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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-15 23:38:31 |只看该作者
来自The one:
Today I want to talk about the earth’s last major climatic shift. At the end of the last ice age.   

But first let us back up a moment, and review what we know about climatic change in general. First we defined climate as consistent patterns of weather over significant periods of time.

In general, changes in climate occur when the energy balance of the earth is disturbed. Solar energy enters the earth’s atmosphere as light, and is radiated by the earth’s surface as heat. Land, water and ice each affect this earth energy exchange differently. The system is so complex. That today (to date), our best computer models are only crude approximations and are not sophisticate enough to test popisies(hypotheses) about the causes of climatic change.

Of course, that doesn’t keep us from *speculating), for instance, volcanic activity is one mechanism that might affect climatic change. When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of articles into the upper atmosphere. Where the particles then reflect light. Since less light is entering the system of energy exchange. The result would be a cooling of the earth’s surface.

Of course, this is just one possible mechanism of global climatic change. In all probability, a complete explanation would evolve several different mechanisms operating at the same time.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-15 23:45:44 |只看该作者
来自The one:
第三篇 (minerals)
I'd like to begin by thanking Dr Kane for inviting me to be here today, although I am not a geologist, I have been collected minerals for years, my collection is very diverse because I travelled all over the world to find them. Today, I bought a few basement(specimens) for you to see, after I discuss each one I will pass it around, so you can look at it more closely.

As you know, feelsbar(feldspars) are most abundant merinals and they are devided into a number of types, the first samples are orthoclases, notice they are vary in color to from white to pink to red. This glassy one is found in volconic rock, in fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collection trip.

This next sample I will pass around is micil(cline) mineral, also called emazan (amazon) stone, you can identify it by the bright green color, it often used in jewelry and is really quite attractive, the final samples are plage feelsbar(plagioclas feldspars), many plagioclas were very rare, so I am particularly proud of the variety in my collection.

I've also brought a few slide (slides of) larger minerals samples, and if you'll turn out lights now, I'd like to show them to you.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-16 00:46:40 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 limingscu 于 2009-11-16 00:55 编辑

新手上路 原来GTER对于word的色彩都不识别啊。。。。
算啦 不调整啦 明天好好调整下下,。,。

I'm glad ypu brought up the question of our investigations into the makeup earth's interior. In fact, since this is the topic of your reading assignment for next time. Let me spend last few minutes of class talking about it.

There were several important discoveries in the nearly (early) part of this century that helped geologists develop the (a more) accurate pocture of earth interior. The first key discovery had to do with the microwaves
(seismic waves). Remember, there were (they are)
the vibrations caused by earthquakes. Well, scientists found that they travels(ed) thousands of miles through the earth's interior. This finding enabled geologists
find the inner parts of the earth. You see, these studies revealed that these vibrations were two types: compression or p-waves, and sheer or s-wavess. And researchers found p-waves travel through both liquid and solid, while s-wave only travel through solid matter.

In 1906, a British geologist discovered that p-waves slowed
down at certain depth but can
(keep treaveling) deeper. On the other hand, s-wave either disappear or
reflected back. So he concluded that the depth might be (marked)
the boundary between solid mantle and liquid core. Three years later, another boundary was discovered-that
between the mantle and earth's crust.

Tehere is still a lot to be learned about the earth. For instance, geologists know that the core is hot. Evidence of this is molten larva
that float
(flows out)
vocalnoes. But we are still not sure what the source of heat is.

TOPIC: the earth's interior
(1) Hook
(2) Discovery
  2.1 seismic wave
  2.2 boundary between mantle and core
  2.3 boundary between mantle and crust
(3) still to learn

Today, I want to talk abour earth's last major climate change at the end of Ice Age. But first, let me back up for a moment, and review what we know about climate change in general.

First, we defined climate as consistent pattern of weather over a significant periods of time. In general, changes of climate occur when the energy balance
of earth was disturbed. Solar energy enters atmosphere as light and is radiated by earth surface as heat. Land, water and ice each affects climate change differently. The system is so complex that today's
(to date, our) best computer model are only conclude the
approximations, and it is
(are not)
sophisticated enough to test
about courses
of climate change.

