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[i习作temp] issue8 举2012做例子行吧 没几天了,求狠拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-8 20:06:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 Bela1229 于 2010-4-10 23:00 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE8 - "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."
WORDS: 451
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010/4/7 23:56:36

As a student majored in political science, I completely understand the political leaders' attempt to withhold information from the public. In most cases, political leaders naturally conceal information because they want peace and obedience of the people. However, things usually go against their wishes, so they just try to release some information mostly when it is necessary, even desirable.

From a political viewpoint, political leaders want social stability and illusion of prosperity so as to stay in power for a long period. The less the majority know, the easier for political leaders to impose their influence and fewer voices of dissents could be heard. The absence of bad news creates an illusion of harmonious society, hence the regime is consolidated. Besides, it is justifiable for political leaders to withhold necessary information concerning national security, diplomatic strategy, military reserve, etc, otherwise the society will be disordered and the country cannot establish itself in the world. For example, a spokesman unconsciously spills that the government has to lay off some workers so as to carry out a gradual cooperation reform, then there will be forseeable fierce resistance and the reform may be crumbled. As for military information, certainly political leaders have to carefully protect it from domestic or foreign people or the nation is in a disadvantageous position if war breaks out.

In some extreme cases, it is even desirable to withhold information from the public. In a real emergency, political leaders have to make decision in favor of the public as quick as possible, and if the public get involved, no decision could possibly be made because it is too difficult to satisfy the benefits of every individual. In the movie 2012, political leaders of each nation withhold the information of the doom's day and selected limited number of people to be saved from the catastrophe. At first sight one may contemn the leaders’ behavior as inhuman and brutal, but when we put ourselves in the shoes of those leaders, we might just choose the same way. Just imagine what chaos and desperation there would be when people are confronted with the end of the world. It is possible that not even one person on the planet could survive if people all surged to the arks and broke it. Yet it must be pointed out that the concealment of information is desirable only when the political leaders loyally value the interest of people and the society.

However, I am also aware that it is highly dangerous for the government to withhold all information, for ignorance usually engenders groundless speculation and rumors, which have a grave negative impact on social stability--- it is human nature to imagine the worst when they are not informed. In 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the political leaders tried to withhold the actual number of casualties, while rumors of the casualty number abundant and caused serious panic. Later we know that the real casualties number, which was tragically high, was less than speculated. Furthermore, once the ugly truth is revealed, people would be so irritated and outrageous that the politicians who covered it lost all their credence and legitimacy, even be overthrown.

In sum, political leaders do need to withhold information under certain circumstances, while undue blocking of information can lead to disaster. Before making decisions, they might as well carefully analyze all the information at hand and judge whether to conceal the information serves the public interests better. After all, the ultimate purpose of politics and public administration is to protect and serve its citizen and the country.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-9 17:21:59 |只看该作者
As a student majored in political science, I completely understand the political leaders' attempt to withhold information from the public. In most cases, political leaders naturally conceal information because they want peace and obedience of the people. However, things usually go against their wishes, so they just try to release some information mostly when it is necessary, even desirable. (你的立论点有一个问题,就是把political leaderpeople放在了一个对立的层面上,显现的是统治阶级和被统治阶级的形态,是不是政府的目的就在于让人民服从或者像你在b1上说的那样创造一个illusion很值得探讨。从我的角度看,你对political leader持的是一种反对态度,可是通常我们希望的是政府是为了保障社会稳定与尽力促进社会繁荣的,不管有没有真正做到,这个目的性不应该是片面否定的,所以这样的说法就有一种无政府主义的基调而不容易被接受。像你结尾中所说的,以人民利益为重就与你的基本论点相左,既然政府是为了创造illusion他为什么要以人民利益为重?)

