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[活动] 2009 进军美利坚作文组 8.22 综合写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-22 22:13:31 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

   The professor disagrees with the result of the article.
    Firstly, he said that the summer drought might not be fairly

servere because the forests and the plants were found existed during

that moment.However, the article says the drought was the bigest

    Secondly, the article tells us that the irragation system didn't

support the need of the Anasazi, on the contrary,the professor did not

agree with it. He thought the Anasazi made the full use of the

irragation system and he took some examples to support his opinion. The

evidence showed that the Anasazi used the water which was stored by the

irragation system to plant corns and beans.
    Finally,the professor made a conclusion that the summer drought

might not be the main cause of the Anasazi' disappearence. It is

conflict to the article. There is some possibility to explain why the

Anasazi disappeared.Such reasons like being attacked by other

tribes,diseases and overuse of farm land are considered by the


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-11 17:52:15 |只看该作者
32# penergy
In the lecture, the professor thinks(think在这里不合适,就propose three theories) the three theories proposed to explain how birds navigate are not convincing, which differs from the opinion in the text. And the professor gives us three reasons to refute the theories.

First of all, the professor casts doubt on the viewpoint that birds navigate by using the sun or the star. Sun compass are useless sometimes, And he asks a question how the birds navigate at night. To illustrate his idea, he gives an example about a bird. This kind of bird does not use the star to reach home.

Secondly, contradicting from the opinion in the text, the professor holds that the landmarks theory is not valid. Because the landmarks will change a lot in a short time and birds can not(cannot) recognize them. What's more, the birds' navigation does not depend on observing various landmarks(好像没有这么说啊). They have the ability to go home in an unfamiliar environment.

Thirdly, the professor holds an opposite opinion that the earth's magnetic field can not play an important role in the birds' navigation. It can not(cannot) point out(point out 应该是人发出的动作) the specific location by using the magnetic sensor.

In a word, as the professor mentioned, these three theories have their own limits and can not(cannot) be strong supports to explain how birds navigate over thousands of miles to reach home.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-9-10 15:24:18 |只看该作者
In the lecture, the professor thinks the three theories proposed to explain how birds navigate are not convincing,which differs from the opinion in the text.And the professor gives us three reasons to refute the theories.

First of all, the professor casts doubt on the viewpoint that birds navigate by using the sun or the star.Sun compass are useless sometimes, And he asks a question how the birds navigate at night.To illustrate his idea, he gives an example about a bird. This kind of bird does not use the star to reach home. - g+ x7 c' M, l

Secondly,contradicting from the opinion (可以写出来什么opinion)in the text, the professor holds that the landmarks theory is not valid.Because the landmarks will change a lot in a short time and birds can not recognize them (没谈到这点,看过文本确认了,估计是受到别的文章的影响了).What's more, the birds' navigation does not depend on observing various landmarks.They have the ability to go home in an unfamiliar environment.( N; L3 q4 a3 ^

. ^5 t- N  T. j) [7 f
Thirdly, the professor holds an opposite opinion that the earth's magnetic field can not play an important role in the birds' navigation. It can not point out the specific location by using the magnetic sensor.$ q7 o9 f+ ]# i* D

In a word, as the professor mentioned, these three theories have their own limits and can not be strong supports to explain how birds navigate over thousands of miles to reach home.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-9 20:03:06 |只看该作者

In the lecture, the professor thinks the three theories proposed to explain how birds navigate are not convincing,which differs from the opinion in the text.And the professor gives us three reasons to refute the theories.
First of all, the professor casts doubt on the viewpoint that birds navigate by using the sun or the star.Sun compass are useless sometimes, And he asks a question how the birds navigate at night.To illustrate his idea, he gives an example about a bird. This kind of bird does not use the star to reach home.
Secondly,contradicting from the opinion in the text, the professor holds that the landmarks theory is not valid.Because the landmarks will change a lot in a short time and birds can not recognize them.What's more, the birds' navigation does not depend on observing various landmarks.They have the ability to go home in an unfamiliar environment.
Thirdly, the professor holds an opposite opinion that the earth's magnetic field can not play an important role in the birds' navigation.It can not point out the specific location by using the magnetic sensor.
In a word, as the professor mentioned, these three theories have their own limits and can not be strong supports to explain how birds navigate over thousands of miles to reach home.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-8 19:17:42 |只看该作者

