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[未归类] volksren~作文备考 fighting! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-20 16:11:15 |只看该作者
2.19Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

It is heated debate that whether young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term. Admittedly, trying too much different job makes young people difficult to concentrate on the current job. However, I still insist that young people should try different job before they pursue a job in the long term.

For one thing, it is hard for young people who just graduate from college to find a stable job for them before trying different jobs. Because there is a gap between the knowledge we learn from school and the skill required in the job market. What we learn from our textbook and professors are just basic conception of a certain discipline. There is no experiment available for the young people so that we cannot meet the requirement of modern companies. For example, my major concerns microwave device. I only know how to calculate the characteristic index and parameter from the formulas in the text book and have no conception about how to build up a system using CAD software before I enter the microwave company. Hence, by trying many different jobs in a certain research area, I can accumulate plentiful experience on your major, which can help me to find a stable job in the long term.

For another thing, as the cross-discipline technology becomes more and more popular especially in many cutting-edge technologies. Hence, it is more difficult for young people to find a suitable job than before. Because some positions seems to require the knowledge of a certain major. However, it sometimes runs to the different way. Take the Nano-tech as an example, those technology includes knowledge from physics, electronics, chemical and even material science. But each company is always inclined to only several parts of these aspects. What is more, it will difficult for us to gain useful information of what concrete projects are processing in those company. Hence, trying many different jobs in the different Nano tech company is not a bad idea to find a suitable job.

In conclusion, I concede that it will attract young people’ attention from the job itself by trying too many jobs. However, I still insist that young people can benefit from it to accumulate enough experiment to secure a decent and stable job in the long run. What is more, it is a good idea for young people to find a job which best matches their major due to the cross discipline technology has been developed and become the trend of the technology.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-20 17:26:15 |只看该作者

2.19Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

As the decline of the economic situation, there is a heated debate whether young people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term. Admittedly, trying too much different jobs makes young people difficult to concentrate on the current job. However, I still insist that young people should try different job before they pursue a job in the long term.

For one thing, it is hard for young people who just graduate from college to find a stable job before trying different jobs. Because there is a gap between the knowledge we learn from school and the skill required in the job market. What we learn from our textbook and professors are just basic conception of a certain discipline. There is no experiment available for the young people so that they cannot meet the requirement of modern companies. For example, my major concerns microwave device. I only know how to calculate the characteristic parameter from the formulas in the text book and have no conception about how to build up a system using CAD software when I graduate from college and eager to find a job. After trying jobs in three different jobs, not only do I get to know the trend of microwave circuit but also I handle the skill of simulation and test, which plays an essential role for me to hold the position in my current company. Hence, by trying many different jobs in a certain research area, one can accumulate plentiful experience on his or her major, which can make it easier for him or her to find a stable job in the long term.

For another thing, as the cross-discipline technology becomes more and more popular especially in many cutting-edge areas, which set up an obstacle for young people to find a suitable job than before. Because some positions seems to require the knowledge of a certain major. Actually, it sometimes runs opposite way. Take the Nanotechnology as an example, those technology includes a range of knowledge from physics, electronics, chemistry and even material science. But each company is always inclined to only several parts of these aspects. Besides, it is difficult for us to gain useful information of what concrete projects are processing in those company. Hence, it would be a good choice for us to get the first hand experience to know whether it fits us by taking chance to enter different nanotechnology companies.

To sum up, I concede that it will attract young people’s attention from the job itself by trying too many jobs. However, I still insist that young people can accumulate enough experiment to secure a decent job in the long run by the training of different companies. What is more, it is a good idea for young people to find a job which best matches their major, due to the cross discipline technology has been developed.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-20 20:32:16 |只看该作者

2.19Young people should try different jobbefore they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.. o- }3 H  {* k: R!L" h

* U& r+ [. P  T( W5 W修改后 ~~
* T: J5 X9 Z* Z0 ^! AAs thedecline of the economic situation, there is a heated debate whether youngpeople should try different jobs before they decide which job or career theywill do in the long term. Admittedly, trying too much different jobs makes young people difficultmakeit difficult for young people to
to concentrate on the currentjob. However, I still insist that young people should try different job beforethey pursue a job in the long term.6 d, T& R' i, E7 c8 x4 h5 o

!s: p5 ^0 X$ \, F" QFor one thing, it is hard for young people whojust graduate from college to find a stable job before trying different jobs.Because there is a gap between the knowledge we learn from school and the skillrequired in the job market.(gap也是knowledge之间 knowledgeskill之前。。。恩。。。这是chinglish)What we learn from our textbook and professors are justbasic conception of a certain discipline. There is no experiment available forthe young people so that they cannot meet the requirement of modern companies. For example,my major concerns microwave device. I only know how to calculate thecharacteristic parameter from the formulas in the text book and have noconception about how to build up a system using CAD software when I graduatefrom college and eager to find a job. After trying jobs in three differentjobs, not only do I get to know the trend of microwave circuit but also I handlethe skill of simulation and test, which plays an essential role for me to holdthe position in my current company. Hence, by trying many differentjobs in a certain research area, one can accumulate plentiful experience on hisor her major, which can make it easier for him or her to find a stable job inthe long term.
0 Q# o; l6 d" ]3 `. L
)c4 i3 V8 B/ L2 k8 M. ^& ?For another thing, as the cross-disciplinetechnology becomes more and more popular especially in many cutting-edge areas,which set up an obstacle for young people to find a suitable job thanthan前面要有比较级) before. Because some positions seems torequire the knowledge of a certain major.because是个介词 这句话没有主句) Actually, it sometimes runsopposite way. Takethe Nanotechnology as an example, those technology includes a range of knowledgefrom physics, electronics, chemistry and even material science. But eachcompany is always inclined to only several parts of these aspects. Besides, itis difficult for us to gain useful information of what concrete projects areprocessing in those company. Hence, it would be a good choice for us to get thefirst hand experience to know whether it fits us by taking chance to enterdifferent nanotechnology companies.
, M8 J6 N+ a5 a7 |8 w7 j8 T' W9 O- E9 I(c" N1 g
To sum up, I concede that it will attractdistract
young people’s attention from thejob itself by trying too many jobs. However, I still insist that young peoplecan accumulate enough experiment to secure a decent job in the long run by thetraining of different companies. What ismore, it is a good idea for young people to find a job which best matches theirmajor, due to the cross discipline technology has been developed
例子不够生活化 没有细节
开头 中间 结尾 结构非常完整(虽然 悄悄地说 通常四段没有五段常见)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-22 22:18:59 |只看该作者
2.21Teachers should not show their political or social views known in the classroom.