From a political viewpoint, political leaders want social stability and illusion(这个词在这里带有贬义,为什么leader就不能真的希望能创造繁荣,而是繁荣的假象呢?) of prosperity so as to stay in power for a long period. The less the majority know, the easier for political leaders to impose their influence and fewer voices of dissents could be heard. The absence of bad news creates an illusion of harmonious society, hence the regime is consolidated. Besides, it is justifiable for political leaders to withhold necessary information concerning national security, diplomatic strategy, military reserve, etc, otherwise the society will be disordered and the country cannot establish itself in the world. (我赞同这个观点,其实常识是每个国家都有secrets,而且有不同层次的机密,像你举的例子一样,但是这些机密的存在是为了保障国家安全与稳定,而不是创造illusion,对不对?)For example, a spokesman unconsciously spills that the government has to lay off some workers so as to carry out a gradual cooperation reform, then there will be forseeable fierce resistance and the reform may be crumbled. As for military information, certainly political leaders have to carefully protect it from domestic or foreign people or the nation is in a disadvantageous position if war breaks out.
In some extreme cases, it is even desirable to withhold information from the public. In a real emergency, political leaders have to make decision in favor of the public as quick as possible, and if the public get involved, no decision could possibly be made because it is too difficult to satisfy the benefits of every individual. In the movie 2012, political leaders of each nation withhold the information of the doom's day and selected limited number of people to be saved from the catastrophe. At first sight one may contemn the leaders’ behavior as inhuman and brutal, but when we put ourselves in the shoes of those leaders, we might just choose the same way. Just imagine what chaos and desperation there would be when people are confronted with the end of the world. It is possible that not even one person on the planet could survive if people all surged to the arks and broke it. Yet it must be pointed out that the concealment of information is desirable only when the political leaders loyally value the interest of people and the society. (这里你搞错了题目的意思, desirable指的不是leader亟需隐藏信息,而是群众有很强烈的愿望了解这件事情。电影里的情节拿来做例子不是不可以,但问题在于它是有争议的,因为我们都没有遇到世界末日的情况,所以是否应该隐藏信息很难说。你就这个问题的讨论其实和B1是一样的,还是说一些信息的隐藏是为了避免混乱,有利于整体稳定。)

However, I am also aware that it is highly dangerous for the government to withhold all information, for ignorance usually engenders groundless speculation and rumors, which have a grave negative impact on social stability--- it is human nature to imagine the worst when they are not informed. In 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the political leaders tried to withhold the actual number of casualties, while rumors of the casualty number abundant and caused serious panic. Later we know that the real casualties number, which was tragically high, was less than speculated. (这个例子有点shockFurthermore, once the ugly truth is revealed, people would be so irritated and outrageous that the politicians who covered it lost all their credence and legitimacy, even be overthrown. (其实这一段和上面产生了一种矛盾,让人confuse到底是隐瞒还是不隐瞒好呢?是不是应该说清楚,在一些情况下,人们有权知道真相?)

In sum, political leaders do need to withhold information under certain circumstances, while undue blocking of information can lead to disaster. Before making decisions, they might as well carefully analyze all the information at hand and judge whether to conceal the information serves the public interests better. After all, the ultimate purpose of politics and public administration is to protect and serve its citizen and the country.(结尾你说是参考别人的提纲,看来是没错,因为结尾和上面的论述呈现脱节的状态)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-9 19:49:32 |只看该作者
2# sunflower_iris

As a student majored in political science, I completely understand the political leaders' attempt to withhold information from the public. Political leaders have a natural tendency to conceal information because they want a peaceful and ordered society—at least seemingly so. In some cases, it is justifiably necessary or desirable for them to withhold information. Likewise, the people have a natural tendency to suspect politicians, so sometimes it is dangerous to hide information.

政治领导自然地想要隐藏信息因为他们希望社会和平稳定,至少看上去是。 有的情况下,隐藏信息是必要或可取的。 但同样人民自然地怀疑政客,所以隐藏信息有时很危险。


In the first place, why do political leaders ever want to withhold information? Because they want social stability and an illusion of prosperity so that they can stay in power for a long period. The less the majority know, the easier for political leaders to impose their influence and fewer voices of dissents could be heard. The absence of bad news creates an illusion of harmonious society, hence the regime is consolidated. Besides, it is justifiable for political leaders to withhold necessary information concerning national security, diplomatic strategy, military reserve, etc, otherwise the society will be disordered and the country cannot establish itself in the world. For example, a spokesman unconsciously spills that the government has to lay off some workers so as to carry out a gradual cooperation reform, then there will be foreseeable fierce resistance and the reform may be crumbled. As for military information, certainly political leaders have to carefully protect it from domestic or foreign people or the nation is in a disadvantageous position if war breaks out.