There is a debate about the statement whether daily homework is necessary for students is right or wrong.The old saying says"Practice makes prefect".Accordingly, I do agree with this statement.And there are several reasons as follows.
Frist of all, daily homework is of great importance to both teachers and students.Students must do more exercises to be familiar with their learing which they are taught. In some special fields, it is critical for teachers to assign homework.For instance, students who major in art courses are obliged to have more practice to enhance their basic skills. They must paint and play the instruments everyday in order to keep their level. Otherwise, if there are no assignments, students may be lazy to practise.
Secondly, daily homework can also help teachers know the situation about the students' acdamic performance.It is beneficial to the teacher. From the daily homework, teachers know how to teach student in the next step and also sometimes if the homework is easy,teachers can take more advanced things about the class into consideration.Furthermore, teachers also can learn a lot of knowledge from the homework done by students. It can be the experience to solve the problems appeared in the homework.
Thirdly, daily homework can be the standard. On one hand,students use the homework to understand how they acquire the knowledge and what they should do in the future.On the other hand, teachers can take referance from the homework and know which students are industry.
And more importantly, the superintendent of the education department can use the statistics to know which districts have a high eduction quality. And they can adjust the resource to keep the balance.
Hardly could we deny that daily homework is a neccesity for both students and teachers. It can play an important role in both educational system and students' study.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-7 21:42:27 |只看该作者

According to the lecture, the professor holds the opinion that the importing species are benificial ,which differs from the viewpoint in the text that importing species has more of a negative than a positive effect. And the professor provides us three reasons to against the points narrated by the article.
Firstly, the professor holds that importing species are not the main cause to destory native species.She gives us the opposite conclusion to the freshwater species in North America.What makes freshwater species such as frogs、salamanders、mussels and crayfishes extinctive is the pollution and some diseases.
Secondly,contradicting from the text that importing species can upset the ecological balance of a region, the professor agree that importing species can benifit the region under a proper control.And as a consequece, importing species can fertile the agricultural base and improve the environment.
Thirdly, there is also no evidence to show the introduced specise may impose economic burden on the region.The professor cites that the introduced mesquite from Mexico to Africa can make African more wealth.It is not the durden to economy because it is a solution to improve the life in Africa. People there use meiquite for fire wood and agriculture. Thanks for these meiquite, more annimals like immigrated birds shelter it and settle down in the meiquite.
From the reasons mentioned by the professor.It is not convincing that imporing species has more negative than a positive effect to the native species.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-6 22:44:35 |只看该作者
另外 连词太单调了

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-6 22:44:14 |只看该作者
A teacher is known to give students more skills and establish(s) a good relationship with students.Therefore,in my perspective,as a teacher , the ability to establish a good relationship with students and imparting students knowledge are both very important.

On one hand, expressing the knowledge clearly is a basic skill for a teacher.If a teacher can not state a certain theory or explain a term clearly, students will not get a good understanding,or somwhat they will misconceive the knowledge. As a result, students don't trust their teacher and their teacher's respect will not be erected.

Furthermore, if a teacher has not a good command in his or her field, he or she will lead their students to an opposite way.Sometimes they will influence their students acadamic performance.So a teacher should put more emphasis on his or her educational skills. As a tutor or considered to be a mentor, teachers should have a responsiblity to teach their students in their best way.

On the another hand,although teaching is a basic skill for a teacher, the ability of establishing a good relationship with students is not obliaged to be ignored.As mentioned as the famous educational instiution says,almost 80% professors have a good relationship with their students. They also make friends with their students and students prefer to insult them for a suggertion about all aspects around their life.

From the reasons I write above, we can make a conclusion that teaching students and getting well along with students are interacted.If a teacher will have a good understanding of knowledge and also express it clearly ,yet be disable to get along well with their students,he or she will not be succsessful. On the contrary, the situation is the same.

In sum, I holds that good teaching and the ability to establish a good relationship with students are both of great significance.

