有些学生不喜欢学,但是能够去掉吗?过分强调学生兴趣势必会造成教学的紊乱,而且学生的兴趣不同阶段可能发生改变;
The speaker asserts that specifically-designed education for each individual may sever better than the general education. Admittedly, teaching students in accordance of their aptitude is the goal which every education organization seeks. It's absolutely perfect if education could be designed to meet individual needs and interests. I agree with the speaker on the point that we should put more emphasis on students’ interests. However, as I see it, this so called specifically-designed education is unrealistic to come true.

Interests have played a crucial role in education which is as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society. With respect to individual, interest is so powerful. Albert Einstein has ever said that interest is the best teacher. Rem koolhaas, a greatest Dutch architect, exclaimed that he spent totally 14 years in finding his own interest before he went to university for learning architecture at the age of 34. Not like some people who inherit their fathers business, or chase the trend of fashion, what's the worse, some other people have no ideal about their interest. But by contrast, Rem koolhass made so many efforts just to find his interests and ultimately choose his life long career.

With respect to society, the educational goal is to cultivate talents for society. An educational system that can take the specific needs and interests of each student into account will help the student to fully develop their distinct potential and talent. In such an educational system, students, feeling centered, will be more motivated to study. Yet, if the students' interests are ignored, they will not do what they are good at doing. For instance, more emphasis on the score will be the result that some students who have the interesting on invention lose their motivation to study. As we all known, Albert Einstein always gets the low score in his early study, but he ultimately becomes a great physicist. Copernicus, a mathematical astronomer, initially learned medicine.

Although interest is so important, it's not significant and realistic to design specially the education that can get according to his/her own needs and interests. On one hand, the educational resources are scarcity, even destitution, by contrast the increasing number of students. So hardly can this perfect goal come true. On the other hand, a lot of students are not sure to decide what their interests are. Like the mathematics, can we cancel this course, just because some students have no interesting in it? More emphasis on the interest will naturally cause the teaching disorders. Besides, students may change their interests in different stages.

Even if educational resources abound, but the purpose of education is to cultivate talents with all-round development for society. If the teaching is operated according to the students' interests, it's very possible to make the students' knowledge structure incomplete. Let alone that they can be competent in society which is full of challenges.

Admittedly, students should not accept the complete unified and even rigid education. Although complete liberty in designing education is not available to all individual students, schools can try their best to offer more choice and autonomy to students as long as the quality of compulsory education is guaranteed. For example, in order to meet the students' interests, schools may open some courses like art history and literature history which are such specific research branch, and ensure the coordinate development of comprehensive and specialization. More over, schools can provide some scholarships, and so forth, for students to cultivate their interests.

In sum, it is not wise and realistic that education should be specially designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, especially at a cost in money and education resources. We need not only to pay attention to the students' interests but also make students develop in all aspects.

已有 1 人评分寄托币 声望 收起 理由
grekokomo + 5 + 4 fighting~

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Aries白羊座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录

发表于 2009-2-6 21:47:18 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that specifically-designed education for each individual may serve better than the general education. Admittedly, teaching students in accordance of their aptitude is the goal which every education organization seeks好像不是这样的,现在中国追求的是高分. It's absolutely perfect if education could be designed to meet individual needs and interests. I agree with the speaker on the point这里应该是部分同意,在某个范围同意,加个限定 that we should put more emphasis on students’ interests只说了兴趣,需求呢?. However, as I see it, this so called specifically-designed education is unrealistic to come true.开头很XDF,有些长

Interests have played a crucial role in education which is as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society. With respect to individual, interest is so powerful
这句应该说兴趣对个人发展的意义. Albert Einstein has ever said that interest is the best teacher. Rem koolhaas, a greatest Dutch architect, exclaimed that he spent totally 14 years in finding his own interest before he went to university for learning architecture at the age of 34个人兴趣具体如何影响到他们的?没有去写,这个才是重点. Not like some people who inherit their fathers business, or chase the trend of fashion, what's the worse, some other people have no ideal about their interest. But by contrast, Rem koolhass made so many efforts just to find his interests and ultimately choose his life long career这里应该写兴趣对他的发展具体所起的帮助. 这段有一个很大的问题,论证、素材没有去照应你的分论点,transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society,这几个问题没有得到体现

