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[i习作temp] ISSUE190【DIES IN THE FLAMES】BY 天天添添 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-5-24 22:37:31 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 天天添添 于 2009-5-25 10:17 编辑


猥琐中年怪叔叔:bayonet charge

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-5-26 20:28:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 seiranzcc1 于 2009-5-26 20:42 编辑

Public resource is the properties that should belong to all the members of the society. The function of public resourceis to keep the operation of a society, including education, medicine, nationalsecurity, and etc. One of the most important function is to help those who are hungry, out of work, and lack of the ability to survive. (这两句可以精简一下,合并一句就可以了)The essay said it is inappropriate to use the resource to help arts when these people exist. Is that true?

First and foremost, there will always be these people in the society until the day that we build a utopia where no body sufferfrom hungry, unemployment, and lack of basic ability to survive. It the essay true, is that means we should not spend any public resource on arts in any country? No suffer of human is welcome, but art is the most precious treasure of human race. Rather than help a single artist, we could spend the public resource for public purpose. For example, building the theaters, help the development of art colleges, maintaining the ancient remains, and rewarding the distinguishedartists. That the existence of homeless people make the things happen that no theatercould be built, and no development of art college is not what we want. We want to help these people, and we are glad to see the development of art at the sametime.


To accomplish that mission, we should not spend limited the money to help those people.(指代不是太清楚)There are many reasons why people are out of work. Some of them resigned from their company, and they will find a new job in a short time. These people do not need much extra help. Only these who lose job for a long time and lack the skill to survive are the ones who really need help. Government should provide them with food , house, andother basic needs, and, more important, opportunities of getting education. After they learn the skill and find the job, they will feed themselves. Helping these people will not cost all our public resources.

The above scheme works well during the period of economic prosperity. But during the time of recession and most people are in famine, should we spend the limited money on arts? During these time, there are many people lose their job, including artists. The same as the other people, artists should get help when they are out of work. Last year, Mr Obama provides every artist a small sum of money to find a job. The protection and maintenance of ancient remains is the same import as the usual time. If these remains are destroyed because we are hungry, a history is lost forever. Moreover,government investment on art is a stimulus to economics. It will provide somejob for people who need them.

In sum, it is difficult to say which is more important, civil right of free from hunger and our art, the most precioustreasure of human race. This is not question of which is more urgent. If the problem of unemployment is severe, even there are people starve to death, thegovernment should spend less on arts; but there are few people out of work, wecan use more public resource on arts.In spite of this, we should not abandonone the them utterly for the other one under any situation.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5


GRE梦想之帆 AW小组活动奖

发表于 2009-5-26 00:11:28 |只看该作者
Public resource is the properties thatshould belong to all the members of the society. The function of public resourceis to keep the operation of a society, including education, medic, nationalsecurity, and etc. One of the most important function is to help those who arehungry, out of work, and lack of the ability to survive. The essay said it is inappropriate to use the resource to help arts when these people exist. Is thattrue?

First and foremost, there will always be thesepeople in the society until the day that we build a utopia where no body sufferfrom hungry, unemployment, and lack of basic ability to survive. It the essayis true, is that means we should not spend any public resource on arts in anycountry? No suffer of human is welcome, but art is the most precious treasureof human race. Rather than help a single artist, we could spend the public resourcefor public purpose. For example, building the theaters, help the development ofart colleges, maintaining the ancient remains, and rewarding the distinguishedartists. That the existence of homeless people make the things happen that no theatercould be built, and no development of art college is not what we want. We wantto help these people, and we are glad to see the development of art at the sametime. (觉得应该详细写出为什么我们需要艺术,而不是详写我们该做什么,因为是她的好处使我们要这么做)