恩 是有些范 加油~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-6 17:54:26 |只看该作者
A teacher is known to give students moreskills and establish a good relationship with students. Therefore, in myperspective, as a teacher, the ability to establish a good relationship withstudents and imparting(impart) studentsknowledge are both very important.
On one hand, expressing the knowledgeclearly is a basic skill for a teacher. If a teacher can not state a certaintheory or explain a term clearly, students will not get a good understanding, orsomwhat(somewhat) they will misconceive theknowledge. As a result, students don't trust theirteacher and their teacher's respect will not be erected.(这个结果不太流畅,改成对学生以后的学习造成影响比较好;有teacher’s respect这一说法么?)
Furthermore, if a teacher has not a good command(想表达什么意思,这个词不合适吧) in his or her field, he or she will lead their students to an opposite way(这个太绝对了吧,没到相反的地步). Sometimes they will influence their students acadamic(academic) performance. So a teacher shouldput more emphasis on his or her educational skills. As a tutor or considered tobe a mentor, teachers should have a responsiblity(responsibility)to teach their students in their best way.
On the another(other)hand, although teaching is a basic skill for a teacher, the ability ofestablishing a good relationship with students isnot obliaged(obligatory) to be ignored(直接说can not beignored). As mentioned as thefamous educational instiution(institution) says,almost 80% professors have a good relationship with their students. They alsomake friends with their students and students prefer to insult(consult吧,你看看insult是啥意思…) them for a suggertion(suggestion)about all aspects around their life(lives).
From the reasons I write above, we can makea conclusion that teaching students and getting well along with students are interacted(interact with each other).If ateacher will have a good understanding of knowledge and also express it clearly,yet be disable(disabled) to get along well withtheir students, he or she will not be succsessful(successful). On the contrary,the situation is the same.
In sum, I holds(hold)that good teaching and the ability to establish a good relationship withstudents are both of great significance.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-5 23:46:01 |只看该作者
9.5 作文

A teacher is known to give students more skills and establish a good relationship with students.Therefore,in my perspective,as a teacher , the ability to establish a good relationship with students and imparting students knowledge are both very important.

On one hand, expressing the knowledge clearly is a basic skill for a teacher.If a teacher can not state a certain theory or explain a term clearly, students will not get a good understanding,or somwhat they will misconceive the knowledge. As a result, students don't trust their teacher and their teacher's respect will not be erected.

Furthermore, if a teacher has not a good command in his or her field, he or she will lead their students to an opposite way.Sometimes they will influence their students acadamic performance.So a teacher should put more emphasis on his or her educational skills. As a tutor or considered to be a mentor, teachers should have a responsiblity to teach their students in their best way.

On the another hand,although teaching is a basic skill for a teacher, the ability of establishing a good relationship with students is not obliaged to be ignored.As mentioned as the famous educational instiution says,almost 80% professors have a good relationship with their students. They also make friends with their students and students prefer to insult them for a suggertion about all aspects around their life.

From the reasons I write above, we can make a conclusion that teaching students and getting well along with students are interacted.If a teacher will have a good understanding of knowledge and also express it clearly ,yet be disable to get along well with their students,he or she will not be succsessful. On the contrary, the situation is the same.

In sum, I holds that good teaching and the ability to establish a good relationship with students are both of great significance.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-4 15:41:04 |只看该作者
24# penergy

I agree with the statement that the old friends' suggestions are more important and valuable than the advice given by the friends with(of) the same age.

First of all, old friends are full of experience. They have undergone hundreds of different things and face with distinct situations. When we meet with some difficulty and are puzzled about this things(thing), our old friends can give their best suggestions which can ease me. For example, if I fall in love with a girl and it is difficult for me to express my affection to her, my old friend will help me and advice me how to deal with this things. Moreover, they will plan something for me to improve the relationship between the girl I love and me. On the contrary, my younger friends have no this experiences and can not(cannot) give me some help.


Secondly, old friends' suggestions are more thoughtful than the ones given by my peers. old friends will take everything into consideration. After a considerable thinking, they will give me a help in details. I think it is of great importance. So I prefer to take my old friends' advice.

What's more, although the advice from my peers are(is) innovationary and contains something new, this advice has some risks. For instance, my friend Peter is a businessman and he has his own company. Once a friend of his told him that doing stock busieness(business) was very popular and the benefit were also considerate. His young friend suggest him several stocks. And then Peter can not(cannot) resist the temptation. He invested in the stock market. As a consequence, he failed in it. So sometimes we should not take our young friends' suggestions in spite of their kindness.

In a word, I prefer to take my old friends' suggestions than the ones from the youth because of their consideration and their responsibility.\


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-9-4 14:58:56 |只看该作者
agree with the statement that the old friends' suggestions are more important and valuable than the advice given by the friends with the same age. 开头很酷的啊!

of all, old friends are full of experience. They have undergone好 hundreds of different things and face with distinct situations. When we meet with some difficulty and are puzzled about this things--about this situations 避免重复, our old friends-->friends who are older than us 否则认为是老朋友 can give their best suggestions which can ease me. For example, if I fall in love with如果没确定关系have feeling to比较好 a girl and it is difficult for me to express my affection to her, my old friend will help me and advice me how to deal with this things. Moreover, they will plan something for me to improve the relationship between the girl I love-->have feeling to or like(没相处就爱...假) and me.On the contrary, my younger friends have no this experineces and can not give me some help