Of course, that doesn't keep us from spectulation. For instance, the volcanic activities is one of the factor that might affect the climate change. When large volcano erupts, they disperse tons of particles
into the upper
atmospheres where the particles then reflect light. Since the last light entering system is exchanged, the result would be the cooling of earth surface.

Of course, this is just one of possible mechanism of global climate change. In all probability, the complete explanation will be (would)
involve with several different mechanisms operating at the same time.

TOPIC: Climate change
1. Hook
2. Definition
3. Energy balance-complex
4. Volcano eruption-one mechanism
GOAL: TOEFL/105 GRE/1400...
DREAM: MSE of Cornell

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-16 09:42:31 |只看该作者

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荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2009-11-16 12:33:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 happyfaith2008 于 2009-11-16 17:47 编辑

The Earth’s inerior
I am glad you brought up the question of our investigation (investigations) since you into the makeup of the Earth’s interior.
In fact—— since this is the topic of your reading assignment for next time ——let me spending thses last few minutes of the class talking about it.
There were several important discoveries in the earl

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-16 12:48:00 |只看该作者
11月15号作业 晚交了最后一篇

I’d like to begin by thanking Dr. Kane for inviting me to be here today. Although I am not a geologist, I have been collected (collecting) minerals for years. My collection is really (rally) diverse, because I’ve traveled all over the world to find them. Today I’ve brought few specimens for you to see. After I discuss each one, I'll pass it around, so that you can look at it more closely.

As you know, feldspars are the most abundant minerals and are divided into a number of types. These first samples are orthoclase. Notice that they are varied (vary) in colors from white to pink to red. These glass (glassy) one is found in volcanic rock. In fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip.

These (this) next sample that I’ll pass around is a microcline mineral, also called amazons stone. You can identify it by its bright green color. It's often used in jewelry and really is quite attractive.

These final samples are all plagioclase feldspars. Many plagioclase are very rare, so I am pretty (particularly) proud of the variety in my collection.
I also brought few slides of some large mineral samples, and if you’ll return out the light now, I’d like to show them to you.

1、showing some specimens from her collection and pass around them
2、第一种 feldspars 有很多颜色,举例,white,pink, red;第二种 microcline mineral 第三种  plagioclase feldspars  are rare
3、next:show large mineral sample

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-16 16:13:05 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 eric1207_wei 于 2009-11-16 17:45 编辑

By 05/12
fossil fuel
Today I want to dicuss fossil fuel, such as coal, oil and natural gas, the term fossil fuel refers to trapped names(remains) of plants and anminals in settlement(sedimentary) rock.

You see, living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of pothosysthises(photosythesis), and they store their energy in their chemical compounds, most of the energy is released when the plant dies and decoys(dacays). However, sometimes orgonic matter is buried befored it decoys(dacays) completely, in this way, some of the solar energy become trapped in rocks, has(Hence) the name fossil fuel, although the amout of organic matter trapped in anyone growing season is small, they accumulated remains for millions of years are considerable, because the accumulation rate is so slow, many of times slower than the rate which we now dig up this organic matter and burned it for energy, we must consieder fossil fuel as a nonrenewable resources, tommorow we will discuss alternative for fossil fuel that can be renewed.

1.topic: fossil fuel
2.expansion: definition--process of formation
3.next: alternatives

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-16 16:22:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 eric1207_wei 于 2009-11-16 17:46 编辑

By 05/12
Long(Not) long ago, some of you may read about a team of mountaion clibming scientists to help to recalcuate the elevation of the highest mountaion in the world, Mountain Alps.Of course, the elevation of Mountain Alps was determined many years ago using traditional surveying methods, but this scientist want to make more precise measurement using a new method that(take advantage of活生生的没有听出来) recent advanced in technology, it's called the Global Positioning System.

