看,引起场内一片哀叹。但还是可爱的小glass boy最先在4号窗上班,先是叫了2号,一个
匆跑上去,看到小glass boy挺和善的一脸笑容
me: good morning, sir
vo: good morning, how are you
me: fine, thank you
vo; so you are from ustc?
me; yes
wo; go to harvard?
me; nod
vo: what is your major?
me; statistics
vo: and you will study biostatistics in harvard?
me; en
vo; What is biostat?
me: biostat is using statistical method in the area of public health and medic
vo; nod and smile
vo: %$#$@@#$$?
me:(当时正在努力识别vo在我ds表上鬼划的东东):en, what?
vo: 很和善的说 have you ever done sth in ... area?
me; nod and say i have done some real data analysis
vo: what is those?
me: faint(从来没有准备过)结结巴巴的嘟囔了两句,其中语法和发音错误可以媲美小学生
vo; 打断我的jjyy,问 can you show me ¥%#·#?
me; 被打断,正郁闷着呢,以为是毕业论文,就给他晃了晃
vo: 摇了摇头,say RESUME
me: 连忙翻出来给他
vo: 看了一下,wow wow了两句,又小声嘟囔了两句,欧没听清
正当我准备再说 what得时候,小glass boy把我的护照放到墙上的架子里,丢出传说中的
我就说了声thank you sir,就撤了,顺便沿路看了看各个vo
4号小glass boy, 5: yymm 6:jfmm 7:jfmm( 不知道哪个是长发) 9: 大glass boy, 10;新