As more and more people cast light on the education issue, there raises one heated debate on whether teachers should show their political or social views known in the classroom. Admittedly, teachers should put on the first place imparting professional knowledge to students. However, to some extent, teachers who take chance to show their political or social views to students would benefit students more or less.

For one thing, when teachers express their political or social views to the students, it could raise a heated debate in the class. Especially, students are having classes such as economy, politics and so on. During the discussion, students could deeply understand what they learn from the text book from a comprehensive view. For example, once my economic teacher chatted with us during the break. He told that our housing market was overheated and it would lead to the depression of the economy. However, many students hold the opposite opinion. A heat debate raised then. Someone argued that the high price of house would contribute to a large number of companies bankrupted. Someone hold the opinion that it would encourage the citizens to purchase other kind of product, which could make the economic situation better. After the debate, we made a clear understand about many economic theories we just talked about in the class.

For another thing, as the computers become more and more popular, students accustom to exchange and share their opinion in the forum through the internet. Unfortunately, a number of standpoints on the internet hold a distorted attitude to the social and political issues. Hence, teachers could correct such attitudes by expressing their views on such issues to the students. For example, a lot of speakers on the internet forum advocate something about sexual discrimination. We know that such commitment is not reasonable and may cause the society unsettled. Hence, teachers can express them their social view about it to make students know the importance of equality between male and female.

Admittedly, there are some teachers who hold an unhealthy opinion about the society and politics due to the failure in their promotion and adversity in their life. In this case, it would be harmful for students to learn such extreme attitude if such kind of teachers express their politic and social view to students.

To sum up, I hold the opinion that teachers should show their political or social views known in the classroom. Not only can students familiar with what they learn from the text book but also it provides an opportunity for teachers and students to chat with each other, during which teachers could find and correct the distorted opinion about society and politics in students’ mind. However, I admit that some unhealthy opinions of teachers would do harm to students’ mind.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-24 16:13:21 |只看该作者
As more and more people cast light on the education issue, there raises one heated debate on whether teachers should show their political or social views known in the classroom. Admittedly, teachers should put on the first place imparting professional knowledge to students. However, to some extent, teachers who take chance to show their political or social views to students would benefit students more or less.' Y  b- n1 @( F% W; R! v
! {* |4 f  J* ?0 O) n
For one thing, when teachers express their political or social views to the students, it could raise a heated debate of different political or social views in the class. Especially, students are having classes such as economy, politics and so on. During the discussion, students could deeply understand what they learn from the text book from/ by a comprehensive view//删掉吧. For example, my economic teacher once chatted with us during the break that our housing market is overheated and (it) would lead to the depression of the economy. However, many students hold different opinions. A heat debate raised then. Someone agreed that the high price of house would contribute to bankruption of a large number of companies . Someone (hold the opinion)disagreed that it would encourage the citizens to purchase other kind of product, which could make the economic situation better. After the debate, we made a clear understand about many economic theories we just talked about in the class.

For another thing, as the computers become more and more popular, students accustom to exchange and share their opinion in the forum through the internet. Unfortunately, a number of standpoints on the internet hold a distorted attitude to the social and political issues. Hence, teachers could correct such attitudes by expressing their views on such issues to the students. For example, a lot of speakers on the internet forum advocate (something about) sexual discrimination. We know that such commitment is (not reasonable/dangerous and may cause the society unsettled. Hence, teachers can express them their social view about it to make students know the importance of equality between male and female. //What if the teacher advocate the sexual discrimination??//

Admittedly, there are some teachers who hold an unhealthy//harmful opinion about/of the society and politics (due to the failure in their promotion and adversity in their life.) In this case, it would be harmful for students to learn such extreme attitude if such kind of teachers express their politic and social view to students. 你的意思我都能明白,但是老外的思维可能会理解不了,像是 不健康的思想。。。怎么翻译呢?  violent、harmful、 provocative。怎么说呢,这一段既然你提出来了,就应该深入的阐述明白,或者你在开头时就表明你的态度是中立的。为这一段的让步做好铺垫,否则这一段很累赘。总之,文章写到这里已经到思维疲软的阶段了。再加上时间紧迫很容易造成论证不充分。所以平时多练习吧,首先保证文章整体有条有理,其次语言和论据上有尽量的提高吧。

To sum up, I hold the opinion that teachers should show their political or social views known in the classroom. Not only can students familiar with what they learn from the text book but also it provides an opportunity for teachers and students to chat with each other, during which teachers could find and correct the distorted opinion about society and politics in students’ mind. However, I admit that some unhealthy opinions of teachers would do harm to students’ mind.

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