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[i习作temp] issue36 『勇往直前小组』第一次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-20 21:48:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE36 - "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."


这都将导致评论与事实分离。而后世的人显然不会有此种顾虑,which makes

B:更重要的是,if we define greatness as the contribution to the nation ;当涉及评价其greatness时,后世有一个决定性的优势-时间。,                     
不可否认的是,同时代的评价有客观的,especially in area such as ..

In sum,

Should the greatness of individuals only be decided by who live after them, just as the author asserts? Undoubtedly, compared with people living after them, the judgment made by contemporaries tends to be more subjective. However, the author goes to another extreme. For my part, people living after the celebrities tend to make more objective judgment on their greatness; but it doesn't hinder contemporaries from contributing to the right judgments

     To begin with, viewing from the interests of individuals, the judgments made by people who living after them are more objective. One can only make fair judgment when his own benefits would not be affected by it. Unfortunately, celebrities are more likely to be authorities, who, in certain area of their lifetime, have decisive influence on the interests of others. Then, owing to the relationships of interests, the judgment of contemporaries is more or less affected by the celebrity himself, which lead the deviation from the reality. For example, when a historian is writing judgment about the king of his time, owing to human nature, two concerns are most likely to appear in his mind; one is "will my fairness judgment offend the kind and in turn incurs persecution?" and the other is, " if I exaggerate his feat, will he be pleased and give me some benefits?" Due to the authority of the king such concerns are not that easy to be wiped out and therefore the conclusion is dubious. But people living after them have no such worries, they dare to say whatever they think, and the only reason of his statements is based on reality and relatively rational deduction. Hence, we tend to view the greatness decided by them more reasonable.
      Furthermore, if we define greatness as the benefits one contributed to the whole society, when judging the greatness of those prominent guys, people living after them have a decisive advantage--time. Firstly, just like filter paper can hold back all the dregs and just let water pass, time will dilute all those unimportant events and only make the significant ones exposed, which makes judging the greatness much easier. Secondly, some benefits can only be perceived in the long term, and the only witness of this kind is one who lives after them. For instance, when Copernicus published his theory, few of his contemporaries can tell what significant influences his theory would bring to the history of science, but as time went by, his work proved to have enlightened his successors greatly; leading the science to a relatively right way. So, owing to the great advantages brought by time, when judging the greatness of celebrities, people living after them tend to be more objective.
     However, such significant advantage in judging the greatness of famous doesn't back up the deduction that contemporaries cannot offer an objective judgment. To witness, in realm of science, although there were disagreement and conflicts when ‘theory of relativity’ faced the readers, it still can not hinder Einstain from becoming the most famous scientist in his lifetime. In realm of education and culture, the consensus on the greatness of Chinese famous educator and philosopher Confucius has been reached ever since he was alive, and remained unchanged for more than 2 thousand years. Therefore, sometimes, especially when based on practice, the judgment by contemporaries can be quite faire.

     In sum, when it comes to the judgment on the greatness of celebrities, the inherent advantage enables people living after them to view from a more objective perspective. But we should not ignore the wisdom of their contemporaries, sometimes their conclusions on the famous people can be tested by time.

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-7-21 16:59 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-20 21:49:29 |只看该作者

10. Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated. [6]
*10. 政府必须确保给予主要城市发展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要发源于并保留大在城市中。
10 不同意
1、不论从历史还是。。的角度;there is no certain relation that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated primarily in big city. eg
3、小城镇和乡村文化传统多,但比较穷,需要资助,在生存为第一要务的时候。。antique否则threaten the survival of
no money to repair ancient building

28(第2类学习类:频次31),Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little. [13]
28. 在背事实之前,学生应该先学习有助于解释那些事实的想法、趋势和概念。孤立学习事实是学不到什么东西的。
3、但是,值得注意的是,虽然,在某些方面,它还是有其独到的优势Chinese medicine,herbs,prescribe

46."While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation." [23]
46. 尽管政府、体育界、工业界和其他领域中的一些领导者将他们的成功归功于高度的竞争意识,社会还是应该培养年轻人的合作意识,这更有助于他们以后成为领导者。

1、竞争意识也是很重要的,Dating back the history of human society, we can clearly found that ...Even y

competition inevitable; in the same team, compete to perform the best
In sum政府要在合作发展人类社会的前提下开展竞争,不仅促进全世界共同问题的解决,而且对各个国家自身的发展会有促进作用;各国的发展推动人类社会的进步,


142. "The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority." [59]

4、正确的态度应当是理性的,一方面,不盲信,另一方面,要学会吸收其中的On the one hand, place too much reliance on the authority and the celebrity’s opinions, while on the other hand, absorb the essence among…(这一段有时间就写)
5、In sum

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-7-21 11:54 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 17:41:57 |只看该作者
Should the greatness ofindividuals only be decided by (those) who live after them, just as the authorasserts? Undoubtedly, compared with people living after them, the judgment madeby contemporaries tends to be more subjective. However, the author goes to another extreme(具体是什么?). Formy part(“对我而言”,用这里不是很妥), people living after the celebrities tend toare more likely to,避免重复)make more objective judgment on their greatness;but it doesn't hinder contemporaries from contributing toachievethe right judgments

