ME:(微笑)Good morning.
VO:(微笑) Good morning. The J1 visa?
ME: Yes.
ME:do you need any documents?
VO: yes, but wait a minuet.
ME:I don't know if you notice that today is my birthday.
VO:(继续打字)do you have any birthday plan?
ME:if get this visa, i will go to have a big meal.
VO(笑):could i see your invitation letter?
ME: of course, and also my research plan(我把研修计划也顺便递过去了). i will do a research work in Columbia university medical center and this research experience will help me get my master degree in my own university.
VO: how long would you be there?
ME: one year
VO: you major in?
ME: ophthalmology.
VO: do you want to be a doctor?
ME: only in china.
VO:(笑)do you have cv or resume of your columbia teacher?
ME: here it is.(我提供的是外国老师的cv和网页信息,在VO看的时候我继续说)you know, as a master this chance is very important to me not only the master degree but also it will help me a lot in getting a job after my graduation.
VO: (一边看一遍说)oh i know it, blablabla……(接下来说了一大堆我也不知道她在说啥,说得很快声音也不大)
然后她又看了一下我的DS2019,说:who will pay for your tirp?
ME: my father
VO: what kind of work your father do?
ME: senior technical stuff and here is his income declearation(我把爸爸的收入证明贴在玻璃上示意VO看一下,她就扫了一9眼), and this is his money deposit(我把存款证明在贴玻璃上让她看)
VO(根本没看): oh i don't need it.
VO:new york city, very expensive.(一边说一边把我的邀请函什么的还有DS2019递出来,还有取护照用的那个卡片)
ME: so i will try my best.
VO: study hard and happy birthday!
ME:(大笑)thank you and have a good day!
3 和我一起签证的人都穿的很正式,大冷的天就穿个衬衫和西服,冻得直哆嗦。我觉得没有必要这样严肃,本来我也带了很正式的衣服,结果前一天沈阳下大雨降温了,特别冷,我就把衣服扔宾馆了,直接穿个大厚毛衣,牛仔裤,运动鞋,就这样就进领事馆了,跟我一起进去的全比我穿的正式,我也没感觉耽误什么。而且面谈的过程不是那么严肃的,这是个交流的过程,我和VO也说了很多与签证没有任何关系的话(连birthday plan 这些都说了),谈话气氛很轻松愉快,VO始终面带微笑,我也轻松不少。