In some extreme cases, it is even desirable to withhold information from the public. In a real emergency, political leaders have to make decision in favor of the public as quickly as possible, and if the public get involved, no decision could possibly be made because it is too difficult to satisfy the benefits of every individual. In the movie “2012”, political leaders of each nation withhold the information of the doom's day and selected limited number of people to be saved from the catastrophe. At first sight one may contemn the leaders’ behavior as inhuman and brutal, but when we put ourselves in the shoes of those leaders, we might just choose the same way. Just imagine what chaos and desperation there would be when people are confronted with the end of the world. It is possible that not even one person on the planet could survive if people all surged to the arks and broke them.


DESIRABLE的意思  合意的,理想的,可取的

it is desirable to exercise some social control over technology.





However, it must be pointed out that the concealment of information is necessary or desirable relies on the assumption that the political leaders loyally value the interest of people and the society, and such circumstance like in “2012” is really rare. In real world, when faced with cataclysm, political leaders better expose the actual situation so as to calm the people and encourage them to endure the disaster with solidarity, otherwise ignorance will engender groundless speculation and rumors, which have a grave negative impact on social stability--- it is human nature to imagine the worst when they are not informed. For example, in 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the local leaders tried to withhold the actual number of injured students because they were afraid to be held responsible for the bad construction of the teaching buildings, while rumors of the casualty number abundant and caused serious panic. Later we know that the real casualties number, which was tragically high, was less than speculated. Furthermore, once the ugly truth is revealed, people would be so irritated and outrageous that the politicians who covered it lost all their credence and legitimacy, even be overthrown. Many officials during SARS was deposed because they deliberately withhold information and failed to control the disease.

In sum, political leaders do need to withhold information under certain circumstances, while undue blocking of information can lead to disaster. Before making decisions, they might as well carefully analyze all the information at hand and judge whether to conceal the information serves the public interests better. After all, the ultimate purpose of politics and public administration is to protect and serve its citizen and the country.




使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-12 02:33:49 |只看该作者

As a student majored in political science, I completely understand the political leaders' attempt to withhold information from the public. Political leaders have a natural tendency to conceal information because they want a peaceful and ordered society—at least seemingly so. In some cases, it is justifiably necessary or desirable for them to withhold information. Likewise, the people have a natural tendency to suspect politicians, so sometimes it is dangerous to hide information.

应当说我对你文章的观点没有太多异议,你试图找到一个新的角度,这点没错并且值得鼓励,我很赞同。如果上次的批改让你觉得我针对你的观点,抱歉让你误会了。我修改文章的原则是关注逻辑,观点没有正确与否,就看你是否能够自圆其说。虽然我不是学政治的,在过去一年里我做过关于国家政体的研究,为了写我的论文,看过不少西方政治政体历史哲学书籍,不知道是否有利于理解你的观点。Anyway,我并不打算就西方国家人民的认知与你做一个argue,这是另一个话题,除非你有兴趣探讨,呵呵。只是就这篇issue,ok?你试图将leader和人民放在对立的位置上,像你说的,政客是恶的。那么我要问,你是否认为政客是恶的?这是立论点,也是需要明确的地方。就我看到的而言,你对政客怀有一种矛盾的态度,一方面认同他们是恶的,一方面又认同他们的作为。这就导致了你论述中的矛盾和混乱。无论从谁的角度来探讨问题,你必须建立一个明确的立场,这个是issue写作的基本要求,即使是平衡论证,也有立场可言,简言之,你所认为了necessary, desirable是对谁而言的,对政客必要有益,还是对人民必要有益呢?如果,你的立场是政客,对他们来说,为了建立稳定和秩序,隐藏信息是必要的是有益的,但过度隐藏导致人民怀疑对他们又是有害的,这条逻辑链是清晰的,你也想这样展开,至少开头是这样的,对不对?但是在结尾,你又转向了另一个立场,以人民利益为立论点,为什么呢,因为你在body的论述当中两种立场互相转换,始终没有明确,leader隐藏信息到底是对谁有益。如果对双方都有益,那么你怎么能证明二者是对立的?即政客是恶的,是创造illusion的人,我在文章中找不出支撑这个观点的理由,如果你认为rater是西方人,所以会在情感上认同你的说法,那我只能说,这不太可能,因为issue是逻辑考试。
In the first place, why do political leaders ever want to withhold information?
Because they want social stability and an illusion of prosperity so that they can stay in power for a long period.这句话的修改很好,开始很清晰)
The less the majority know, the easier for political leaders to impose their influence and fewer voices of dissents could be heard. The absence of bad news creates an illusion of harmonious society, hence the regime is consolidated. Besides, it is justifiable(问题在这里,你认同了leader的做法,认为这是对人民有益的,那么为了保障权利的掌握而创造illusion of prosperity也是对人民有益的?I don’t think so.如果你要保持支持政客的立场,就不可能褒贬同时使用,立场相互转换。或者你可以说,隐藏信息是必须的,因为你以上提出的原因,并且隐藏信息也表现出它的用处,因为会避免骚乱保障安全,这些都有利于统治,而不是有利于人民。) for political leaders to withhold necessary information concerning national security, diplomatic strategy, military reserve, etc, otherwise the society will be disordered and the country cannot establish itself in the world. For example, a spokesman unconsciously spills that the government has to lay off some workers so as to carry out a gradual cooperation reform, then there will be foreseeable fierce resistance and the reform may be crumbled. As for military information, certainly political leaders have to carefully protect it from domestic or foreign people or the nation is in a disadvantageous position if war breaks out.