The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the earth, each of the satellites is constantly sending out sigals and each of signals contains important information, that can be uesed to determine the longitude, latitude and elevation of any point of the earth surface.

well, in order to use this system to caluate Mountain Alps' elevation, scientists need to put special receiver under (on)the  summit to receive signals from the satellites, the problems with this is that in the past the receiver were much too heavy for climer to carry, but now the reveiver has been reduced to the size and weight of a hand-handle(head) telephone, so climber were able to take a recevier to the top of Alps, and from there to accurate(access) the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation, and turns out this famous pig(peak) is actually a few feets higher than its priviously thought.
1. topic: mountaion elevation surveying
2. expansion: GPS-Mountain Apls
3. finding: higher than thought before
有几个单词真的没有听出来:take advantage of  summit  access

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-16 16:34:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 eric1207_wei 于 2009-11-16 17:44 编辑

Now using(you've been) the reading article about the tremendous damage done to life and property by earthquakes, let's widen(That's why seimologist) sciensts just work so hard to develop methods of earthquake prediction.
We can now predict earthquake very well, but the prediction is only located in pontential eara in danger, they don't predict the specific time and location at which the earthquake is likely to occur. Today I want to introduce to you three prediction models that been developed.

The first prediction model looks along earthquake shock(faults), those crakes in the earth's crust, to find what was known as seimic gaps, seimic gaps are the place where fort(faults) and show no or little seimic activities for a long time, this theory posulated(postulates) that such palces are due for a major shock.

The second model relys(relies) on phenomenona, like grand tubflit. using long cylinderical grand tubes containing water, observors notice that grand tub(groud tilt) tend to occur befoe major earthquake, that let them to correctly predict the big high(原来不是单词) quake in 1975, the first seccessful earthquake prediction scientists ever made, a million people were evacuated from that Chinese city before the earthquake strike(struck. Unfortunately, this method hasn't worked consistently, so we cann't say it been prefected.

The third model is based on the theory major earthquakes closely follow serious(a series of ) minor ones, starting with the measurement and timeing of the smaller quake, a complete formulatedformula calculates the times increased of probability of much larger quake, right now, this method, like the first method, can not predict the specific time and palces, but that may change as it is further developed.

For the moment, none of those models can predict with reasonable levels of confidence.

1. topic: earthquake prediction
2. expansion: three prediction models
3. perspective: none one is perfect

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-16 19:50:06 |只看该作者
11.16 Candywei
fossil fuel

Today, I want to discuss fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. The term "fossil fuels" refers to the trapped the remained remains of animals and plants in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap the energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store their (the) energy in their chemical compounds. Most of this (that) energy is released when the plant dies and decays.
However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. In this way, some of
the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks, hence the name "fossil fuel". Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one of grown (growing) season is small, they accumulated remains for million years are considerable. Because the accumulated (accumulation) rate is so slow, millions of times slower than the rate at which is we now dig out (up) this organic matter and burn it for energy, so we must consider fossil fuel as nonrenewable resources. Tomorrow we'll be discussing alternatives to fossil fuel that can be renewed.

主题:fossil fuel
Fossil fuel
为什么fossil fuelnonrenewable resource
alternative to fossil fuel

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-16 19:51:20 |只看该作者
11.16 mountain

Not long ago, some of you may have read about the (a) team of mountain-climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world, mountain Everest. Of course, the elevation of mountain Everest was determined many years ago, using the traditional surveying methods. But these scientists want to make a more precise measurement using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology. It’s called the global positioning system.

The GPS uses 24 satellites that circle the earth. Each of these satellites constantly sending out signals and the (each) signal contains important information that can be used to determine longitude, latitude and elevation in (of) any point at (on) the world (earth’s) surface.

Well, in order to uses this system method to calculate mountain Everest’s elevation, scientists need to put a special receiver on its submit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this is (was) that, in the past, the receivers is (were) much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a handheld telephone, so the climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of Everest and, from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation.
And it turns out that the famous peak is
actually few feet higher than was the previously thought.