With respect to society, the educational goal is to cultivate
eligible students教育不能为社会培养天才,只能培养人才 for society. An educational system that can take the specific needs and interests of each student into account will help the student to fully develop their distinct potential and talent这句值得推敲,教育能够实现满足学生的需求和兴趣吗?而且说的有些绕。换句话说更好:如果教育能够考虑学生的需求和兴趣,将会提高学生的积极性,开发他们的潜能从而更好的服务社会. In such an educational system, students, feeling centered, will be more motivated to study. Yet, if the students' interests are ignored, they will not do what they are good at doing兴趣和需求不一定就是学生擅长的,应该说学生没有热情会如何如何. For instance, more emphasis on the score重视分数而忽视兴趣,论证的时候顾及到主题啊 will be the result that some students who have the interesting on invention lose their motivation to study. As we all known, Albert Einstein always gets the low score in his early study, but he ultimately becomes a great physicist因为什么?兴趣. Copernicus, a mathematical astronomer, initially learned medicine.这段暴露出问题了,论证的不够严密,没有深入写下去,素材也没有突出主题,每段写完来个结论照应分论点

Although interest is so important, it's not
significant and删,这个词是个败笔,前面刚论证兴趣重要,这里就来个没有意义。说兴趣重要,但是不现实是可以的。 realistic to design specially the education that can get according to his/her own needs and interests. On one hand, the educational resources are scarcity, even destitution这两个词有区别吗? Scarcity能不能用在这里?这个词我不熟,红宝里的单词如果不熟尽量不要使用,会弄巧成拙的, by contrast the increasing number of students. So hardly can this perfect删或者换个词,因为你没有论证这个目标是完美的 goal come true. On the other hand, a lot of students are not sure to decide what their interests are. Like the mathematics, can we cancel this course, just because some students have no interesting in it? 这个素材不能证明学生不知道自己的兴趣 More emphasis on the interest will naturally cause the teaching disorders可以说增加教学的负担,不能说造成混乱. Besides, students may change their interests in different stages.这段几个理由尽量写的有条例些,注意衔接

Even if educational resources abound这个让步不成立,直接说如果只看重兴趣,会造成学生的知识面狭窄, but the purpose of education is to cultivate talents with all-round development for society. If the teaching is operated according to the students' interests, it's very possible to make the students' knowledge structure incomplete. Let alone that they can be competent这里应该说没有实现教育的目的,可能忽视人际交往,导致无法与他人相处 in society which is full of challenges.这段可以并到上一段

Admittedly, students should not accept the
complete unified and even rigid你怎么就认为现在的教育是严格的?至少要先证明下 education. Although complete liberty in designing education is not available to all individual students, schools can try their best to offer more choice and autonomy to students as long as the quality of compulsory education is guaranteed. For example, in order to meet the students' interests, schools may open some courses like art history and literature history which are such specific research branch, and ensure the coordinate development of comprehensive and specialization现在的专业也很细啊,细致的专业跟所谓的专门教育还是不同的. More over, schools can provide some scholarships, and so forth, for students to cultivate their interests.这段里提到的几个目标,现在的教育都实现了,不是所谓的专门教育,这里给的建议应该专门针对那种专门教育,克服上面所说的缺点

In sum, it is not wise and realistic that education should be specially designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, especially at a cost in money and education resources. We need not only to pay attention to the students' interests but also make students develop in all aspects.

已有 1 人评分寄托币 声望 收起 理由
grekokomo + 5 + 4 原来你改作文是这种风格~~~

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发表于 2009-2-5 15:13:06 |只看该作者
瓦咔咔 写的很强大  学习了

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issue51 永不言弃小组by 花生peanut 1号
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