To accomplish that mission, we should notspend unlimited the money to help those people.There are many reasons whypeople are out of work. Some of them resigned from their company, and they willfind a new job in a short time. These people do not need much extra help. Onlythese who lose job for a long time and lack the skill to survive are the oneswho really need help. Government should provide them with food , house, andother basic needs, and, more important, opportunities of getting education. Afterthey learn the skill and find the job, they will feed themselves. Helpingthese people will not cost all our public resources.(?)(可是不管是帮哪类,都动用了公共资源啊)
The above scheme works well during theperiod of economic prosperity. But during the time of recession and most peopleare in famine, should we spend the limited money on arts? During these time, thereare many people lose their job, including artists. The same as the otherpeople, artists should get help when they are out of work. Last year, Mr Obamaprovides every artist a small sum of money to find a job. The protection and maintenanceof ancient remains is the same import as the usual time. If these remains aredestroyed because we are hungry, a history is lost forever. Moreover,government investment on art is a stimulus to economics. It will provide somejob for people who need them.(觉得艺术家失业得钱那个事情不要这样写,直接写政府仍在经济危机情况下重视艺术。我觉得你这段很混乱。你想写经济繁荣下和经济萧条下公共资金的分配吧,可是你没有给出2种情况下的对比。最后一个观点很好,但是写的不是地方。考虑下放哪吧)

In sum, it is difficult to say which ismore important, civil right of free from hunger and our art, the most precioustreasure of human race. This is not question of which is more urgent. If theproblem of unemployment is severe, even there are people starve to death, thegovernment should spend less on arts; but there are few people out of work, wecan use more public resource on arts.In spite of this, we should not abandonone the them utterly for the other one under any situation.

大叔想到了经济萧条和繁荣2种情况下的做法,我觉得有点小偏。毕竟觉得没有one case is  不投资艺术了,another is 投资,所以意义不是很大。觉得考虑把这个放艺术的重要性里比较好,米国在经济萧条的情况下仍然支持艺术,bla bla....这样会不会好些呢?~~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-5-25 10:17:02 |只看该作者
Public resource is the properties thatshould belong to all the members of the society. The function of public resourceis to keep the operation of a society, including education, medic, nationalsecurity, and etc. One of the most important function is to help those who arehungry, out of work, and lack of the ability to survive. The essay said it is inappropriate to use the resource to help arts when these people exist. Is thattrue?

First and foremost, there will always be thesepeople in the society until the day that we build a utopia where no body sufferfrom hungry, unemployment, and lack of basic ability to survive. It the essayis true, is that means we should not spend any public resource on arts in anycountry? No suffer of human is welcome, but art is the most precious treasureof human race. Rather than help a single artist, we could spend the public resourcefor public purpose. For example, building the theaters, help the development ofart colleges, maintaining the ancient remains, and rewarding the distinguishedartists. That the existence of homeless people make the things happen that no theatercould be built, and no development of art college is not what we want. We wantto help these people, and we are glad to see the development of art at the sametime.

To accomplish that mission, we should notspend unlimited the money to help those people.There are many reasons whypeople are out of work. Some of them resigned from their company, and they willfind a new job in a short time. These people do not need much extra help. Onlythese who lose job for a long time and lack the skill to survive are the oneswho really need help. Government should provide them with food , house, andother basic needs, and, more important, opportunities of getting education. Afterthey learn the skill and find the job, they will feed themselves. Helpingthese people will not cost all our public resources.

The above scheme works well during theperiod of economic prosperity. But during the time of recession and most peopleare in famine, should we spend the limited money on arts? During these time, thereare many people lose their job, including artists. The same as the otherpeople, artists should get help when they are out of work. Last year, Mr Obamaprovides every artist a small sum of money to find a job. The protection and maintenanceof ancient remains is the same import as the usual time. If these remains aredestroyed because we are hungry, a history is lost forever. Moreover,government investment on art is a stimulus to economics. It will provide somejob for people who need them.

In sum, it is difficult to say which ismore important, civil right of free from hunger and our art, the most precioustreasure of human race. This is not question of which is more urgent. If theproblem of unemployment is severe, even there are people starve to death, thegovernment should spend less on arts; but there are few people out of work, wecan use more public resource on arts.In spite of this, we should not abandonone the them utterly for the other one under any situation.
猥琐中年怪叔叔:bayonet charge

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