In some extreme cases, it is even desirable to withhold information from the public. In a real emergency, political leaders have to make decision in favor of the public as quickly as possible, and if the public get involved, no decision could possibly be made because it is too difficult to satisfy the benefits of every individual. In the movie “2012”, political leaders of each nation withhold the information of the doom's day and selected limited number of people to be saved from the catastrophe. At first sight one may contemn the leaders’ behavior as inhuman and brutal, but when we put ourselves in the shoes of those leaders, we might just choose the same way. Just imagine what chaos and desperation there would be when people are confronted with the end of the world. It is possible that not even one person on the planet could survive if people all surged to the arks and broke them. (我理解你用这个例子的含义,并没有说这个例子不可以用,只是提出我的观点,毕竟是虚构,在说服力上有所欠缺,因为这些都是基于假设,假设是危险的。当然,你不这么认为,那么你可以坚持你的观点。你说的很明确,necessary是说了就不行,desirable是不说更有益,但是,在文章中你没有说出来这个观点。不论你自己的思维多么清晰,没有表达出来就是零。按照你的逻辑,在B1中,你应当说,如果不隐藏信息,统治就会被颠覆,所以非常必要,在这一段,应当说,可以不隐藏信息,但是隐藏信息更有利更有用。如果单单只是说引发混乱和分裂,那么和B1又有什么区别呢?我所看到的仍然是necessary

However, it must be pointed out that the concealment of information is necessary or desirable relies on the assumption that the political leaders loyally value the interest of people and the society, (问题又来了,上面所说的是leader关心的是他们的政权能否稳固,那么,他们的loyally value of people又是从哪里来的呢?如果政客是恶的,他们怎么会有这种value呢,你只能坚持你的论点,像在开头提出的,人民怀疑,所以过分隐藏必然威胁政权稳定,所以对他们是有害的,是不是?)and such circumstance like in “2012” is really rare. In real world, when faced with cataclysm, political leaders better expose the actual situation so as to calm the people and encourage them to endure the disaster with solidarity, otherwise ignorance will engender groundless speculation and rumors, which have a grave negative impact on social stability--- it is human nature to imagine the worst when they are not informed. For example, in 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the local leaders tried to withhold the actual number of injured students because they were afraid to be held responsible for the bad construction of the teaching buildings, while rumors of the casualty number abundant and caused serious panic. Later we know that the real casualties number, which was tragically high, was less than speculated. Furthermore, once the ugly truth is revealed, people would be so irritated and outrageous that the politicians who covered it lost all their credence and legitimacy, even be overthrown. Many officials during SARS was deposed because they deliberately withhold information and failed to control the disease.
In sum, political leaders do need to withhold information under certain circumstances, while undue blocking of information can lead to disaster. Before making decisions, they might as well carefully analyze all the information at hand and judge whether to conceal the information serves the public interests better. After all, the ultimate purpose of politics and public administration is to protect and serve its citizen and the country.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-13 11:03:41 |只看该作者
4# sunflower_iris



主要批评我 矛盾的立场转换,





使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-14 02:12:28 |只看该作者

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RE: issue8 举2012做例子行吧 没几天了,求狠拍! [修改]
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issue8 举2012做例子行吧 没几天了,求狠拍!
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