2、新方法是用 information contained in the signals from satellites
3、出现的问题:receiver 太重
4、问题已经解决:Handheld telephone 并且珠穆朗玛峰比之前预想的要高

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-11-16 19:52:10 |只看该作者
11.16 地震

Now, you've been reading articles about tremendous damage down (done) to life and property by earthquakes. That's why seismic geologists (seismologists) have been worked so hard to develop methods of earthquake prediction. We can now predict earthquake fairly well, but the predictions only locate potential area of danger. They can not (don’t) predict specific time and location at which an earthquake is likely to occur. Today I've like (want) to introduce to you three prediction model that have been developed.
The first prediction model is looks along the earthquake fault, those cracks in the earth’s crust, to find what are known as seismic gaps. Seismic gaps are the places where the fault has shown a little or no earth (seismic) activity for a long time. This theory peculate (postulates) that such places are due to a major shock.
The second model relies on phenomena, like ground tilt, using long cylinder (cylindrical) tubes containing water, observe notice (noted) that the ground tilt tended to occur before major earthquakes. That let them to correctly predict the big Haicheng quake of 1975, the first successful earthquake prediction scientists have ever make. A million of people was (were) evacuated from that Chinese city before the earthquake struck. Unfortunately, this method hasn't worked consistently, so we can't say it's been perfected.
The third model is based on the theory that major earthquakes closely follow a series of minor ones. Studying with the measurement and timing of small (smaller) earthquakes, a complex formula calculates the time of increase the probability of a much larger earthquake. Right now, these methods, like the first method, can not predict specific times and places, they may (but that many) change as it is further developed.
For that (the) moment, none of these methods (models) can predict with reasonable levels of comfortable (confidence).


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2009-11-16 20:13:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 happyfaith2008 于 2009-11-16 20:25 编辑

fossil fuels
Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The term fossil fuel refers to name ( the trapped remains of ) plants and animals in sendimentary rock. You see living plants trap energy from the sun but ( by ) the process of photosynthesis And they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most their ( of that ) energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However sometimes organic matter is burned before its cate ( it decays ) commpletely. In this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks, hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of all ( organic ) matter trapped than ( in ) any one growing season is small and the accumulated remains for ( from ) millions of years are considerable. Because the acumulation rate is so slow, millions of the times slower than the rate which we now dig up this organic matter and burn it for energy. We must consider fossil fuels as norenewable resources. Tomorrow we'll be discussing all (alternatives ) to fossil fuels that can be renewed.
主题:fossil fuels
细节:the process that plants and animals become fossil fuels
They are norenewable

Not long ago some of you may have read about the team of the mountain climbing scientists to ( who ) helped
to recalculate the elevation of
highest mountain of ( in ) the world mount everest. Of course the elevation of mount everst was determined many years ago using traditional se ( surveying ) methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement using a new method the tace ( that takes advantages of ) recent advances of
the (
in ) technology. It’s called global pression in ( positioning ) system. The global presationing (positioning) system using twenty-four sad lines ( satellites )
that circle the Earth. Each
of the satellites is constantly and sending out sigals . And each signal contains important information that can be use to determin the longtitude, latitude and elevation of any point of ( on ) the Earth’s surface. While ( well ) in order to use this system to calculate
’s elevation , sceintis need to out a
special receiver on its summit to receive the
satellites. The problem with this was that in the past the receivers were much too heavey for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size of ( and ) the weight of a handheld telephone. So climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of everest and from there to access the satellite system that would allow them to determine the precise elevation and it turns out that
the famous peak is acturally a few feet higher than
was previously

主题:a new way to measure the highest mountain’s elevation
关键细节: put a receiver which is small and light on the peak
结果:the mount is higher than we thought


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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-16 20:25:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 infish2008 于 2009-11-16 20:28 编辑

再接再厉~共勉 共勉!!
NO 4
Today, I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coat, oil and nature gas. The turn, (term) fossil fuel refers to trapped remain animals and plant in sedimentary
into rock. You see, the living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of photoshenphses (photosynthesis). And they stored energy in their chemical compounds. Most of the (that) energy is released, when the plants die and decay. However, sometimes organic matter is burned (buried) before it decayed completely. In this way, some of the solar energy becomes trapped into rock, hence the name fossil fuels. Although the amount of the organic maintain trapped in one growing season is small. The acommulated(accumulated) remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow millions of the time slower than they (the rate) at which we now dig up the organic matter and burn it up for energy. We must consider the fossil fuels as the non-reluable (nonrenewable) resources. Tomorrow, we will discuss alternatives to the fossil fuels that can be renewed.

