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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-9 18:42:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
tho you agree or disagree teacher who is a serious and strict person more effective than a teacher is humor and is easygoing person.

When asked about how one likes a teacher, the most frequently mentioned aspect of the teacher is whether he or she is serious and strict or humor and easygoing. Indeed, this aspect of a teacher's personality can greatly influence the teaching effectiveness. Speaking from my experience, a teacher who is humor and easygoing is more effective than one who is serious and strict.

Firstly, the teacher who has a sense of humor can be able to make the class interesting even when it is dealing with some boring subjects. This is very important because if students feel bored and lack interests in listening and thinking, then they will probably doze or chat in class or even skip the class. My two chemistry teachers in high school are good examples to illustrate this point. Mr Li is a very serious and strict person. We hardly saw him smile even after class. Of course there was nothing wrong with his way of teaching and no doubt he was knowledgeable in chemistry, but we simply could not keep our attention on what he was talking. The result is we all thought chemistry was a boring subject and got poor grades. But when Mr wang came to teach us in the last year of high school, we all changed our opinion of chemistry. He was very humorous in class and told vivid examples and even small jokes which made the abstract concept and terminology interesting. His easygoing characteristic removed our afraidness and we were willing to ask him whatever questions we had. We even make friends with him after class. Thanks to him, the grades of our class greatly increased.


On the other hand, this personality can also affect the students' attitudes toward the course. Following the above example, if we hadn't changed teachers, we could still consider chemistry boring and no one could think of taking it as major in university. A strict teacher may drive his students to study hard on the subject, but once the teacher stop pushing they may stop studying due to lacking of interests and thus momentum.


In conclusion, humor and easygoingness of teacher contribute more to the effectiveness than seriousness and strictness. Humor help cultivate interests and develop positive attitudes in the course.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-10 17:33:33 |只看该作者
When asked about how one likes a teacher, the most frequently mentioned aspect of the teacher is whether he or she is serious and strict or humor and easygoing.(这句很Chinglish感觉) Indeed, this aspect of a teacher's personality can greatly influence the teaching effectiveness. Speaking from my experience, a teacher who is humor and easygoing is more effective than one who is serious and strict.
" ?. F) H# u# J( R5 t  s4 W7 J) |# J2 c9 s* I( B: ?% p
Firstly, the teacher who has a sense of humor can be able to make the class interesting even when it is dealing with some boring subjects. This is very important because if students feel bored and (is)lack interests in listening and thinking, then they will probably doze or chat in class or even skip the class.(小词儿很形象) My two chemistry teachers in high school are good examples to illustrate this point. Mr Li is a very serious and strict person. We hardly saw him smile even after class. Of course there was nothing wrong with his way of teaching and no doubt he was knowledgeable in chemistry, but we simply could not keep our attention on what he was talking. The result is we all thought chemistry was a boring subject and got poor grades. But when Mr wang came to teach us in the last year of high school, we all changed our opinion of chemistry. He was very humorous in class and told vivid examples and even small jokes which made the abstract concept and terminology interesting. His easygoing characteristic removed our afraidness and we were willing to ask him whatever questions we had. We even make friends with him after class. Thanks to him, the grades of our class greatly increased. (描写的很好,但是lz应该把例子再缩减一下,然后点出论点更好)) q4 C/ k/ C8 B6 s  i! d
   % M4 E( J- a% R& x3 I) ^" ^+ q
0 y9 ?0 V- o! k: D% l! C. @
On the other hand, this(which?) personality can also affect the students' attitudes toward the course. Following the above example, if we hadn't changed teachers, we could still consider chemistry boring and no one could think of taking it as major in university. A strict teacher may drive his students to study hard on the subject, but once the teacher stop pushing they may stop studying due to lacking of interests and thus momentum.(感觉这两段再说一个点呢?可以合并一下)
, `% F/ ?; ^0 p  y* A  % h, m! d$ F  l3 B7 C3 m9 L" Z' d+ V
  y1 ^0 N! S; _4 u3 G8 _
In conclusion, humor and easygoingness of teacher contribute more to the effectiveness than seriousness and strictness. Humor help cultivate interests and develop positive attitudes in the course.
, _% L. U7 c/ y- S- ^

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-5 16:13:33 |只看该作者
(1-5)The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual. Do you agree or disagree?t
I agree that the environmental issue is so complex that it is beyond the individual's ability to handle alone. Therefore, companies, governments and even nations should take major role when settling environmental issues.

First of all, companies and governments should take leadership role in solving environmental issues. The impact of companies, industries and governments is more profound and influential than individual’s. Since environmental protection often based on a higher cost such as to find and apply new and maybe more expensive raw material, some corporations just hesitate to sacrifice the higher profits and go on to use the less expensive but harmful material in production. Customers usually do not know those products can harm the environment. In this case, if the products are widely used, it is not hard to imagine the massive destruction it will bring to the environment. Therefore, when pursuing maximum profits, companies and industries should also take the responsibility of environmental protection, producing environment-friendly products though the cost may be higher. After all, it worths the cost in the long run. Government should take the responsibility of supervise business actions of companies. Making policies to inhibit the use of harmful chemicals and materials, restraining the emission of unchecked waste and publicizing the importance of environmental protection are better be done by the government.