Secondly, old friends' suggestions are more thoughtful-->friends are more thoughtful to give suggestions than the ones given by my peers. old friends will take everything into consideration好的. After a considerable thinking, they will give me a help in details.I think it is of  great importance. So i prefer to take my old friends' advice.9 z. f/ P$ O" [4 S( P
% @: e8 X8 t( B% w
What's more, although the advice from my peers are innovationary and contains something new, this advice has some risks.For instance, my friend Peter is a businessman and he has his own company. Once a friend of his told him that doing stock busieness was very popular and the benefit were also considerate好的. His young friend suggest him several stocks.And then Peter can not resist the temptation-->朋友建议怎又是诱惑... He invested in the stock market.As a consequence, he failed in it. So sometimes we should not take our young friends' suggestions in spite of their kindnes 多少有点绝对.

In a word, I prefer to take my old friends' suggestions than the ones from the youth because of their consideration and their responsibility.有的地方细节化, 可以简化些. 字数蛮多的

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-3 21:48:47 |只看该作者

I agree with the statement that the old friends' suggestions are more important and valuable than the advice given by the friends with the same age.

First of all, old friends are full of experience. They have undergone hundreds of different things and face with distinct situations. When we meet with some difficulty and are puzzled about this things, our old friends can give their best suggestions which can ease me. For example, if I fall in love with a girl and it is difficult for me to express my affection to her, my old friend will help me and advice me how to deal with this things. Moreover, they will plan something for me to improve the relationship between the girl I love and me.On the contrary, my younger friends have no this experineces and can not give me some help.

Secondly, old friends' suggestions are more thoughtful than the ones given by my peers. old friends will take everything into consideration. After a considerable thinking, they will give me a help in details.I think it is of  great importance. So i prefer to take my old friends' advice.

What's more, although the advice from my peers are innovationary and contains something new, this advice has some risks.For instance, my friend Peter is a businessman and he has his own company. Once a friend of his told him that doing stock busieness was very popular and the benefit were also considerate. His young friend suggest him several stocks.And then Peter can not resist the temptation. He invested in the stock market.As a consequence, he failed in it. So sometimes we should not take our young friends' suggestions in spite of their kindness.

In a word, I prefer to take my old friends' suggestions than the ones from the youth because of their consideration and their responsibility.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-3 00:03:48 |只看该作者

The professor argues that the advances in technology,a stronger legal protection for private property and saving the costs are not the main factors to shift the cottage production to the factory-based intdustry,which differs from the main idea in the text.

First of all, the professor holds that the advances in technology is not the primary cause.The real cause is that the producer concerned the payment of hiring more workers.But the reading material  holds an opposite idea.

Secondly,contradicting what is stated in the reading that the establishment of a stronger legal protection for private property was a big cause the professor considers that a stronger legal protection for private property was not successful in the whole Europe Continent.The professor cites an example that the campain for a stronger legal protection for private property failed in the end. It is a best instant to support the professor' opinion.

Finally, the professor states that conducting a factory-based industry housed in cotton mills can not save the costs.Although it can somewhat save some expenditure in transpotation, the sum of buying a land and building a factory is not a small number.It should require a lot of money.
As mentioned above, it is easy to make a conclusion that the three reason mentioned in the reading material can not support the idea in the text.However, the professor refutes the supports in the text are really correct.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-9-1 01:19:07 |只看该作者
The professor argues that the scientists' doubts are unconvincing, which differs from the main idea in the article that prescribed burning does't sound a good practice.
First of all, the professor holds that prescribing burning of prairie can not cause serious air pollution and contributing to global warming.On the contrary, it is benificial to the nature. The remnents of the prescribing burning such as ashes 这里我写的不对can fertile soil and good--benefit or be good to virnonment.

lSecondly, contradicting what is stated in the reading that prescribed fire can be unpredictable and dangerous. The professor considers that those who carry on the prescribed burning are doing this thing for many years and full of experience and skills. They are all trained well.They know when to fire, where to fire and how to control it 有些句子都是直接借鉴过来的, 适当用自己的词也不错

Finally, the professor states that the expenditure is pretty cheaper than the lost of the destroy of the houses and families. According to the statistic cited by the professor, we know that the lost of the fire disasters is ten times of the cost to prescribe fire

s mentioned, it is easy to make a summary that the scientists' doubts are unvalid and we can take advantage of the prescribed fire because of its benifit to environment.The prescribed fires are affordable and safe to the governments.每段落都很简洁的样子, 不知道字数是多少, 多写些也可以吧. 语法还好的, 没什么毛病.

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