1 Topic: the fossil fuels
2 Expansion: the fossil fuels
3 The fossil fuels are the nonrenewable resources.

NO 5
Not long ago some of you may have read about the team of mountain clime scientist to who help to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountains in the world: nonever rest (Mt. Everest). Of course the elevation of mountain (Mt. Everest) was metered several years ago, using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology. It is called “global positioning system”.
The GPS are using (uses) the 24 satelites that circle the earth. Each of these satellites is constantly sending
out signals. And each signal contains the important information that can be used to determent the longtitude (longitude), latitude and elevation of any point on the earth‘s surface.

Well, in order to use
(this) system to
calculate mountain rest (Mt. Everest)
. Scientists needed to put the special receiver on its summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with these was that, in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a handle telephone, so climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of Everest and, form there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than was previously thought.

1 Topic: the fossil fuels
2 Expansion: one advancement technology of calculation mountains: GPS
The advantage of GPS using to calculate Mt. Everest

NO 6

Now you are reading the article about
extremely (the tremendous) damage done to life and property by earthquakes. Let us (that’s why seismologists have been) working so hard to develop method of the earthquakes prediction. We can now predict earthquake very (fairly)
well but the prediction only be low rate in (only locate potential areas of) danger. They don’t predict the specific time and location at which an earthquake is likely to occur. Today I will introduce three prediction models that have been developed.

The first prediction model looks like along earthquake
waves (fawlts), those cracks in the earth’s crust, to find what are known as seismic gaps. Seismic gaps are places where the fault has shown little or no seismic activity for a long time. This theory point out (postulates) that such places are due for a major shock.

The second model relies on
phenomena like ground flit. Using long cylindrical tubes containing water, observers noted that ground title tended to occur before major earthquakes. That led them to correctly predict the big Haicheng (HI CHUNG) quake of 1975, the first successful earthquake prediction scientists have ever made. A million people were evacuated from that Chinese city before the earthquake struck. Unfortunately, this method has not worked cinsistently (consistently), so we can’t say it’s been perfected.

The third model is based on the theory that major earthquakes closely follow a series of
minor ones. Starting with the measurements and timing of the smaller quakes, a complex formula calculates at the times of increasing (increased) probability of a much larger quake, right now , the (this) method , like the first method, cannot predict specific times and places, but that may change as it is further development.

For the moment, none of these models can predict with reasonable
levels of confidence.

1 Topic: the prediction of earthquakes

2 Expansion: three models about earthquakes
3 None of these prediction models can predict the earthquakes precisely.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-16 22:44:46 |只看该作者
Listen to a radio talk about the fossil fuels
Today, I want to discuss fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natual(natural) gas. The term fossil fuel refers to the trapter(trapped) remains of plants and animals in sendimentry(sedimentary) rock. You see living plants tract(trap) energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis and they stored the energy in their chemical compound(compounds). Most of the(that) energy is released when the plant dies and decays, however, sometime organic matter is varied(buried) before it decayed(decays) completely. In this way, some of the sole(solar) energy become(becomes) trapped in rocks and(---hence) the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in anyone growing season is small, they accumulated remains for(from) millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulated(accumulation) rate is so slow, millions of time slower than the rate which we now degap(dig up) this organic matter and vatted(burn it) for energy, we must consider fossil fuel as non-renewable resources. Tomorrow we will discuss alternative(alternatives) to fossil fuels that can be renewed.

topic: fossil fuel and its definition

the formation of fossil fuel

why we consider fossil fuel as nonrenewable resources

tomorrow’s topic: renewable resources

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