In addition, with the development of technology and industry, human activities have greatly changed the environment and of course many of these  changes are negative. It is not uncommon to see on TV, to hear in the radio that some issues are so serious and worldwide that they will finally lead to disastrous consequences if left unfettered. These problems include air and water pollution, the increasing extinction rates of animals, the global warming, the depletion of the Ozone layers and so on. The global nature of these issues convinces us that any attempt by an individual or even a nation to solve them single-handed is doomed to failure. Take the depletion of the ozone layer for example. Te ozone layer is known as a precious atmospheric layer which protects us from the harmful impacts of ultraviolet rays from outer space. But recently we have noticed massive holes of this layer due to some chemicals we have used and if this carries on, the very survival of mankind is being threatened. Therefore, to protect the ozone layer, it is urgent for all nations to come to agreement to stop the use of those chemicals and finally save mankind itself. Therefore, only through joint efforts can we protect our planet from further pollution and destruction.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-9 21:25:07 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree:Technology helps to make people's lives simpler or make people's lives more complicated.

The development of technology has revolutionized our way of living and greatly improved our living standards. Though I admit that it also brings negative effects, the benefits far outweigh its drawbacks and I agree that technology helps to make people's life simpler.

First of all, various kinds of fruits of technology save us time and help us work more efficiently and accurately. With the advent of automobiles, huge vessels and airplanes, we are able to travel among distant locations with the least amount of time. Prior to the appearance of the listed inventions, to say in the horse and cage times, it took several months to go from shanghai to Beijing but now it only take more than an hour by air. So we can save a lot of time to focus on other things such as sightseeing or businesses issues. Thanks to the computer and access to the Internet, to find the needed information, we do not have to bury ourselves on piles of books in the library for hours. Instead, all we have to do is to type what information we want into the computer and click on the mouse, then we get all the relevant information we need in a split of a second. Also, the breakthroughs in medical science has produced medicines and vaccines to cure and prevent many kinds of diseases which were once fatal and incurable in the past such as the small pox and malaria.

Second, a wide variety of machinces and devices liberate people from tedious and repetitive tasks and make our life more convenient and comfortable. One extraordinary example is the computer which is widely used in various kinds of fields. It is applied for weather forecast, to reserve seats for trains and planes. Plus, the bank system also relies on computer. Besides, all kinds of household devices such as auto-washing dishes machine, vacuum cleaner, even robots are devised to relieve our burden of household chores. So that we can have more time to enjoy with the family.

All in all, technology make our life simpler and more comfortable. Though problems also exist such as violence and pornography on the Internet, pollution brought about by the exhausts from automobiles, I'm convinced as long as we are aware of these problems and try to solve them properly, we can make the best use of technology to serve our best.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-9 22:42:13 |只看该作者
The development of technology has revolutionized our way of living and greatly improved our living standards.(两个our living,太单一了,去掉一个或者换个词) Though I admit that it also brings negative effects, the benefits far outweigh its drawbacks and I agree that technology helps to make people's life simpler(I admit & I agree,虽然不单一,还是累赘啊,一次性表明立场就够了,去掉一个吧 ).

First of all, various kinds of fruits of technology save us time and help us work more efficiently and accurately. With the advent of (how about:new transportation tools such as...直接一些列举,太突然)automobiles, huge vessels and airplanes, we are able to travel among distant locations with the least amount of time. Prior to the appearance of the listed inventions, to say in the horse and cage times(马和马车的时代,确定英文是这么说的?as for as i know,马车=carriage,not cage.), it took several months to go from shanghai to Beijing but now it only take more than an hour by air. So we can save a lot of time to focus on other things such as sightseeing(sightseeing?where?It is too vague.If I ride horse or sit in a carriage,I think i can enjoy beautiful landscapes as well.I know what you mean is to save more time for sightseeing in the destination of the journey,then add something to let others,like ETS,know it clearly.) or businesses issues. Thanks to the computer and access to the Internet, to find the needed information, we do not have to bury ourselves on piles of books in the library for hours(this sentence does not make sense,think about rewriting it,please. ). Instead, all we have to do is to type what(the) information we want into the computer and click on the mouse, then we get all the relevant information we need in(maybe "within" is better) a split of a second. Also, the breakthroughs in medical science has produced medicines and vaccines to cure and prevent many kinds of diseases which were once fatal and incurable in the past such as the small pox and malaria.(Good!)

Second, a wide variety (kind of weird...how about:wide range?)of machinces(spelling error,check it out by yourself) and devices liberate(good!) people from tedious and repetitive tasks and make our life more convenient and comfortable. One extraordinary example is the computer which is widely used in various kinds of ("kinds of" emerges 3 times at least,you can use"sort of" or other expressions to replace it)fields. It is applied for weather forecast, to reserve seats for trains and planes. Plus, the bank system also relies on computer.(How?can you be more specific?) Besides, all kinds of household devices such as auto-washing dishes machine, vacuum cleaner, even robots are devised to relieve(2 times, you can try:alleviate or ease) our burden of household chores. So that we can have more time to enjoy with the family(you have mentioned "we",so maybe you can say"our family"). 

All in all, technology make our life simpler (simpler,2nd time,"simplify our life ")and more comfortable. Though problems also exist such as violence and pornography on the Internet(??you have not mentioned anything about this point ,can you kindly remain me where does it come from?), pollution brought about by ("about"&"by"?This two words really make me confused.)the exhausts from automobiles, I'm convinced as long as we are aware of these problems(Do you mean the violence and pollution?you have not given any solution,so i guess you hope the readers to find the answers for you?I will but ETS will not. ) and try to solve them properly, we can make the best use of technology to serve our best.




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