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[i习作temp] issue136 [TSUBASA] by snail8843 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-19 00:04:16 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Facing the issue whether the absence of choice is rare or not, the author asserts that it is very, very rare. To my knowledge, the author's assertion is somewhat hasty. I maintain that the discussion of this proposition should depend on a case-by-case analysis.

On the one hand, from social point of view, I concede that the absence of choice is very rare. In my eyes, the development of society is dominated by all people rather than the few, so the development of society must rely on a simple principle, maximization of interest of all people. In such cases, benefiting the public is the only choice of leaders. For example, consider the Anti-Fascist War as an example. In order to overthrow fascism and attain the peace of the world, what kind of choices did our predecessors have? In my view, the war is the only way to overthrow fascism; there are no two ways about it. In sum, the development of society is a process that all people rather than the few choose what should do to make a wonderful world, so for the development of society, I tend to agree that absence of choice is very, very rare.

However, on the other hand, from individual point of view, I disagree with the author's assertion. In most cases, we are making choice all the time. Life is a process full of choice. For example, for a student, should I choose to take a part in entrance exams to postgraduate schools, or choose to work, or choose to go abroad for further study? If this student choose to work, should he or she choose to live in a metropolis that characterized by high consumption and large income, or should he or she choose to live in a tranquil and small city?; further, if this student have chosen to live in a metropolis, should he or she to be an official, a position that make his or her live in the flat, or should he or her work for a famous foreign company full of challenge and stimulation? From another standpoint, law empowers us to choose. For example, we can choose who is suitable for deputy to the People’s Congress; we can choose among the candidates who run for the presidency. From these series examples, no one would deny that for common person, in most cases, there are many choices for them.

Further, I concede that in most cases human beings seldom face the circumstances that the absence of choice is rare. However, when our behavior disobeys the law or conflicts with the basic value of ethics, we would probably face the situation that there is only one choice for us. For example, for a murder, surrendering himself or herself to justice is the only and reasonable choice; for a man who tends to marry his cousin, the only choice for him is to break off with his cousin. From these examples, we can see that when our behavior disobeys the law or conflicts with the basic value of ethics, choosing to obey the law and the ethical value is the only choice for us.

In sum, the discussion of this issue should depend on a case-by-case analysis. From social point of view, I tend to agree that the choice is rare. However, when it comes to individuals, based on the observance of law and ethical value, I consider that we have many choices to choose.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-20 22:31:00 |只看该作者
Facing the issue whether the absence of choice is rare or not, the author asserts that it is very, very rare. To my knowledge, the author's assertion is somewhat hasty. I maintain that the discussion of this proposition should depend on a case-by-case analysis.【太短 而且比例上来讲你的观点应该占据第一段的大部分 而不是与“抄出来”的作者观点 分庭抗礼 可能会让考官觉得你偷懒之类的  能避免当然避免了 是不?】

On the【X】 one hand, from social point of view, I concede that the absence of choice is very rare. In my eyes【mind】, the development of society is dominated by all people rather than the few, so the development of society must rely on a simple principle, maximization of interest of all people【comma两边的内容是什么关系 如果两个是名词 为什么不用连词连接】. In such cases, benefiting the public is the only choice of leaders. For example, consider the Anti-Fascist War as an example. In order to overthrow fascism and attain the peace of the world, what kind of choices did our predecessors have?【感觉没必要用疑问句 可能也是在下不习惯 感觉有些突兀】 In my view【从自身观点的内容太多了啊 可以省略1. 我的观点不用非要描述成我的观点 体现一种气宇宣扬的self-confidence 2.避免让考官以为你在凑字数】, the war is the only way to overthrow fascism; there are no two ways about it【鸡肋 可以去掉 only和 no two ways重叠意义 而且这是例子 说得也太简单了】. In sum, the development of society is a process that all people rather than the few choose what should do to make a wonderful world, so for the development of society, I tend to agree that absence of choice is very, very rare.

However, on the other hand, from individual point of view, I disagree with the author's assertion【中心句可以把作者的话再说下】. In most cases, we are making【一般现在时就行】 choice all the time. Life is a process full of choice【复数】. For example, for【to 如果是for你觉得是表原因还是表示目的啊?!】 a student, should I choose to take a part in entrance exams to postgraduate schools, or choose to work, or choose to go abroad for further study? If this student choose to work, should he or she choose to live in a metropolis that characterized by high consumption and large income, or should he or she choose to live in a tranquil and small city?; further, if this student have【has小错误太多了】 chosen to live in a metropolis, should he or she to be an official, a position that make his or her live in the flat, or should he or her【目不忍视~要加强审核在放上来哦】 work for a famous foreign company full of challenge and stimulation? From another standpoint, law empowers us to choose. For example, we can choose who is suitable for deputy to the People’s Congress; we can choose among the candidates who run for the presidency. From these series examples, no one would deny that for common person【复数】, in most cases, there are many choices for them.

Further, I concede that in most cases human beings seldom face the circumstances that the absence of choice is rare. However, when our behavior disobeys the law or conflicts with the basic value of ethics, we would probably face the situation that there is only one choice for us. For example, for a murder【谋杀~这个例子不是不遵守 而是违抗 这两个词对于题目而言差别巨大 蜗牛再好好体会下啊】, surrendering himself or herself to justice is the only and reasonable choice; for a man who tends to marry his cousin, the only choice for him is to break off with his cousin. From these examples, we can see that when our behavior disobeys the law or conflicts with the basic value of ethics, choosing to obey the law and the ethical value is the only choice for us.

In sum, the discussion of this issue should depend on a case-by-case analysis. From social point of view, I tend to agree that the choice is rare. However, when it comes to individuals, based on the observance of law and ethical value, I consider that we have many choices to choose【我们有很多选择去选择 饶不饶?】.

小的语法错误一定要避免 上了考场只会多不会少 认真认真 就说这些吧 come on snail~
choose,do and never give up.

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