     To begin with, viewing from the interests ofindividuals, the judgments made by people who
livinglive after them are moreobjective. One can only make fair judgment when his own benefits would not beaffected by it. Unfortunately, celebrities are more likely to be authorities,who, in certain area of their lifetime, have decisive influence on theinterests of others. Then, owing to the relationships of interests, thejudgment of contemporaries is more or less affected by the celebrity himself,which lead the deviation from the reality. For example, when a historian iswriting judgment about the king of his time, owing to human nature, twoconcerns are most likely to appear in his mind; one is "will my fairnessjudgment offend the kindking andin turn incurs persecution?" and the other is, " if I exaggerate hisfeat, will he be pleased and give me some benefits?" Due to the authorityof the king such concerns are not that(so) easy tobe wiped out and therefore the conclusion is dubious. But people living afterthem have no such worries, they dare to say whatever they think, and the onlyreason of his statements is based on reality and relatively rational deduction.Hence, we tend to view the greatness decided by them more reasonable. 观点不错,呵呵

Furthermore, if we define greatness as the benefits one contributed tothe whole society, when judging the greatness of those prominent
guys(口语化,不正式), peopleliving after them have a decisive advantage--time. Firstly, just like filterpaper can hold back all the dregs and just let water pass, time will dilute allthose unimportant events and only make the significant ones exposed, whichmakes judging the greatness much easier. Secondly, some benefits can only beperceived in the long term, and the only witness of this kind is one who livesafter them. For instance, when Copernicus was burned to death, few of hiscontemporaries can tell what significant influences his theory would bring tothe history of science, but as time went by, his work proved to haveenlightened his successors greatly; leading the science to a relatively rightway. So, owing to the great advantages brought by time, when judging thegreatness of celebrities, people living after them tend to be more objective.这一段第二小点可看作是第一点的一部份,感觉不像并列关系。

However,such significant advantage in judging the greatness of famous doesn't back upthe deduction that contemporaries cannot offer an objective judgment. Towitness, in realm of science, although there were disagreement and conflictswhen ‘theory of relativity’ faced the readers,
it(指代什么?)still can nothinder EinstainEinsteinfrom becoming the most famous scientist in his lifetime. In realm of educationand culture, the consensus on the greatness of Chinese famous educator andphilosopher Confucius has been reached ever since he was alive, and remainedunchanged for more than 2 thousand years. Therefore, sometimes, especially whenbased on practice, the judgment by contemporaries can be quite faire.没有说明为什么当代人也能做出客观的评价,所以显得说服力不强。

     In sum, when it comes to the judgment on the greatnessof celebrities, the inherent advantage enables people living after them to viewfrom a more objective perspective. But we should not ignore the wisdom of theircontemporaries, sometimes their conclusions on the famous people can be testedby time.


1、不论从历史还是。。的角度;thereis no certain relation that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated primarily inbig city. Eg
3、合作是必然趋势,1.现代科技的复杂化要求   2。河蟹社会.

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-21 17:43 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 21:39:27 |只看该作者
Should the greatness of individuals only be decided by who live after them, just as the author asserts? Undoubtedly, compared with people living after them, the judgment made by contemporaries tends to be more subjective. However, the author goes to another extreme. For my part, people living after the celebrities tend to make more objective judgment on their greatness; but it doesn't hinder contemporaries from contributing to the right judgments

     To begin with, viewing from the interests of individuals, the judgments made by people who living
(live) after them are more objective. One can only make fair judgment when his own benefits would not be affected by it. Unfortunately, celebrities are more likely to be authorities, who, in certain area of their lifetime, have decisive influence on the interests of others. Then, owing to the relationships of interests, the judgment of contemporaries is more or less affected by the celebrity himself, which lead the deviation from the reality. For example, when a historian is writing judgment about the king of his time, owing to human nature, two concerns are most likely to appear in his mind; one is "will my fairness judgment offend the kind and in turn incurs persecution?" and the other is, " if I exaggerate his feat, will he be pleased and give me some benefits?" Due to the authority of the king such concerns are not that easy to be wiped out and therefore the conclusion is dubious. But people living after them have no such worries, they dare to say whatever they think, and the only reason of his statements is based on reality and relatively rational deduction. Hence, we tend to view the greatness decided by them more reasonable.(
      Furthermore, if we define greatness as the benefits one contributed to the whole society, when judging the greatness of those prominent guys, people living after them have a decisive advantage--time. Firstly, just like filter paper can hold back all the dregs and just let water pass, time will dilute all those unimportant events and only make the significant ones exposed, which makes judging the greatness much easier. Secondly, some benefits can only be perceived in the long term, and the only witness of this kind is one who lives after them. For instance, when Copernicus published his theory, few of his contemporaries can tell what significant influences his theory would bring to the history of science, but as time went by, his work proved to have enlightened his successors greatly; leading the science to a relatively right way. So, owing to the great advantages brought by time, when judging the greatness of celebrities, people living after them tend to be more objective.

     However, such significant advantage in judging the greatness of famous doesn't back up the deduction that contemporaries cannot offer an objective judgment. To witness, in realm of science, although there were disagreement and conflicts when ‘theory of relativity’ faced the readers, it still can not hinder Einstain from becoming the most famous scientist in his lifetime. In realm of education and culture, the consensus on the greatness of Chinese famous educator and philosopher Confucius has been reached ever since he was alive, and remained unchanged for more than 2 thousand years. Therefore, sometimes, especially when based on practice, the judgment by contemporaries can be quite faire.
     In sum, when it comes to the judgment on the greatness of celebrities, the inherent advantage enables people living after them to view from a more objective perspective. But we should not ignore the wisdom of their contemporaries, sometimes their conclusions on the famous people can be tested by time.


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