接着就讨论起habitat这玩意儿了 而举的第一个关于plover的例子 实际是为了说明habitat selection的重要性("We sound how important habitat selection is when we look at habitats where some of these factors are removed, perhaps through habitat destruction. I just read about a short bird, the plover.") 所以plover既不属于C选项中compare的对象 又对D选项的examine consequences无贡献 只是作为background乱抛罢了 却霸占不少版面(-____-|||)
抛完plover 教授终于转入正题 简简单单的"But now"一语惊醒梦中人啊!接下来的两句至关重要:"what about cases where animals exhibit a clear choice between two suitable habitats? In cases like that, does the preference matter?"
好景不长 教授又来"but"了 真是一波三折啊~~~ "But preferred environment doesn't always seem to correlate with greater reproductive success." 于是牵扯出第三个也是最后一个例子 blackcap
blackcap的first choice habitat是小溪边 second choice是远离水的松树林(不要走极端嘛) 然而寂寞无聊的研究者们却发现 这鸟在这两种栖息地的繁殖成功率居然相差无几 result of the study suggests原来一线城市好是好呢 可争夺资源的竞争也激烈呢 当竞争者数量达到某一值 二线城市的生活质量不比一线差 没准幸福感还高呢~ so判断某个habitat宜居不宜居 资源竞争因素也很重要
lecture到此为止 到底选C:To compare the habitat requirements of several bird species 还是D:To examine the consequences of habitat selection by animals …… 我严重怀疑教授还没讲完 她才提到第一个consequence嘛 即对繁殖后代的影响 中间插播plover和blackcap的广告 接下来应该还有很多consequences要抛 所以根据“听开头”的原则 D吧(14绕道……) C才是红果果的迷惑选项!虽然lecture的确compare了blue warbler和blackcap 但比较的内容不是它们各自的habitat requirements呀 硬伤啊硬伤……
虽说练习时不必计较某条题目的对错 但听懂了却做不对实在是人间杯具